What is time? How and on the basis of what it is formed?. Юрий Михайлович Низовцев

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What is time? How and on the basis of what it is formed? - Юрий Михайлович Низовцев

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can only be transformed into set of other material objects moving differently in some other measurements together with consciousness and according with it. It occurs because beingness can be defined only in the present time of consciousness – in a lift-off from consciousness beingness doesn't exist as well as consciousness doesn't exist without beingness. Consciousness represents as if inner pivot round which beingness rotates. Take out the rod, and everything will be scattered, will turn in clutter, debris, stuff.

      Anyway, each person, unlike inexpressible infinity, understands about the time the fact that he is in its flow, at least, until such time as he shall not die. And it is unimportant for him this process is subjective or objective.

      Each person understands that he, unlike animals or plants, has consciousness, i.e. he can in live conversation with similar to him, using a stored database and estimating the information arriving from all directions continuously, to plan own actions, or to foresee the future which actually never comes so as everything happens in his present.

      The person before set to works, build in mind a model of own actions or deeds which are not related, as in animals, only with problems of survival, but rather, are associated with often unmotivated desires, dreams, fantasies, thirst for new knowledge, feelings, than, in fact, is his freedom. And when the person loses these aspirations which seem not necessary for the current life, he loses meaning of life, turning in the stupid and often cruel bastard. [5]

      What is consciousness, the science didn't define still. The science couldn't even understand, from where undertook consciousness, and from hopelessness decided to recognize consciousness as a product of natural development of all live though from where undertook the very live, the science also still doesn't know.

      If to recognize the fact that consciousness is the top echelon of beingness which just because it is capable to conscious actions, to structural change of remaining beingness, but not just to adapt to it, takes beingness on itself not only as a subordinate and supportive material, but also as a support for itself without which consciousness simply couldn't be, then consciousness should be manifested somewhere not simple for existence, which doesn't beseem to consciousness, but for development – unstoppable and the infinite in incalculable combinations of changing situations, events that is possible only in the course of interaction of consciousnesses and material objects.

      Events happen only with consciousness or on eyes of consciousness. Otherwise it is any more not events, but – the senseless changes of lifeless objects leading to thermal death according to the law of non decreasing entropy. Any event is information case and information is a prerogative of consciousness. Absence of consciousness means absence of events because the consciousness is co-beingness. Deleting consciousness from beingness is loss of one-directivity of time, its irreversibility which, actually, and is created by consciousness at processing of the arriving information in order to avoid corrupting of the current reality by consciousness whereas inanimate objects are mainly characterized by material and/or energy exchange, which causes the destruction or even the annihilation of the interacting objects.

      Just time is a necessary condition for any event. The course of events can be different in various conditions, but it cannot be stopped – he had no beginning and has no end, – because if time was stopped, just zeroing, or rupture of infinity will be occurred and consciousness will be disappeared together with beingness. This is further proof that time is created and hold in beingness by consciousness as necessary for him the process of acquisition of the information from the surrounding.

      Therefore beingness with consciousness as own top echelon develop in time infinitely, but this process isn't continuous, or smoothly, and just as "now", manifesting itself discretely and sequentially via the finite.

      We know only that development of consciousness happens in conditions of Earth together with the person, human civilizations which are finite, unlike consciousness.

      This means that consciousness goes far beyond human communities and only temporarily, but timely attends them. People, civilizations disappear, and the consciousness remains, having changed, having enriched and having become stronger through them.

      However, how beingness together with the top echelon – by consciousness – can infinitely develop, i.e. – without any limit and the beginning? To understand this fact people, at least, in the majority cannot. Therefore the most numerous religion – Christianity – in the basis put the beginning and a doomsday. Curiously, as the science at the present stage of development came besides, having designated as the beginning of the Universe "Big Bang", and as the end – collapse of the Universe. In itself this is quite absurd, because to explain what was before the beginning of the world and be after the end of the world is impossible, as impossible to explain why everything began sudden, and why everything be over. Here, of course, without God, on who you can write off a lot of things not to manage.

      Beginningless and endless, but not cyclical development of consciousness in beingness automatically removes this problem. However, new problems arise. In particular, the problem of the infinite arises, i.e. – infinite development of consciousness. The human considers that there is a limit for everything and no other way.

      So what is concealed behind boundless development of consciousness is it possible and how it occurs?

      Boundlessness in itself in beingness is quite possible. For example, number of combinations in chess in case of 64 cells makes 10 in the 120th degree, whereas the number of atoms in the Universe between which there are different conversions and combinations, makes 10 in the 80th degree. The modern science claims that the uncountable quantity of universes appears and disappears, like bubbles. So number of combinations of the infinite number of objects is also infinitely. Therefore the course of events in which the consciousness acts, formally can go endlessly.

      Specifically, the infinity for each individual consciousness, more precisely, soul, which is external manifestation of consciousness, isn't the continuous process of eternal development towards permanent improvement of consciousness doing this individual consciousness by wise infinitely.

      Boundless wisdom in itself, perfection mean loss of interest to life which is the complete opposite of wisdom in the incessant errors, following to feelings, but not mind, preference not of knowledge of structure of atom or laws of development of universes, and live conversation with similar of itself, or discovery, expression of itself, and following from it love, hatred, concern, fear, hopes, ignorance, nonsense, aspiration to unattainable etc.

      This contradiction seeming fatal is resolved by consciousness by dipping over and over again from the infinite perfection in usual finite, troublemaking life, with all its troubles and rare happy moments where consciousness together with own body becomes again by young, cheerful and enterprising, and then – by old, sad and fatally sick.

      It is known that the cognitive scope becomes wider with extension of a circle of knowledge. So any calm and limit in knowledge for consciousness isn't foreseen. However consciousness develops in the set of separate, but connected souls not so much for the purposes of knowledge, – how many for life in different changing worlds, i.e. not only in order to know but also – to feel: to worry, to die, to be born, to rejoice, to grieve, to live in misery, to be ill, to make mistakes, to take offense, to look for ways to an output from created situations, to love and suffer, generally, to express itself by all possible methods and to assume on itself the expression of consciousnesses similar to itself. All this is higher than wisdom and knowledge which in itself are fruitless and which can be applied in life not necessarily to goodness and happiness to each living being.

      Therefore any soul lives in operating finite object temporarily, but inseparable with it, without remembering own former lives, according to the usual dissatisfaction expressing in desires and needs for knowledge, feelings, searches. Soul can evaluate and compare all this with accumulated in past lives of the appropriate cycle of development after death of each finite object for correction of the forward movement and development.

      After completion of passing of a certain level, for example, the level of lives in civilizations, similar earth civilizations, and practical exhaustion of opportunities for development in these conditions, the soul does a pause and passes to another cycle in other conditions, for example, in the conditions of not biological existence.

      Pauses, which each

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