Cursed by a Fortune. Fenn George Manville

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Cursed by a Fortune - Fenn George Manville

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this little walk up and down here. I was watching and came after you to show you the way about the grounds.”

      “It was very kind of you, Claud. Thank you; but let me go in now.”

      “Shan’t I don’t get a chance to have a walk with such a girl as you every day. I am glad you’ve come. It makes our house seem quite different.”

      “Thank you for saying so – but I feel quite faint now.”

      “More need for you to stop in the fresh air. You faint, and I’ll bring you to again with a kiss. That’s the sort of thing to cure a girl who faints.”

      She looked at him in horror and disgust, as he burst into a boisterous laugh.

      “I suppose old Garstang isn’t a bad sort but we don’t much like him here. I say, what do you think of Harry Dasent?”

      “I – I hardly know,” said Kate, who was trying her best to get back along the path by some laurels to where the conservatory door by the drawing-room stood open. “I have seen so little of him.”

      “So much the better for you. He’s not a bad sort of a fellow for men to know, but he’s an awful cad with girls. Not a bit of a gentleman. You won’t see much more of him, though, for the guv’nor says he won’t have him here. I say, a month ago it would have made me set up on bristles, because I want him for a mate, but I don’t mind now you’ve come. We’ll be regular pals, and go out together everywhere. I’ll soon show you what country life is. Oh, well, if you will go in now I won’t stop you. I’ll go and have the little gun cleaned up, and – I say, come round the other way; I haven’t shown you the dogs.”

      “No, no – not now, please, Claud. I really am tired out and faint.”

      He still kept her hand tightly under his arm, in spite of her effort to withdraw it, and followed her into the conservatory, which was large and well-filled with ornamental shrubs and palms.

      “Well, you do look a bit tired, dear, but it becomes you. I say, I am so glad you’ve come. What a pretty little hand this is. You’ll give me a kiss before you go?”

      She started from him in horror.

      “Nobody can’t see here. Just one,” he whispered, as he passed his arm round her waist; and before she could struggle free he had roughly kissed her twice.

      “Um-m-m,” exclaimed Mrs Wilton, in a soft simmering way. “Claud, Claud, my dear, shocking, shocking! Oh, fie, fie, fie! You shouldn’t, you know. Anyone would think you were an engaged couple.”

      “Aunt, dear!” cried Kate, in an agitated voice, as she clung to that lady, but no further words would come.

      “Oh, there, there, my dear, don’t look like that,” cried Mrs Wilton. “I’m not a bit cross. Why, you’re all of a flutter. I wasn’t blaming you, my dear, only that naughty Claud. It was very rude of him, indeed. Really, Claud, my dear, it is not gentlemanly of you. Poor Kate is quite alarmed.”

      “Then you shouldn’t have come peeping,” cried the oaf, with a boisterous laugh.

      “Claud! for shame! I will not allow it. It is not respectful to your mamma. Now, come in, both of you. Mr Garstang is here – with your father, Claud, my love; and I wish you to be very nice and respectful to him, for who knows what may happen? Kate, my dear, I never think anything of money, but when one has rich relatives who have no children of their own, I always say that we oughtn’t to go out of our way to annoy them. Henry Dasent certainly is my sister’s child, but one can’t help thinking more of one’s own son; and as Harry is nothing to Mr Garstang, I can’t see how he can help remembering Claud very strongly in his will.”

      “Doesn’t Claud wish he may get it!” cried that youth, with a grin. “I’m not going to toady old Garstang for the sake of his coin.”

      “Nobody wishes you to, my dear; but come in; they must be done with their business by now. Come, my darling. Why, there’s a pretty bloom on your cheeks already. I felt that a little fresh air would do you good. They’re in the library; come along. We can go in through the verandah. Don’t whistle, Claud, dear; it’s so boyish.”

      They passed together out of the farther door of the conservatory into the verandah, and as they approached an open window, a smooth bland voice said:

      “I’ll do the best I can, Mr Wilton; but I am only the agent. If I stave it off, though, it can only be for a short time, and then – Ah, my dear child!”

      John Garstang, calm, smooth, well-dressed and handsome, rose from one of the library chairs as Kate entered with her aunt, and held out both his hands: “I am very glad to see you again – very, very sorry to hear that you have been so ill. Hah!” he continued, as he scrutinised the agitated face before him in a tender fatherly way, “not quite right yet, though,” and he led her to a chair near the fire. “That rosy tinge is a trifle too hectic, and the face too transparently white. You must take care of her, Maria Wilton, and see that she has plenty of this beautiful fresh air. I hope she is a good obedient patient.”

      “Ve-ry, ve-ry, good indeed, John Garstang, only a little too much disposed to keep to her room.”

      “Oh, well, quite natural, too,” said Garstang, smiling. “What we all do when we are ailing. But there, we must not begin a discussion about ailments. I’m very glad to see you again, though, Kate, and congratulate you upon being here.”

      “Thank you, Mr Garstang,” she replied, giving him a wistful look, as a feeling of loneliness amongst these people made her heart seem to contract.

      “Well, Wilton, I don’t think we need talk any more about business?”

      “Oh, we’re not going to stay,” cried Mrs Wilton. “Come, Kate, my child, and let these dreadful men talk.”

      “By no means,” said Garstang; “sit still, pray. We shall have plenty of time for anything more we have to say over a cigar to-night, for I’ve come down to throw myself upon your hospitality for a day or two.”

      “Of course, of course,” said Wilton, quickly; “Maria has a room ready for you.”

      “Yes, your old room, John Garstang; and it’s beautifully aired, and just as you like it.”

      “Thank you, Maria. You aunt always spoils me, Kate, when I come down here. I look upon the place as quite an oasis in the desert of drudgery and business; and at last I have to drag myself away, or I should become a confirmed sybarite.”

      “Well, why don’t you?” said Claud. “Only wish I had your chance.”

      “My dear Claud, you speak with the voice of one-and-twenty. When you are double your age you will find, as I do, that money and position and life’s pleasures soon pall, and that the real enjoyment of existence is really in work.”

      “Walker!” said Claud, contemptuously.

      Garstang laughed merrily, and while Wilton and his wife frowned and shook their heads at their son, he turned to Kate.

      “It is of no use to preach to young people,” he said, “but what I say is the truth. Not that I object to a bit of pleasure, Claud, boy. I’m looking forward to a few hours with you, my lad – jolly ones, as you call them, and as I used. How about the pheasants?”

      “More than you’ll shoot.”

      “Sure to be. My eye is not so true as it was, Maria.”

      “Stuff! You look quite a young man still.”

      “Well, I feel so sometimes. What about the pike in the lake, Claud? Can we troll a bit?”

      “It’s chock full of them. The weeds are rotten and the pike want thinning down. Will you come?”

      “Will I come! Indeed I will; and I’d ask your cousin to come on the lake with us to see our sport, but it would not be wise. How is the bay?”

      “Fit as a fiddle. Say the word and I’ll have him round if you’re for a ride.”

      “After lunch, my dear, after lunch,” said Mrs Wilton.


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