The Confessions of Arsène Lupin. Leblanc Maurice
Читать онлайн книгу.Hargrove went out about half-an-hour ago," said the publican. "He seemed very much excited and took a taxi-cab, a thing he doesn't often do."
"And you don't know…"
"Where he was going? Well, there's no secret about it He shouted it loud enough! 'Prefecture of Police' is what he said to the driver…"
Lupin was himself just hailing a taxi, when he changed his mind; and I heard him mutter:
"What's the good? He's got too much start of us…"
He asked if any one called after Mr. Hargrove had gone.
"Yes, an old gentleman with a grey beard and spectacles. He went up to Mr. Hargrove's, rang the bell, and went away again."
"I am much obliged," said Lupin, touching his hat.
He walked away slowly without speaking to me, wearing a thoughtful air. There was no doubt that the problem struck him as very difficult, and that he saw none too clearly in the darkness through which he seemed to be moving with such certainty.
He himself, for that matter, confessed to me:
"These are cases that require much more intuition than reflection. But this one, I may tell you, is well worth taking pains about."
We had now reached the boulevards. Lupin entered a public reading-room and spent a long time consulting the last fortnight's newspapers. Now and again, he mumbled:
"Yes … yes … of course … it's only a guess, but it explains everything… Well, a guess that answers every question is not far from being the truth…"
It was now dark. We dined at a little restaurant and I noticed that Lupin's face became gradually more animated. His gestures were more decided. He recovered his spirits, his liveliness. When we left, during the walk which he made me take along the Boulevard Haussmann, towards Baron Repstein's house, he was the real Lupin of the great occasions, the Lupin who had made up his mind to go in and win.
We slackened our pace just short of the Rue de Courcelles. Baron Repstein lived on the left-hand side, between this street and the Faubourg Saint-Honoré, in a three-storied private house of which we could see the front, decorated with columns and caryatides.
"Stop!" said Lupin, suddenly.
"What is it?"
"Another proof to confirm my supposition…"
"What proof? I see nothing."
"I do… That's enough…"
He turned up the collar of his coat, lowered the brim of his soft hat and said:
"By Jove, it'll be a stiff fight! Go to bed, my friend. I'll tell you about my expedition to-morrow … if it doesn't cost me my life."
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh, I know what I'm saying! I'm risking a lot. First of all, getting arrested, which isn't much. Next, getting killed, which is worse. But…" He gripped my shoulder. "But there's a third thing I'm risking, which is getting hold of two millions… And, once I possess a capital of two millions, I'll show people what I can do! Good-night, old chap, and, if you never see me again…" He spouted Musset's lines:
"Plant a willow by my grave,
The weeping willow that I love…"
I walked away. Three minutes later – I am continuing the narrative as he told it to me next day – three minutes later, Lupin rang at the door of the Hôtel Repstein.
"Is monsieur le baron at home?"
"Yes," replied the butler, examining the intruder with an air of surprise, "but monsieur le baron does not see people as late as this."
"Does monsieur le baron know of the murder of M. Lavernoux, his land-agent?"
"Well, please tell monsieur le baron that I have come about the murder and that there is not a moment to lose."
A voice called from above:
"Show the gentleman up, Antoine."
In obedience to this peremptory order, the butler led the way to the first floor. In an open doorway stood a gentleman whom Lupin recognized from his photograph in the papers as Baron Repstein, husband of the famous baroness and owner of Etna, the horse of the year.
He was an exceedingly tall, square-shouldered man. His clean-shaven face wore a pleasant, almost smiling expression, which was not affected by the sadness of his eyes. He was dressed in a well-cut morning-coat, with a tan waistcoat and a dark tie fastened with a pearl pin, the value of which struck Lupin as considerable.
He took Lupin into his study, a large, three-windowed room, lined with book-cases, sets of pigeonholes, an American desk and a safe. And he at once asked, with ill-concealed eagerness:
"Do you know anything?"
"Yes, monsieur le baron."
"About the murder of that poor Lavernoux?"
"Yes, monsieur le baron, and about madame le baronne also."
"Do you really mean it? Quick, I entreat you…"
He pushed forward a chair. Lupin sat down and began:
"Monsieur le baron, the circumstances are very serious. I will be brief."
"Yes, do, please."
"Well, monsieur le baron, in a few words, it amounts to this: five or six hours ago, Lavernoux, who, for the last fortnight, had been kept in a sort of enforced confinement by his doctor, Lavernoux – how shall I put it? – telegraphed certain revelations by means of signals which were partly taken down by me and which put me on the track of this case. He himself was surprised in the act of making this communication and was murdered."
"But by whom? By whom?"
"By his doctor."
"Who is this doctor?"
"I don't know. But one of M. Lavernoux's friends, an Englishman called Hargrove, the friend, in fact, with whom he was communicating, is bound to know and is also bound to know the exact and complete meaning of the communication, because, without waiting for the end, he jumped into a motor-cab and drove to the Prefecture of Police."
"Why? Why?.. And what is the result of that step?"
"The result, monsieur le baron, is that your house is surrounded. There are twelve detectives under your windows. The moment the sun rises, they will enter in the name of the law and arrest the criminal."
"Then is Lavernoux's murderer concealed in my house? Who is he? One of the servants? But no, for you were speaking of a doctor!.."
"I would remark, monsieur le baron, that when this Mr. Hargrove went to the police to tell them of the revelations made by his friend Lavernoux, he was not aware that his friend Lavernoux was going to be murdered. The step taken by Mr Hargrove had to do with something else…"
"With what?"
"With the disappearance of madame la baronne, of which he knew the secret, thanks to the communication made by Lavernoux."
"What! They know at last! They have found the baroness! Where is she? And the jewels? And the money she robbed me of?"
Baron Repstein was talking in a great state of excitement. He rose and, almost shouting at Lupin, cried:
"Finish your story, sir! I can't endure this suspense!"
Lupin continued, in a slow and hesitating voice:
"The fact is … you see … it is rather difficult to explain … for you and I are looking at the thing from a totally different point of view."
"I don't understand."
"And yet you ought to understand, monsieur le baron… We begin by saying – I am quoting the newspapers – by saying, do we not, that Baroness Repstein knew all the secrets of your business and that she was able to open not only that safe over there, but also the one at the Crédit Lyonnais in which you kept your securities locked up?"