Road to hell. Demons from hell. Ivan Issakov

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Road to hell. Demons from hell - Ivan Issakov

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yourself into?!!!

      Archangel Raphael he serves as A healing angel, also punishes demons and fallen angels, looking after people.

      Archangel Raphael

      The story of Raphael began with the imprisonment of angel Azazel from the book of Enoch.

      Buries Raphael bound Azazel under a desert because he taught the people various crafts and thus corrupted them. It was the Lord’s command.

      At the beginning

      When the Lord saw what Azazel had done, he ordered him to be brought to him, and then the Lord said…


      Tie him up on his hands and feet, and put him in the darkness, make a hole in the desert, which is in Dudael, and put him there, and put on him a rough, sharp, stone, and cover his darkness, that he remained there at all times. And close his face so he doesn’t look at the light. And on the great day of judgment, he will be cast into the Fire.


      – But father if it is sharpened that it may release sooner or later, isn’t it better to put him in prison, where the eternal fire, from there he soon to be released…???


      – It doesn’t matter, do what I say!!!!

      By order of his father, he was imprisoned Azazel! Into darkness!

      In our days!

      Demons Azazel has signed new deals with people, the more souls the better!


      – you see what’s going on?


      – Yes, I see my Father!


      – You know what to do!

      Raphael descended from heaven to Earth! To prevent the daemon to sign a new deal with souls! When he came down from heaven to earth, he saw that there were many demons on earth, that there was a war between Hell and Paradise for Earth!

      Raphael fought off the demons from the man, and the man began to live his simple life, however, when Raphael met with the demons, the demons were not simple, and most of all – it was the demons of Solomon, from ancient Babylon they had a 72 demon and the remaining 27 demons were minions of Azazel, a total of 99. Back in Paradise Raphael told me what happened!


      – Solomon ruled these demons with the help of a magic ring! It was made by great priests who served, not only to Tsar Solomon, but also to Jerusalem.


      I know that this ring gave him not only tranquility, but the anger, the so-called inner demons, with the help of this ring he controlled them, and built a great Kingdom!


      – Yes but the ring was lost and thrown into the Dead sea-this legend is true! Find that ring, and you can bring them back to HELL.!


      – Yes Father!

      Raphael did not hesitate to have descended from heaven to Earth, on the black sea. In ancient times, when the witch hunt was carried out, they were lowered into the water, hung a huge stone by the legs and thrown into the sea tied, if the witch is alive splyvala means she witch if not it was the most normal person. But people didn’t know what I was doing, and just stoked for all the girls, whom they shield witch, but all the girls that they believed witches were drowned, because he was called the dead sea – it was a grave for alive people! All the souls have gone to Heaven through the dead sea, so drink from this sea, it is strictly impossible, as making at least one SIP people will die. After the ring was lost in the sea, who are not seen! As Raphael dove into the sea, the weather changed dramatically for the worse, there was gray clouds flashed with lightning, a strong wind picked up, deep under the sea, in the bowels of the deep, Raphael got the ring of Solomon. But when he came out of the sea it was waiting for the Supreme demons who are also hunting for this ring. But there appeared among the demons one death, it was not clear from where he came from, and how did! But he quickly has coped with them as if a new the ninja! And they met Raphael.…


      – What’s your name?


      My name is Ivan!


      – Who are you? How did you get here?


      – I! I’m a man, And you like Raphael? Archangel’s? And exactly Raphael!


      – Where do you know me from?


      – Well, I studied your existence that you serve the father that you are his messenger from the heavens! I came here because it started very strong demonic activity, ie, we are those people who hunt demons, the last pockets of resistance! But, what are you doing here? And perhaps you Central for than something sent?


      – Yeah! The ring of Solomon! I got it!


      – That!?? The Ring Of Solomon?!!! That? Which, he ran demons?


      – Yeah! The same it there is! Into the wild snatched 99 demons of Solomon, and among them the demons Azazel!


      – Yes, I Know your old friend! And the former angel! So you’re hunting for the demons of Solomon?


      – Yeah, but I’ll see you. Times our Affairs, intersect! Godspeed!

      At the same time Raphael was gone! Ivan also didn’t waste any time and continued on his way to Europe! It is time that opened a hell of Selina in which was imprisoned Lucifer, and from this Selina released 99 demons, among them was the fallen!

      Chapter 2 the Hunt for the demons

      In the fact that the door to Hell was not as thin as when she opened. All 99 demons spread across The earth! The first was Agares, in most cases, he likes to take the form of a pleasant old man who moves slowly on the crocodile, and sits on his arm hawk, Agares returns fugitives, teaches all the languages of the world, knows how to cause an earthquake, he commands about 31 legions of spirits. Such an army of all the demons can come only when you come to earth Lucifer, and all demons one, unleashed on earth.

      Demon Agares

      Agares kind of lures people who crave money, power, thieves and bandits! Thus able to release from captivity of Azazel!

      With the help of rings and traps for demons it can be caught! His first appearance was in Europe Frankurt-Germany, there was a strong earthquake. There Raphael and went, heard about this incident Ivan, and went to the same! Later that night, Raphael decided to call Agares, for that would banish him to Hell In the fact that in this city he did not appear by chance, in this city Raphael and imprisoned deep underground Azazel! Only agares can free Him from all the demons! Ivan Found the place where Raphael decided to expel Agares, but Agares was not alone with him were henchmen of demons, a small rag-tag, which was afraid of bright sunlight! Before the advent of Ivan it the bright light appeared not far from Raphael – it was Ivan himself, with the help of this light he killed the demons that were near him! He did not expect that there will be Ivan.


      – What did not expect?


      – Yeah! How did you know I was here?


      – Well

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