Поэтика мифа. Е. М. Мелетинский
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Gennep A. van. Mythes et legendes d’Australie. Paris, 1906; Idem. Les mythes de passage. Paris, 1909.
Harrison J. E. Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion. Cambridge, 1903; Eadem. Themis. Cambridge, 1912; Eadem. Ancient Art and Ritual. Cambridge, 1913; Cook A. B. Zeus. Cambridge, 1914–1940; Anthropology and the Classics / Ed. by R. B. Marett. Oxford, 1907; Murray G. The Rise of the Greek Epic. Oxford, 1907; Idem. Euripides and bis Age. Oxford, 1913; Cornford F. M. From Religion to Philosophy. London, 1913; Idem. The Origin of Attic Comedy. London, 1914.
Hook C. H. Myth and Ritual. Oxford, 1933; The Labyrinth / Ed. by C. H. Hook. London, 1935; Gaster Т. Н. Thespis. Ritual Myth and Drama in the Ancient Near East. New York, 1950 (ср.: Hocart M. Kingship).
James E. O. Myth and Ritual in the Ancient Near East. An Archeological and Documentary Study. London, 1958.
Raglan F. R. S. The Hero. A Study in Tradition, Myth and Drama. London, 1936; Idem. The Origins of Religions. London, 1949; Idem. Myth and Ritual // JAF. 1955. Vol. 68. P. 454–461.
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Wilson M. Rituals of Kingship among the Nyakyusa. London, 1957; Eadem. Divine Kings and the Breath of Man. Cambridge, 1959; Eadem. Communal Rituals of the Nyakyusa. London, 1959. Ср. также: McKenny M. G. The Social Structure of the Nyakyusa // Africa. 1973. Vol. 43. № 2.
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См.: Kümmel H. M. Ersatzritual für den hethitischen König (Studien zu Bogazköy-Texten. Heft 3). Wiesbaden, 1967; ср. также более раннюю обзорную статью: Bernhardt К.-Н. Kult und König im Altertum der Vorderen Orients // Altertum. 1959. Bd. 5. Heft 2. S. 72.
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Durkheim Е. Les formes élementaires de la vie religieuse. Paris, 1912.
Lévy-Bruhl L. La surnaturel et la nature dans la mentalité primitive. Paris, 1931; Idem. La mentalité primitive. Paris, 1935; Idem. Les fonctions mentales dans les sociétés inferieures. 9 ed. Paris, 1951; Idem. Garnets. Paris, 1949. В русском перевод Леви-Брюль Л. Первобытное мышление. М., 1930; Он же. Сверхъестественное в первобытном мышлении. М., 1937.
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Cassirer Е. Essay on Man. New Haven, 1944; Idem. Myth on the State. New Haven, 1946.
Urban W. M. Language and Reality. London, 1939.
Langer S. On Cassirer’s Theory of Language and Myth // Philosophy of E. Cassirer. Evanston,