The Sea Wolf / Морской волк. Книга для чтения на английском языке. Джек Лондон

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The Sea Wolf / Морской волк. Книга для чтения на английском языке - Джек Лондон

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You are sure of your resurrection. What’s there to be afraid of?

      “You have eternal life before you. You are a millionaire in immortality, and a millionaire whose fortune cannot be lost, whose fortune is less perishable than the stars and as lasting as space or time. It is impossible for you to diminish your principal. Immortality is a thing without beginning or end. Eternity is eternity, and though you die here and now you will go on living somewhere else and hereafter. And it is all very beautiful, this shaking off of the flesh and soaring of the imprisoned spirit. Cooky cannot hurt you. He can only give you a boost on the path you eternally must tread.

      “Or, if you do not wish to be boosted just yet, why not boost Cooky? According to your ideas, he, too, must be an immortal millionaire. You cannot bankrupt him. His paper will always circulate at par.[73] You cannot diminish the length of his living by killing him, for he is without beginning or end. He’s bound to go on living, somewhere, somehow. Then boost him. Stick a knife in him and let his spirit free. As it is, it’s in a nasty prison, and you’ll do him only a kindness by breaking down the door. And who knows? – it may be a very beautiful spirit that will go soaring up into the blue from that ugly carcass. Boost him along, and I’ll promote you to his place, and he’s getting forty-five dollars a month.”

      It was plain that I could look for no help or mercy from Wolf Larsen. Whatever was to be done I must do for myself; and out of the courage of fear I evolved the plan of fighting Thomas Mugridge with his own weapons. I borrowed a whetstone from Johansen. Louis, the boat-steerer, had already begged me for condensed milk and sugar. The lazarette, where such delicacies were stored, was situated beneath the cabin floor. Watching my chance, I stole five cans of the milk, and that night, when it was Louis’s watch on deck, I traded them with him for a dirk as lean and cruel-looking as Thomas Mugridge’s vegetable knife. It was rusty and dull, but I turned the grindstone while Louis gave it an edge. I slept more soundly than usual that night.

      Next morning, after breakfast, Thomas Mugridge began his whet, whet, whet. I glanced warily at him, for I was on my knees taking the ashes from the stove. When I returned from throwing them overside, he was talking to Harrison, whose honest yokel’s face was filled with fascination and wonder.

      “Yes,” Mugridge was saying, “an’ wot does ’is worship do but give me two years in Reading. But blimey if I cared. The other mug was fixed plenty. Should ’a seen ’im. Knife just like this. I stuck it in, like into soft butter, an’ the w’y ’e squealed was better’n a tu-penny gaff.” He shot a glance in my direction to see if I was taking it in, and went on. “‘I didn’t mean it Tommy,’ ’e was sniflin’; ‘so ’elp me Gawd, I didn’t mean it!’ ‘I’ll fix yer bloody well right,’ I sez, an’ kept right after ’im. I cut ’im in ribbons, that’s wot I did, an’ ’e a-squealin’ all the time. Once ’e got ’is ’and on the knife an’ tried to ’old it. ’Ad ’is fingers around it, but I pulled it through, cuttin’ to the bone. O, ’e was a sight, I can tell yer.”

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      Nietzsche – Фридрих Вильгельм Ницше (1844– 1900), немецкий философ


      Schopenhauer – Артур Шопенгауэр (1788–1860), немецкий философ


      Poe – Эдгар Алан По (1809–1849), американский поэт, критик


      as simple as A, B, C – (разг.) просто, элементарно


      the Golden Gate – Золотые Ворота, пролив между Сан-Франциско и Тихим океаном


      Now hell’s a poppin’ for somebody! – (разг.) Сейчас кому-то здорово достанется!


      Or he wouldn’t be keepin’ up such a clip. – (разг.) Иначе он не летел бы сломя голову.


      most tried my nerves – (разг.) больше всего действовало на нервы


      The tackles jammed. – (мор.) Тали заедало.


      to go off at a tangent – (мор.) отклоняться в сторону


      a Cockney – уроженец Лондона, простолюдин


      my teeth went on edge once more – (разг.) я снова содрогнулся


      Better sling yer ’ook out of ’ere – (сленг) убирайтесь-ка лучше отсюда


      ended at the small of my back – (разг.) едва доходил мне до пояса


      rubbed shoulders with death – (разг.) был на волосок от смерти


      Make it do. – (разг.) За дело.


      We’ll see to that – (разг.) Там видно будет


      metes and bounds – (юр.) границы,

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His paper will always circulate at par. – (банк.) Его акции всегда будут котироваться альпари (по номинальной стоимости).