English for physicists. Лидия Страутман

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English for physicists - Лидия Страутман

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more complicated than it is. Let's say, for instance, you want to show the number 300,000,000 in scientific notation (a very useful number in physics), and let's assume we know this value to three significant digits. We would start by writing our three significant digits, with the decimal point after the first digit, as «3.00». Now, we need to multiply this number by 10 to some power in order to get back to our original value. In this case, we multiply 3.00 by 108, for an answer of 3.00×108. Interestingly, the power you raise the 10 to is exactly equal to the number of digits you moved the decimal to the left as you converted from standard to scientific notation. Similarly, if you start in scientific notation, to convert to standard notation, all you have to do is remove the 108 power by moving the decimal point eight digits to the right. Now you are an expert in scientific notation!

      But, what do you do if the number is much smaller than one? The same basic idea… let's assume we're dealing with the approximate radius of an electron, which is 0.00000000000000282 m. It's easy to see how unwieldy this could become. We can write this in scientific notation by writing our three significant digits, with the decimal point after the first digit, as «2.82». Again, we multiply this number by some power to 10 in order to get back to our original value. Because our value is less than 1, we need to use negative powers of 10. If we raise 10 to the power -15, specifically, we get a final value of 2.82×10-15 m. In essence, for every digit we moved the decimal place, we add another power of 10. And if we start with scientific notation, all we do is move the decimal place left one digit for every negative power of (to) 10.

      VII. Answer the questions on the text

      1. In what way are physics and mathematics related?

      2. What is meant by scientific notation?

      3. What rules does it follow?

      4. How many positions do you need to show the numbers in scientific notation?

      5. Express the number 0.000470 in scientific notation.

      Express the number 2,870,000 in scientific notation.

      UNIT 2


      to involve v. – 1) вовлекать; включать в себя

      2) быть связанным с ч-л.;

      prediction n. – предположение; предсказание phenomenon n. – явление;

      to communicate v. – 1) сообщаться; 2) держать связь; 3) сообщение;

      data n. – данные, сведения to set v. – комплектовать;

      to standardize v. – стандартизировать;

      to define v. – 1) определять; 2) давать определение;

      3) устанавливать;

      unit n. – 1) единица (оборудования); 2) блок;

      3) установка;

      current n. – 1) ток (эл.); 2) a. современный;

      to form the foundation – образовывать основание;

      to refer v. – 1) ссылаться (на), 2) упоминать;

      to focus v. – концентрировать(ся), сосредоточивать(cя);

      to introduce v. – представлять;

      length n. – 1) длина; 2) отрезок, кусок;

      to divide (into) – делить (на);

      to make up – составлять;

      wire n. – проволока, провод;

      paperclip n. – скрепка для бумаг;

      to break up – разбивать; разрушать familiar adj. – хорошо известный, знакомый to be based on – быть основанным на ч. – л.;

      I. Practice pronunciation of the following words:

      analysis [ə'nalɪsɪs] approximately [ə'prɒksɪmətli]

      specific [spə'sɪfɪk] length [lɛŋθ]

      standarize ['stændərdaɪz] equivalent [ɪ'kwɪv(ə)l(ə)nt]

      meter ['mi: tə] cube [kju: b]

      kilogram [ 'kɪləɡram] microsecond ['mʌɪkrə(ʊ),sɛkənd]

      second ['sɛk(ə)nd] extremely [ɪk'stri: mli ]

      ampere ['ampɛ:] valuable ['valjʊb(ə)l]

      roughly ['rʌfli] chart [tʃɑ:t]

      II. Read and translate the words having the same root communicate – communication, measure – measurement, define – definition, found – foundation, introduce – introduction – introduced, divide – division – divided, convert – conversion.

      III. Make the following nouns plural

      Phenomenon, basis, analysis, datum, thesis, ampere, radius, medium, index.

      IV. Complete the sentences with the following words given below

      1. ___________is considered to be the most basic of the natural sciences.

      2. It ____________ the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions as well as the nature of atoms and the build-up of molecules and condensed matter.

      3. Physics tries to give unified description of the behavior of matter as well as of radiation, covering as many types of ______________as possible.

      4. Physics is the natural science that ____________ the study of matter and its motion and behavior.

      5. The electric ____________is a quantity of electrons flowing in a circuit per second of time.

      6. The metric system __________ powers of 10, allowing for easy conversion from one unit to another.

      7. It is important to try to___________ energy.

      (Phenomena, physics, deals with, involve, current, save, be based on)

      V. Mind the explanation of the following terms

      The Metric system is a system using meters, kilograms, grams and liters to measure things.

      Physics is the scientific study of things like heat, light and sound.

      Analysis is the process of carefully examining the different parts of something.

      Phenomenon is something that is impressive or extraordinary.

      Measurement is the size of something that is found by measuring.

      Ampere is the basic unit of electrical current in the International System of Units (IS).

      Current is a flow of electrical charge carriers, usually electrons or electron-deficient atoms.

      Radius is the length of a straight line from the centre of a circle to the outside.

      Wire is a long piece of very thin metal.

      Power is (no plural) the energy or strength that somebody or something has.

      VI. Find sentences in the Passive Voice and translate them

      VII. Read and translate the text


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