The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth. Уильям Шекспир

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The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth - Уильям Шекспир

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factious Duke of York, descend my throne

          And kneel for grace and mercy at my feet;

          I am thy sovereign.

        YORK. I am thine.

        EXETER. For shame, come down; he made thee Duke of York.

        YORK. 'Twas my inheritance, as the earldom was.

        EXETER. Thy father was a traitor to the crown.

        WARWICK. Exeter, thou art a traitor to the crown

          In following this usurping Henry.

        CLIFFORD. Whom should he follow but his natural king?

        WARWICK. True, Clifford; and that's Richard Duke of York.

        KING HENRY. And shall I stand, and thou sit in my throne?

        YORK. It must and shall be so; content thyself.

        WARWICK. Be Duke of Lancaster; let him be King.

        WESTMORELAND. He is both King and Duke of Lancaster;

          And that the Lord of Westmoreland shall maintain.

        WARWICK. And Warwick shall disprove it. You forget

          That we are those which chas'd you from the field,

          And slew your fathers, and with colours spread

          March'd through the city to the palace gates.

        NORTHUMBERLAND. Yes, Warwick, I remember it to my grief;

          And, by his soul, thou and thy house shall rue it.

        WESTMORELAND. Plantagenet, of thee, and these thy sons,

          Thy kinsmen, and thy friends, I'll have more lives

          Than drops of blood were in my father's veins.

        CLIFFORD. Urge it no more; lest that instead of words

          I send thee, Warwick, such a messenger

          As shall revenge his death before I stir.

        WARWICK. Poor Clifford, how I scorn his worthless threats!

        YORK. Will you we show our title to the crown?

          If not, our swords shall plead it in the field.

        KING HENRY. What title hast thou, traitor, to the crown?

          Thy father was, as thou art, Duke of York;

          Thy grandfather, Roger Mortimer, Earl of March:

          I am the son of Henry the Fifth,

          Who made the Dauphin and the French to stoop,

          And seiz'd upon their towns and provinces.

        WARWICK. Talk not of France, sith thou hast lost it all.

        KING HENRY. The Lord Protector lost it, and not I:

          When I was crown'd, I was but nine months old.

        RICHARD. You are old enough now, and yet methinks you lose.

          Father, tear the crown from the usurper's head.

        EDWARD. Sweet father, do so; set it on your head.

        MONTAGUE. Good brother, as thou lov'st and honourest arms,

          Let's fight it out and not stand cavilling thus.

        RICHARD. Sound drums and trumpets, and the King will fly.

        YORK. Sons, peace!

        KING HENRY. Peace thou! and give King Henry leave to speak.

        WARWICK. Plantagenet shall speak first. Hear him, lords;

          And be you silent and attentive too,

          For he that interrupts him shall not live.

        KING HENRY. Think'st thou that I will leave my kingly throne,

          Wherein my grandsire and my father sat?

          No; first shall war unpeople this my realm;

          Ay, and their colours, often borne in France,

          And now in England to our heart's great sorrow,

          Shall be my winding-sheet. Why faint you, lords?

          My title's good, and better far than his.

        WARWICK. Prove it, Henry, and thou shalt be King.

        KING HENRY. Henry the Fourth by conquest got the crown.

        YORK. 'Twas by rebellion against his king.

        KING HENRY. [Aside] I know not what to say; my title's weak. -

          Tell me, may not a king adopt an heir?

        YORK. What then?

        KING HENRY. An if he may, then am I lawful King;

          For Richard, in the view of many lords,

          Resign'd the crown to Henry the Fourth,

          Whose heir my father was, and I am his.

        YORK. He rose against him, being his sovereign,

          And made him to resign his crown perforce.

        WARWICK. Suppose, my lords, he did it unconstrain'd,

          Think you 'twere prejudicial to his crown?

        EXETER. No; for he could not so resign his crown

          But that the next heir should succeed and reign.

        KING HENRY. Art thou against us, Duke of Exeter?

        EXETER. His is the right, and therefore pardon me.

        YORK. Why whisper you, my lords, and answer not?

        EXETER. My conscience tells me he is lawful King.

        KING HENRY. [Aside] All will revolt from me, and turn to him.

        NORTHUMBERLAND. Plantagenet, for all the claim thou lay'st,

          Think not that Henry shall be so depos'd.

        WARWICK. Depos'd he shall be, in despite of all.

        NORTHUMBERLAND. Thou art deceiv'd. 'Tis not thy southern power

          Of Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk, nor of Kent,

          Which makes thee thus presumptuous and proud,

          Can set the Duke up in despite of me.

        CLIFFORD. King Henry, be thy title right or wrong,

          Lord Clifford vows to fight in thy defence.

          May that ground gape, and swallow me alive,

          Where I shall kneel to him that slew my father!

        KING HENRY. O Clifford, how thy words revive my heart!

        YORK. Henry of Lancaster, resign thy crown.

          What mutter you, or what conspire you, lords?

        WARWICK. Do right unto this princely Duke of York;

          Or I will fill the house with armed men,

          And over the chair of state, where now he sits,

          Write up his title with usurping blood.

                                      [He stamps with his foot and the

                                             soldiers show themselves]

        KING HENRY. My Lord of Warwick, hear but one

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