The Book of the Epic: The World's Great Epics Told in Story. Guerber Hélène Adeline

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The Book of the Epic: The World's Great Epics Told in Story - Guerber Hélène Adeline

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      A detailed account of Oedipus, Heracles, the Argonauts, and the "War of Troy" is given in the author's "Myths of Greece and Rome."


      All the quotations from the Iliad are taken from Pope's translation.


      The quotations of the Odyssey are taken from Pope's translation.


      See chapter on Venus in the author's "Myths of Greece and Rome."


      All the quotations in this article are from Virgil's Aeneid, Conington's translation.


      See the author's "Story of the Romans."


      See the author's "Legends of the Middle Ages."


      Another version of this story can be found in the author's "Legends of the Middle Ages."


      See the author's "Story of Old France."


      All the quotations in this chapter are from John O'Hagen's translation of the "Song of Roland."


      See the author's "Legends of the Rhine."


      All the quotations in this chapter are from Andrew Lang's version of "Aucassin and Nicolette."


      All the quotations in this chapter are taken from translation, of "The Cid" by Ormsby.


      See the author's "Story of the Thirteen Colonies."



A detailed account of Oedipus, Heracles, the Argonauts, and the "War of Troy" is given in the author's "Myths of Greece and Rome."


All the quotations from the Iliad are taken from Pope's translation.


The quotations of the Odyssey are taken from Pope's translation.


See chapter on Venus in the author's "Myths of Greece and Rome."


All the quotations in this article are from Virgil's Aeneid, Conington's translation.


See the author's "Story of the Romans."


See the author's "Legends of the Middle Ages."


Another version of this story can be found in the author's "Legends of the Middle Ages."


See the author's "Story of Old France."


All the quotations in this chapter are from John O'Hagen's translation of the "Song of Roland."


See the author's "Legends of the Rhine."


All the quotations in this chapter are from Andrew Lang's version of "Aucassin and Nicolette."


All the quotations in this chapter are taken from translation, of "The Cid" by Ormsby.


See the author's "Story of the Thirteen Colonies."

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