Common Objects of the Microscope. John George Wood
Читать онлайн книгу.that we have here to deal. The worker whose finances are restricted must be contented to extemporise for himself many pieces of apparatus, and will find pleasure and occupation in doing so. And let him remember, for his encouragement, that many such home-made appliances will fulfil their purpose quite as well as the imposing paraphernalia of glittering brass and glass which decorates the table of the wealthy amateur. It is not the man who possesses the best or most costly apparatus, but the one who best understands the use of that which he possesses, that will make the most successful microscopist. A good observer will discover, with only the aid of a pocket-magnifier, secrets of Nature which have escaped the notice of a whole army of dilettante microscopists, in spite of the advantages which, as regards instruments, the latter may enjoy.
It is for those who desire to be of the former class that this book is written, and in the course of the following pages instances will be given in which the exercise of a small amount of ingenuity and the expenditure of a few pence will be found equivalent to the purchase of costly and complicated apparatus.
An enormous amount of valuable work was done in the earliest days of microscopy, when the best apparatus available was a single lens, composed of the bead formed by fusing the drawn-out end of a rod of glass. Inserted into a plate of metal, or a piece of card, such a primitive instrument was capable of affording a large amount of information. Similar instruments are to be purchased for a few pence at the present day, and are not without their use for purposes of immediate examination of material. A very common form is a glass marble, ground flat on one side, and mounted in a tube. The material to be examined is placed upon the flat side, and is seen magnified to an extent inversely proportional to the diameter of the sphere of glass.
Elementary Principles of Optics—Simple Microscopes—Compound Microscope—Accessory Apparatus—Cover-glasses—Troughs—Condensers—Dissection—Dipping-tubes—Drawing—Measurement.
Before proceeding to deal with the microscope itself, it may be useful to give a short summary of the optical laws upon which its working depends.
To go into the minutiæ of the matter here would be out of place, but it will be found very helpful, especially in the matter of illumination, to acquire some knowledge of, and facility in applying, these elementary principles. We shall confine our remarks to convex lenses, as being the form to which all the combinations in the microscope may be ultimately reduced.
Every convex lens has one “principal” focus, and an infinite number of “conjugate” foci. The principal focus is the distance at which it brings together in one point the rays which fall upon it parallel to its axis, as shown in Fig. 1, in which A is the axis of the lens L, and the rays RR are brought together in the principal focus P. Thus a ready means of finding the focal length of any lens is to see at what distance it forms an image of the sun, or of any other distant object, upon a screen, such as a piece of smooth white cardboard. In the figure this distance will be PL. Conversely, if the source of light be at P, a parallel beam of light will be emitted from the lens.
Fig. 1.
The focal length may, however, be found in another way. When an object is placed at a distance from a lens equal to twice the principal focal length of the latter, an image of the object is formed at the same distance upon the other side of the lens, inverted in position, but of the same dimensions as the original object. The object and image then occupy the equal conjugate foci of the lens, so that by causing them to assume these relative positions, and halving the distance at which either of them is from the lens, the focal length of the latter is known.
These points will be seen on reference to Fig. 2, in which L being the lens, and P the principal focus, as before, rays from the point C are brought together at the conjugate focus C', at the same distance on the other side of L. In this case it manifestly does not matter whether the object be at one or the other of these points.
Fig. 2.
So far we have been dealing with points on the line of the axis of the lens. The facts mentioned apply equally, however, to rays entering the lens at an angle to the axis, only that in this case they diverge or converge, correspondingly, upon the other side. It is evident, from Fig. 1, that no image is formed of a point situated at the distance of the principal focus; but Fig. 3, which is really an extension of Fig. 2, shows how the rays passing along secondary axes form an inverted image of the same size as the object, when the latter is situated at twice the focal length of the lens from this last. To avoid confusion, the bounding lines only are shown, but similar lines might be drawn from each and every point of the object; and if the lines ALA', BL'B' be supposed to be balanced at L and L' respectively, they will indicate the points at which the corresponding parts of the object and image will be situated along the lines AB, B'A' respectively. Moreover, rays pass from every part of the object to every part of the lens, so that we must imagine the cones LAL', LA'L' to be filled with rays diverging on one side of the lens and converging on the other.
The image so formed is a “real” image,—that is to say, it can be thrown upon a screen.
Fig. 3.
The microscopic image, on the other hand, is a virtual image, which can be viewed by the eye but cannot be thus projected, for it is formed by an object placed nearer to the lens than the principal focal length of the latter, so that the rays diverge, instead of converging, as they leave the lens, and the eye looks, as it were, back along the path in which the rays appear to travel, and so sees an enlarged image situated in the air, farther away than the object, as shown in Fig. 4. In this case, as the diagram shows, the image is upright, not inverted.
Images of the latter class are those formed by simple microscopes, of the kind described in the previous chapter. In the compound microscope the initial image, formed by the object-glass, is further magnified by another set of lenses, forming the eye-piece, by which the diverging rays of the virtual image are brought together to a focus at the eye-point; and when viewed directly, the eye sees an imaginary image, as in a simple microscope, whilst, when the rays are allowed to fall upon a screen, they form a real image of the object, larger or smaller, as the screen is farther from or nearer to the eye-point.
Fig. 4.
These remarks must suffice for our present purpose. Those who are sufficiently interested in the subject to desire to know more of the delicate corrections to which these broad principles are subjected in practice, that objectives may give images which are clear and free from colour, to say nothing of other faults, will do well to consult some such work as Lommel’s Optics, in the International Science Series.
In following a work such as the present one, the simple microscope, in some form or other, will be found almost indispensable. It will be required for examining raw material, such as leaves or other parts of plants, for gatherings of life in fresh or salt water, for dissections. With such powers as those with which we shall have to deal, it will rarely happen that, for example, a bottle of water in which no life is visible will be worth the carrying-home; whilst, on the other hand, a few months’ practice will render it not only possible, but easy, not only to recognise the presence, but to identify the genus, and often even the species, of the forms of life present. Moreover, these low powers, affording a general view of the object, allow the relation to each other of the details revealed by the power of the compound microscope to be much more easily grasped. A rough example may suffice to illustrate this. A penny is a sufficiently evident object to the naked eye, but it will require a sharp one to follow the details in Britannia’s shield, whilst