Tao of Love. How to find a soul mate and build the balanced relationship. Li Pin

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Tao of Love. How to find a soul mate and build the balanced relationship - Li Pin

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is not because they go all the way up from ears and this is not about you model size that God sent you. It is simply because the power of this energy and it is strengthened in the earth, and not only prospers in the land, but strengthened in the space sources. This is a very important point.

      In addition, the concept of Land is very important for any Taoist practices, because when we are “rooted” in the Ground, we are “here and now” in this moment. This understanding of “here and now” is the thing that connects Gestalt therapy and Taoist practices. You know, the Earth is Yin energy.

      Yin is considered conventionally feminine energy, it is including women’s. Of course, Yin itself is not so much women one, how much it is inner in its nature, invisible, unmanifested outside in its nature; subtle substance, calm, immovable, cold aspects. In fact, it is precisely the peace and tranquility, depth, some inner fullness, this is all feminine qualities. Therefore, Yin, conventionally, is the female part of the universal Yin energy.

      And it turns out that sometimes our intention does not work in enough quality only because we have no qualitative ground. Well, how do you understand what the grounding is? How to describe what the grounding is, how it works, what does it do, what for?

      We say that grounding is the sort of human energy. The grounding is energy, powerful, filled energy, which runs through our body into the ground. It is our energy that penetrates the earth through. Accordingly, we also take something from the earth; we can also take from the earth. And standing is a very important point. Our legs have got the acupuncture points. The signal from surrounding space passes through them, it passes in the one and in the other direction.

      Because we cannot say that we have only the earth to take the energy from. We take energy from everywhere: something goes back in the ground, something does not go back. But nevertheless, an important contact point exists on our foot, which helps us to work efficiently with the energy of the earth and pass it there and back again. So the legs, the feet are very important for the realization of our intentions. In addition, the Earth is the mother, is the connection, Earth is the parent element, and therefore women’s relationship with their mother-land and this element is very important for a happy life.

      Now let’s talk about the demonstration of grounding in a person’s life, it is very important that you understand what it’s look like to be grounded.

      First of all, grounding is the connection with reality, this metaphorical ground, not directly related to the fact that the feet are on the ground. It is touched with reality as the evidenced by the part of the Yin-Yang. And Jan is the manifested part of Yin and Yang itself.

      And I am a person who lives asexual and non-material life, I dedicate a huge part of my working time to the Taoist practices. And this, as you know, the Yin part of life. It is spiritual and internal inside.

      What does phrase “to work with energy” mean?

      It’s something almost intangible, and it turns out to be a slight imbalance: I do some spiritual things too much, I began to belong to some “heaven elements” too much somehow, and it turns out that I feel like standing on the ground with my feet, and at the same time my soul pulls me up, because that’s where my work is located. And it turns out that reading books on the subject of esoteric and psychology, Taoist practices, communication with the master, Taoist practices, work with energy, qigong and all these are Yin, Yin and Yin.

      Here, it would seem, the sky is Yang, and what we get here— we have got some girls who are guilty of this. Why? Because they are focused on their spiritual sphere too much.

      Somebody’s life is not spiritual at all. Their stuff includes rags, men, and some small things that make women happy. And someone, on the contrary, the roll is in the other direction when a woman pays too much attention to her spiritual sphere, oblivious to the fact that she’s got a body that can get the joy and body experience while eating or drinking tea, cuddling with friends, with relatives, with family members, with children. When the understanding of the importance of this component is lost, so then we say that there is no grounding or the reducing the quality of the grounding takes place.

      So you always should have a very good balance and pay attention to it. It is bad, when we become materialistic and think about money, about material values, but it is also not very good when we are deeply immersed in the elements of Yin, Yin of substance, creating an imbalance of Yin and Yang.

      This is the first point: the departure from earth to the spiritual sphere, or the unmanifested existence in thoughts and imagination. The teenage girls sin with it. They are starting to dream not about particular boys, but the subjects of their dreams are heroes of cartoons or movies. This is a side effect of youth who lives some fictional life.

      This also applies to the virtual communication with men. It is, unfortunately, also harms us, and I used to get a lot of letters from women who say: “I have got my favorite man; we rarely see each other, because we’re constantly online. We met Vkontakte, in Facebook or in a Dating site, we chat, we talk on the phone, but we do not meet each other in the real life.

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