The theory of everything, which is not. Oleg Oka

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The theory of everything, which is not - Oleg Oka

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that they were originally invented for convenience only. For example, some physicists describe gravity in terms of curved space of ten dimensions. But these ten measurements, just words for temporary use as replacement parts of abstract mathematical formulas. Even if these formulas will be useful, it does not mean that all ten dimensions do exist. Words such as dimension, field, infinity is not that other, as a convenient term for mathematicians and physicists. They do not describe reality, but we accept on faith that these things exist, hoping that someone still understands what they mean … —

      – …Did you hear about string theory? he asked. – String theory says that all of our reality as gravity, magnetism, light can be explained in one General theory, which operates tiny, like strings, vibrating objects. String theory has not yet yielded any practical results. It still has not been proved experimentally, however, thousands of physicists devote their careers, on the grounds that it is plausible.”…

      – “… Take gravity. Gravity is also impossible to jacket the. Its action extends over the whole Universe, and it affects all objects. And at the same time has no physical form. —

      – As I recall, Einstein said that gravity is the curvature of space-time by massive objects, ' said I…

      – All right, Einstein said so. What does that mean? —

      It means that space is curved, so when we think that objects attract each other, in fact they’re just moving along the shortest path through curved space. —

      – Can you imagine bent space? —

      I can’t, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not really curved! Will you argue with Einstein.” Adams With. “Fragments Of God”

      – AND WHY NOT? —

      – “… World in which we live can be understood as the result of confusion and occasion; but if it is the result of a consciously chosen goal, that goal apparently belongs to enemy of the human race. As for me, I think the case is less painful and more plausible hypothesis.” B. Russell’s “is There life after death”

      I’m not against both, and the third… In our world, everything can be… but I’ll stick with intuition. So just more interesting to listen to “the music of the spheres”…

      Only how to be with the truth? Treat her poor as to abstraction? I don’t like to live by abstractions. It’s not even of Zurbagan A. green.

      And for myself, I decided so (it is not a panacea and is not a recommendation!) :

      – true knowledge the one that I designate as such ;

      – rational, rationalize, received intuitively and based on my experience.

      And experience of those I respect.


      – “First – that the soul is older than all that has been allotted birth; she is immortal, and rules all bodies; secondly, that the stellar bodies, as we’ve said many times, is the mind of all that exists.” Plato’s “Laws.”

      And I found a good tool To have. Vernadsky – “philosophical skepticism”.

      Practically, it means this (if I understand correctly);

      – “all training and systems are good, choose on taste” – of course, it is necessary to know the leading philosophers, their views of the school system. But we must not make idols. To accept what fits your worldview, use, not forgetting to mention the author, analyze, develop…

      But remember that you’re the smartest. So, no more stupid than others.

      – “… the saying of Aristotle: “It is the mark of an educated

      mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

      – “Sign of an educated mind is the ability to play

      thought, disagreeing with her.” —

      – With HUMOR, WITH HUMOR… We are not the first, well, not the first, and last, but not least…

      – “In comparison with what in General, in principle, possible to know I know nothing. To create smart-sounding answers I used credo of the skeptics: – “the Simplest explanation is usually right.”.

      All my experience shows, however, just the opposite – in this complicated world the simplest explanation is usually always wrong. But I noticed that the simplest explanation is usually correct and looks much more convincing than any complicated explanation could be.” Adams, S. “Fragments Of God”


      Is it possible to represent infinity? Man needs a point of reference, he need mapping, otherwise it will not know what was going on. But what can be compared with the absolute?

      The space of the Universe – infinitely. In all respects. This should be the starting point. As for Aristotle, the vector starts from the center of the World and went to infinity. But in the infinity Space Center is any arbitrarily taken point from which you can build a variety of coordinate systems, and each of these systems on their vectors will have infinite number of starting points for new coordinates…

      And they are all identical to any other taken at random.

      – “… The time may be continuous, and the moment will not last forever. —

      – Yes, mathematically it all works. And as the moment lasts forever, we believe that the paradox of Zeno is not really a paradox. Unfortunately, this solution is incorrect. Infinity is a useful tool for mathematics, but this is just an abstract concept. This is not a property of our physical reality. —

      – Isn’t the universe infinitely large? – I asked.

      – Most scientists agree that the universe is huge but finite. —

      – It does not make sense. What if I get there on a rocket to the end of the Universe and will not stop? Will I not be able to fly forever? Where would I be if not in the Universe? —

      – You are always part of the Universe, by definition. So, when your missile crosses the current boundary of the Universe, the boundary will move with you. You will become a new external border of the Universe in this direction. But the universe still would have a specific size, not infinite. —

      – Well, the universe may be finite, but all the nothingness around it endlessly, right? – I asked.

      – Does not make sense to say that you have an infinite amount of nothing … "– Adams, S.“Fragments of God”

      In infinity there is no space of Time, because here time is tied to any of an infinite number of arbitrary points is identical. That is, the time will be infinitely duplicate itself…

      Can we somehow limit infinity?

      This means to localize artificially taken volume of Space, to impose an invented measurement system, and so an infinite number of times. It’s all the same for each planet in the Solar system to invent their own physical laws, its own chemistry, Mineralogy, tectonics, optics, and spread this method to all the infinite space. But then will be destroyed by the laws, the tenets on which keeps all of our human science. And the infinity of Space wins.

      Because the fact is that our little universe contains everything necessary for survival in a limited world, self-sufficient world, which is not the case INDEFINITELY, and if our world tries to get in touch with the absolute of the Universe, he will be put in the position of the necessity of self-destruction and assimilation into INFINITY.

      I think, as has already happened an infinite number of times, because our world has the time, and therefore the beginning and the end, but this is not the beginning and end of the Universe, because it is a necessary condition for this constant cycle of Universes – a Holy place is never empty. We need the Universe,

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