Coriolanus. Уильям Шекспир

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Coriolanus - Уильям Шекспир

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envy. Fix thy foot.

        MARCIUS. Let the first budger die the other's slave,

          And the gods doom him after!

        AUFIDIUS. If I fly, Marcius,

          Halloa me like a hare.

        MARCIUS. Within these three hours, Tullus,

          Alone I fought in your Corioli walls,

          And made what work I pleas'd. 'Tis not my blood

          Wherein thou seest me mask'd. For thy revenge

          Wrench up thy power to th' highest.

        AUFIDIUS. Wert thou the Hector

          That was the whip of your bragg'd progeny,

          Thou shouldst not scape me here.

Here they fight, and certain Volsces come in the aid of AUFIDIUS. MARCIUS fights till they be driven in breathless

          Officious, and not valiant, you have sham'd me

          In your condemned seconds. Exeunt

      SCENE IX. The Roman camp

      Flourish. Alarum. A retreat is sounded. Enter, at one door, COMINIUS with the Romans; at another door, MARCIUS, with his arm in a scarf

        COMINIUS. If I should tell thee o'er this thy day's work,

          Thou't not believe thy deeds; but I'll report it

          Where senators shall mingle tears with smiles;

          Where great patricians shall attend, and shrug,

          I' th' end admire; where ladies shall be frighted

          And, gladly quak'd, hear more; where the dull tribunes,

          That with the fusty plebeians hate thine honours,

          Shall say against their hearts 'We thank the gods

          Our Rome hath such a soldier.'

          Yet cam'st thou to a morsel of this feast,

          Having fully din'd before.

      Enter TITUS LARTIUS, with his power, from the pursuit

        LARTIUS. O General,

          Here is the steed, we the caparison.

          Hadst thou beheld-

        MARCIUS. Pray now, no more; my mother,

          Who has a charter to extol her blood,

          When she does praise me grieves me. I have done

          As you have done- that's what I can; induc'd

          As you have been- that's for my country.

          He that has but effected his good will

          Hath overta'en mine act.

        COMINIUS. You shall not be

          The grave of your deserving; Rome must know

          The value of her own. 'Twere a concealment

          Worse than a theft, no less than a traducement,

          To hide your doings and to silence that

          Which, to the spire and top of praises vouch'd,

          Would seem but modest. Therefore, I beseech you,

          In sign of what you are, not to reward

          What you have done, before our army hear me.

        MARCIUS. I have some wounds upon me, and they smart

          To hear themselves rememb'red.

        COMINIUS. Should they not,

          Well might they fester 'gainst ingratitude

          And tent themselves with death. Of all the horses-

          Whereof we have ta'en good, and good store- of all

          The treasure in this field achiev'd and city,

          We render you the tenth; to be ta'en forth

          Before the common distribution at

          Your only choice.

        MARCIUS. I thank you, General,

          But cannot make my heart consent to take

          A bribe to pay my sword. I do refuse it,

          And stand upon my common part with those

          That have beheld the doing.

A long flourish. They all cry 'Marcius, Marcius!' cast up their caps and lances. COMINIUS and LARTIUS stand bare

          May these same instruments which you profane

          Never sound more! When drums and trumpets shall

          I' th' field prove flatterers, let courts and cities be

          Made all of false-fac'd soothing. When steel grows

          Soft as the parasite's silk, let him be made

          An overture for th' wars. No more, I say.

          For that I have not wash'd my nose that bled,

          Or foil'd some debile wretch, which without note

          Here's many else have done, you shout me forth

          In acclamations hyperbolical,

          As if I lov'd my little should be dieted

          In praises sauc'd with lies.

        COMINIUS. Too modest are you;

          More cruel to your good report than grateful

          To us that give you truly. By your patience,

          If 'gainst yourself you be incens'd, we'll put you-

          Like one that means his proper harm- in manacles,

          Then reason safely with you. Therefore be it known,

          As to us, to all the world, that Caius Marcius

          Wears this war's garland; in token of the which,

          My noble steed, known to the camp, I give him,

          With all his trim belonging; and from this time,

          For what he did before Corioli, call him

          With all th' applause-and clamour of the host,

          Caius Marcius Coriolanus.

          Bear th' addition nobly ever!

                                 [Flourish. Trumpets sound, and drums]

        ALL. Caius Marcius Coriolanus!

        CORIOLANUS. I will go wash;

          And when my face is fair you shall perceive

          Whether I blush or no. Howbeit, I thank you;

          I mean to stride your steed, and at all times

          To undercrest your good addition

          To th' fairness of my power.

        COMINIUS. So, to our tent;

          Where, ere we do repose us, we will write

          To Rome of our success. You, Titus Lartius,

          Must to Corioli back. Send us to Rome


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