The Integrated Reporting Movement. Eccles Robert G.
Читать онлайн книгу.to their audit firm or other consultants at a cost perceived to be high by the companies.
Addressing the materiality of KPIs in a fulsome way remained one of the biggest hurdles for companies in their journey to integrated reporting, and it improved the least out of all other factors considered in the surveys from 2011 to 2013. South African shareholder activists like Theo Botha, Director of CA Governance,63 viewed the uptake of integrated reporting as evolving on par with the development of appropriate KPIs that required a comprehensive definition of company-specific materiality. While companies had been culling nonfinancial information for sustainability reports for years, many surveyed described the difficulty of how to decide which material issues were the most relevant as a concern. Furthermore, too many companies failed to explain the methodologies behind the selection of material factors, simply saying things like “material issues are identified by the Board.”64 Deloitte found that only 11 % of client companies disclosed the methodology used to assess materiality, and the link to stakeholder engagement was not clearly presented.65 While deciding what is material enough to go into the report remains a challenge for companies to this day, the process has improved with the benefit of experience.
Integrated reporting was overwhelmingly credited with enabling management to redefine and focus its strategy to ensure sustainability's incorporation into its business model. This could be seen in the elevation of sustainability to the board level in some cases where it was not there before, the push for improved definitions of KPI data for measurement and management, inclusion into project decision-making, and an emphasis on an ongoing dialogue with stakeholders. Nevertheless, while companies had improved their integration of material environmental and social aspects into their overall business strategy, this improvement was not always reflected in their reporting practices. Many nonfinancial factors were still presented without context.66 Companies showed a tendency to disclose nonfinancial KPIs in a separate section of the report without apparent thought for the relevance to their operations or context, resulting in a weak disclosure of the interdependencies between those indicators and company performance in a holistic way.67 Indicators of how green a company is, for example, should only matter if measures like recycling or carbon emissions have a significant impact on business.
To make nonfinancial disclosure more useful for decision-making, E&Y suggested that mention of measures per unit produced or consumed, along with a comparison to industry norms, would give the KPIs greater meaning.68 Noting that stated KPIs were not always relevant to business strategy, KPMG suggested that benchmarking was helpful in determining what the most relevant KPIs were and linking them to strategic imperatives.69 As of 2013, PwC observed that while 55 % of the 40 JSE-listed companies surveyed had identified one or more material capitals, only 6 % effectively communicated their holistic performance.70 Likewise, PwC found that 81 % of the JSE's top 40 companies' reports could improve in their definition of KPIs and the provision of a rationale for their use. However, 71 % of KPIs were quantified, indicating progress in the process of disclosing nonfinancial factors in a comparable, easily understandable way.71 Although “silo reporting” was still evident, with KPIs sealed off in separate sections regardless of relevance to strategy, companies that considered the connections between KPIs and strategy found that their report content naturally addressed the most material issues affecting business value.72
While E&Y's 2013 “Excellence in Integrated Reporting” survey referred to risks that “will affect the businesses' ability to create value”73 rather than dividing them into financial and nonfinancial risks, much like disclosure of nonfinancial KPIs, nonfinancial risk disclosure had often increased without being adequately linked to strategy or performance. While companies demonstrated an improved level of disclosure for items like the amount of money spent training staff or bursaries to build future capacity, the lack of links back to goals and strategies was disappointing to the accounting firms. Most companies surveyed had improved in presenting a balanced view of risks, but it was unclear how companies linked those risks to strategic objectives or how those risks translated into measurable KPIs. Many risks mentioned were generally applicable to any company in South Africa.74 Few companies highlighted business opportunities arising from nonfinancial risks or linked risk disclosure of nonfinancial factors to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) disclosures in statutory annual financial statements. While 97 % of companies surveyed by PwC reported on principal nonfinancial risks,75 only 52 % integrated them into other areas of their reporting and only 10 % of companies supported risk disclosure with quantitative information like KPIs. A mere 13 % provided thorough insights into the dynamics of their risk profiles and how they could change over time.76
Disclosure of director remuneration, introduced by King III, remained contentious. While PwC77 observed that 51 % of companies provided clear alignment between KPIs and remuneration policies, and Deloitte78 conceded that disclosure had improved, it was clear that not many companies were assessing the effectiveness of the board as emphasized by King III. Moreover, detail regarding remuneration was scarce, and the way remuneration was aligned to facilitate the delivery of strategic objectives was not often addressed. E&Y found that little to no information was provided on how the variable portion of short-term bonuses was determined. When KPIs determining bonuses were discussed, there was seldom any sign of how those indicators translated to rand amounts or whether they were for previous or current accrual periods. Most of the information for director compensation was likewise convoluted.79 Indeed, many companies were more comfortable reporting on board charters and terms of reference rather than actual activities undertaken by the board over the year. Only 16 % of those surveyed by PwC described the activities of the board.80 “Some companies have battled with what to include in their report about governance. The information that is most relevant is that which reflects how governance affects the value creation ability of the business,” said Roberts.81
Although an area that had improved since the first reports, companies were loath to disclose too much forward-looking information. This was especially true when it came to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. While Deloitte found that companies disclosing KPIs generally included historical trends and future targets – an increase from 75 % inclusion to 80 % inclusion from Period 1 to Period 2 for fiscal 2011 – future performance projections still suffered from a lack of completeness. Only one-third of those surveyed by Deloitte set measurable nonfinancial targets linked to strategy and stakeholder concerns.82 Similarly, PwC found that only 13 % of companies surveyed provided effective communication on future outlook. Only 10 % provided future targets for KPIs. While 90 % discussed future market trends, only 61 % of companies linked them to strategic choices, and expected market rates and growth were, more often than not, not quantified. Nor was there much explanation of which factors would impact those trends in the future. However, 68 % of companies did identify the time frame in which future viability had been considered.83
Reasons cited for the lack of disclosure were fear of regulatory reprisal and creating expectations that could be used against management in the future, as well as the simple fact that corporate reporting has traditionally been focused on past performance. In its 2011 assessment,
CA Governance is a South Africa-based independent corporate governance entity that provides assurance of ESG information in reports to companies in addition to assurance and verification as called for in Global Reporting Initiative, CDP and Institute of Directors in Southern Africa GAI submissions. “An Introduction.”, accessed February 2014.
Ernst & Young South Africa. “Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2013,”$FILE/EY%20Excellence%20in%20Integrated%20Reporting.pdf, accessed February 2014.
Deloitte, “Integrated Reporting: Navigating Your Way to a Truly Integrated Report,” p. 61.
Fifty-five percent of the companies analyzed by PwC described material capital inputs into their business models, but only 19 % explained the resources and relationships relied upon to deliver the company strategy or the degree of dependence the company had on them. Fifty-five percent of companies assessed by PwC did not accomplish integration in governance because there was little linkage between company narrative and governance reporting. That is, leadership structure and the decision making process were not explained. PricewaterhouseCoopers. “The Value Creation Journey: A Survey of JSE Top-4 °Companies' Integrated Reports,”2013, PwC South Africa, The value creation journey,, accessed May 2014.
Ernst & Young South Africa. “Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2012,” p. 7.
Ernst & Young South Africa, “Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2013,” p. 11.
“Integrated Reporting: Performance Insight Through Better Business Reporting, Issue 2: 2012.” KPMG 2012., accessed February 2014, p. 8.
PricewaterhouseCoopers. “The Value Creation Journey,” p. 6 and p. 29.
PricewaterhouseCoopers. “The Value Creation Journey,” p. 30.
Integrated Reporting: Performance Insight Through Better Business Reporting.” Issue 2: 2011.
Ernst & Young South Africa, “Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2011,” p. 11.
Deloitte, “Integrated Reporting: Navigating Your Way to a Truly Integrated Report.”
PricewaterhouseCoopers. “The Value Creation Journey,” p. 9.
Deloitte, “Integrated Reporting: Navigating Your Way.”
Ernst & Young South Africa, “Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2013.”
PricewaterhouseCoopers. “The Value Creation Journey.”
Leigh Roberts email correspondence with Sydney Ribot, March 27, 2014.
Deloitte, “Integrated Reporting: Navigating Your Way to a Truly Integrated Report.” In 2012, the numbers had not changed much.
PricewaterhouseCoopers. “The Value Creation Journey.”