The History of almost Everything. Practical guide of the eaters of Time. Lim Word

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The History of almost Everything. Practical guide of the eaters of Time - Lim Word

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of the era. The activist of the Russian and German Social-Democratic movement, a Marxist, whose main thesis is something like: «In order to defeat the capitalists, one must become capitalists themselves.» Birth – 1867, Berezino, Minsk province, the family of artisans. Study in Odessa, then Zurich, where Parvus converges (already a doctor of philosophy) with the group «Emancipation of Labor». Gelfand becomes a literary agent of M. Gorky, popularizes his plays in Germany and other countries, puts in his pocket a solid commission/

      The peak of the work of the revolutionary was in 1915, when Parvus managed to organize a stream of Kaiser money from Germany to Russia. These funds «work» in Ukraine, the Caucasus (through Constantinople), in Finland and Siberia – wherever a national split is planned. Organized strike strikes with unrealistic demands, acts of sabotage and sabotage. Simultaneously, the media controlled by Parvus form in the Entente countries, the USA, a negative opinion towards Russia. The Marxist and the tycoon explains to the German command how best to strike his country (to the South, and not to Petrograd). Through the manipulation of rumors, the owner of a number of newspapers, brings down the ruble exchange rate. All this in some way correlates with the happiness of ordinary Russian workers…

      In the midst of fiery revolutionaries, Parvus is regarded as a very muddy personality – but he wants to be involved, known – and, although not without difficulty, buys their friendship for 20 million German marks, and somehow, gold rubles.

      After the October Revolution, her chief treasurer expressed Lenin’s desire to become finance minister, but, having done his job, the «moor» is answered, perhaps not without malice: «The revolution does not tolerate anyone who has dirty hands.»

      Germany in his citizenship denied Gelfand. Nevertheless, he settles in Berlin, surrounded by pleasant luxury and, through his media, warns Europe against the «invasion of Bolshevism.»

      Dies in 1924, at the age of 54, from heart disease.

      7. Pyotr Arkadevich Stolypin (right). (1862—1911). Quotation about the Russo-Japanese War: «How can a man go joyfully into battle, defending some leased land in unknown areas? The war is sad and heavy, not colored by the sacrificial impulse …». As you know, Tsar Nicholas II meets the news of the murder of Stolypin (the 11th attempt) with a certain amount of satisfaction. The monarch believes that the prime minister conveys the «divine» power of the emperor of the bourgeoisie. It is not insane for the soap that the tsarist secret police performs the unspoken desire of the emperor to eliminate his active alter-ego. The bullets of Bogrov fall into the hands and liver of the Prime Minister. Pogreben PS in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, at the place of the murder. Later the grave was asphalted.

      8. Mordko Mordechai Gershkovich «Bogrov» (1887 – 1911). Assassin Stolypin. One of the causes of the Civil War in Russia. The anarchist, at the same time, is the regular informant of the security department (a fee of 150 rubles a month, three times the number of highly skilled workers). The main idea is «protest against tedious routine». Quotation (after the death sentence): «Yes, I do not care if I eat two thousand more cutlets in my life, or I will not eat.»

      9. Boris Viktorovich Savinkov, revolutionary, terrorist, political activist. Birth – 1879, Kharkov. One of the leaders of the militant organization of the Socialist Revolutionaries, an image of the time that evokes the idea of a romantic struggle against a colossal empire, combining living in expensive hotels, success with women, and killing «bad» officials. After the February Revolution – the head of the military ministry, the military governor of Petrograd. Emigration, return to Russia, arrest. At the trial, Boris Savinkov says something like: «I’ve committed so many terrorist acts, but you accuse me of something!?» The shooting is replaced by a ten-year sentence.

      In prison, Savinkov has a separate well-equipped cell. According to the official version, he commits suicide by throwing himself out of the window (1925, Moscow).

      The acting forces of Russia on the eve of the Revolution:

      1. The Old Believers. According to the averaged data, there are 12% of the population in the country. Almost 90% of the richest merchants, industrialists, many soldiers are adherents of the pre-Niconian ritual. The reason for this state of affairs is the opportunity to conduct business in a circle of trusted people, without cobweb of documents, relying only on honesty, supporting «our» interest-free, sometimes, by agreement, irrevocable loans, advice and deed, full-fledged spiritual intercourse of lay people. Tempered by repressions of the tsarist regime, the ancient faiths are accustomed to surviving in the most difficult conditions, are in some opposition to the existing system, and are much aimed at «creating the Kingdom of God on earth» with their own head and hands. Communities («Accord», «Tolkas») of the ancient faiths are very diverse, independent (their representatives and without the priests of the state church, are able to serve in the church), they need free space for self-expression, and not a viscous state «n-n-e-t «To all their efficient suggestions.

      2. The Cossacks. The beginning of this subethnos is believed to be the Great Famine of 1601—1603, when many people, from «perpetual work and slavishness of the non-volatile» flee to «Ukrainians», ie, very little populated lands of Russia. A term is derived from the Turkic word «kaz» – «goose», in this context meaning «free (like a bird) nomad». According to the census of 1897, there were three million Cossacks. It can be assumed that by 1918 – the time of the outbreak of the Civil War they were already three and a half million, 2.5% of the population of Russia. Russians, by and large, the Cossacks do not consider themselves, but they stay with the Empire in a fairly stable symbiosis. Sometimes they actively oppose the state (the first, recorded in the sources of the battle of the forces of the metropolis – in 1489, under Ivan the Third, against the Khlynov (Khlynov, Vyatka, modern Kirov) Cossacks, sometimes help him a lot in the struggle against external forces. Cossacks General Platov, successfully fighting against the forces of Napoleon.In the border (line) is not the peaceful North Caucasus, in particular impoverished noblemen («monogamy»), take roots, become very active and battle-worthy «linear Cossacks.»

      Undoubtedly, the Cossacks are the main support of the Russian autocracy, a kind of analogue of the «Internal Troops». The fact that they do not fully identify themselves with the radical ethnos allows the tsarist government, without much thought, to direct them to «pacify» the peasants who are outraged by the landowners, the striking workers and students, and «small towns» in towns. However, a significant part of the Cossacks are fighting on the side of the «Red Empire». Therefore, on April 20, 1936, by the decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, restrictions on the service of the Cossacks are removed.

      In the Civil War, the «white» Cossacks show themselves more likely, the original «free nomads», rather than sensible state builders and saviors of Russia. It seems that the main thing for them now is to ruin the big cities of the center of the country, return to the original limits with trophies and organize their own isolated life. This is also the case during the «sovereignty parade» of 1991 – on November 20, a large «Cossack circle of the South of Russia» in Novocherkassk proclaims the merger of quasi-state Cossack entities into the Union of Cossack Republics of the South of Russia. However, this separatist undertaking, in a somewhat strengthened Russia, has no immediate continuation.

      3. The Jews. As you know, most of them went to Russia at the partition of the Commonwealth, in the time of Catherine II. By 1880, the Empire has five million people, 67% of the entire Jewish population. At one time, a «Pale of Settlement» was introduced for them, which does not allow migrating from the borders of present-day Byelorussia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine into the interior of central Russia. Exceptions are made for merchants of the first guild, retired recruits, people with higher education, and Central Asian Jews. Such «special» representatives of the genus «aspiring to Zion» number only about 200 thousand.

      One way or another, the residence of Jews in Russia is limited to Ivan the Terrible. Of course, we can not regard this monarch as a high spiritual authority. But, other Russian rulers –

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