For You, Forever. Sophie Love

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For You, Forever - Sophie Love

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that they wouldn’t get the island. It just wasn’t the sort of thing that happened to normal people. But despite telling herself over and over that it just wasn’t going to happen, she’d been unable to dampen the small glimmer of excitement inside of her, that sliver of hope that challenged the pessimistic part of her mind with the simple mantra, what if…

      The broker spoke, her voice coming through the line in crackles.

      “It’s good news,” she said. “Your offer was accepted. The island is yours!”

      Emily couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. Had static on the line made her hear what she wanted? But when she looked up into Daniel’s eyes, she saw them sparkling with surprise and elation. When Chantelle leapt up in the air and jumped up and down, waving her arms, Emily knew there was no doubt.

      The dogs began barking at Chantelle’s commotion, leaping up with soggy paws, making wet sand marks all over her clothes.

      “Really?” Emily stammered, straining to hear the crackly line through the din. “We really got it?”

      “You really did,” the broker replied. Emily could hear the smile in her voice. “Of course there’s still some paperwork to sign and file. But you’re very welcome to go and visit in the meantime.” She finished with a chuckle.

      Emily was so stunned she couldn’t find her voice. Daniel took over, leaning closer to the cell phone between them.

      “You mean we can actually go there now?” he asked, his gaze fixed on Emily rather than on the phone. “As the official owners?”

      From the speaker, the broker’s voice came, tinny and robotic, “You can indeed.”

      Chantelle crouched down then and threw her arms around her father’s neck, so exuberant she almost knocked him clean to the ground.

      “We’re going to the island now?” she cried in his ear.

      Daniel winced, but he was grinning broadly. Chantelle’s arms were wrapped around his neck like an octopus’s tentacles and he brought his hands up to loosen her grip as he raised his eyebrows at Emily.

      “What do you think? Shall we go and look at it through the eyes of its owners?”

      Emily touched her stomach, feeling Baby Charlotte’s form inside. She was growing increasingly protective as the weeks passed, not wanting to subject her growing child to any unpleasantness. But the sea was calm today, and she felt certain that she wouldn’t experience any seasickness on the ride over.

      “Let’s do it,” she said.

      Chantelle screamed with joy.

      Daniel leaned down to the phone, almost yelling now over the noise of dogs and children, straining as Chantelle yanked him roughly around with her excitement.

      “You’ve made us extremely happy,” he said to the broker. “Thanks for everything.”

      “You’re welcome, Mr. Morey,” the broker replied.

      They ended the call and Emily and Daniel sat back with matching stunned expressions, both looking as dazed as the other as their new reality began to sink in. Chantelle whizzed around, throwing their things haphazardly into a bag, moving as though on fast forward.

      “Come on,” she cried. “Let’s go!”

      Daniel snapped into action, standing and helping Emily to her feet. The harbor was a short walk away but Emily knew she’d have to take it slowly. Chantelle ran on ahead with the dogs, stopping periodically to hurry back, effectively doubling the distance she was covering in comparison to Daniel and Emily.

      On the way they passed Cynthia and Jeremy out on a bike ride.

      “We bought an island!” Chantelle called out to them as they passed, waving.

      Cynthia frowned. “It sounded like you said an island?” she called back.

      “I did!” Chantelle cried, jumping up and down.

      Emily laughed. No one was going to believe what they’d done, that they’d bought themselves an island off the coast of Maine! She could hardly believe it herself.

      “Look, it’s Amy and Harry!” Chantelle cried then.

      Emily squinted ahead and saw that the loved up couple were sitting together on a bench at the harbor’s edge, deep in conversation. It looked as though it might be somewhat intense, with Amy leaning in and gesticulating widely, Harry shaking his head emphatically with what looked like a stern expression on his face. Emily wondered again what was going on with the pair. It really looked to her like they were arguing.

      “Do you think they’ll want to come and see our island?” Chantelle asked.

      Emily was about to tell her to leave them be, but before she had a chance to reply, Chantelle had already hurried off. Chantelle was on a mission and Emily’s waddle was too slow to catch up to her.

      She saw Chantelle reach them, and watched as they sprang apart, shocked by the interruption. She couldn’t hear anything from this distance, but she could see the false smiles on each of their faces, and the strained looks hidden in their expressions.

      By the time she and Daniel made it to the trio, Chantelle had already broken the news. Amy turned and hugged Emily.

      “You’re crazy, you know that?” her friend said. “An island?!”

      “It’s an extension of the inn,” Emily tried to explain.

      “But you only just fixed up Trevor’s House.” Amy laughed. “And there’s still the spa to open, and the restaurant.”

      She gestured at Harry, who would be the manager of the new restaurant once it opened. They caught one another’s eyes, their smiles clearly put on, then Amy looked away again quickly. Not quick enough for Emily not to perceive it though. She knew her friend inside out. There was definitely something going on between her and Harry. The easiness that usually existed between them felt strained. She wondered what it might be.

      Suddenly, Chantelle interrupted the conversation with impassioned cries of, “Come on, come on, come on!” She’d clearly lost patience for the adults’ “boring” conversation, and was tugging on Amy’s hand. “Please can we go to the island now?”

      Daniel addressed Harry. “You’re both welcome to come along with us. Since you’re pretty much on the payroll now, it makes sense for you to be there!”

      Harry grinned. “I can’t wait for the grand opening of Trevor’s,” he said. “I’m ready to sink my teeth in!”

      “Glad to hear it,” Emily replied, beaming. “So what do you think? Island excursion?”

      She wasn’t sure the invite would be welcome, especially since she’d deduced that they’d interrupted an argument, that Amy at the least was clearly not in the mood, but Harry spoke first, muting her before she had a chance to turn them down.

      “Absolutely,” he said. “We’ve got nothing else to do today, do we, Ames?”

      Amy glanced quickly at Harry, and Emily saw the exasperation in her eyes over whatever it was that had been left unresolved between them.

      “Sure,” Amy replied, her tone overly jovial, like she was acting happy for everyone else’s sake. She grinned at Emily, but couldn’t hide the trouble in her eyes from her best friend. Her smile faltered as though she’d realized she’d been caught faking. At least her happiness appeared genuine when she slung an arm around Chantelle’s shoulders, Emily thought. “May as well see what crazy thing you’ve gotten yourself into now!” She peered over Chantelle’s head at Emily.

      “You okay?” Emily mouthed to Amy.

      Amy nodded once, decisively, then mouthed back, “Talk later.”

      Whatever atmosphere Emily had picked up on between Harry and Amy, she’d been right in thinking there was something wrong. She was concerned for her friend and determined to get Amy alone in order to get to the bottom of it.

      But for

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