The Demon Cycle Books 1-3 and Novellas: The Painted Man, The Desert Spear, The Daylight War plus The Great Bazaar and Brayan’s Gold and Messenger’s Legacy. Peter V. Brett

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The Demon Cycle Books 1-3 and Novellas: The Painted Man, The Desert Spear, The Daylight War plus The Great Bazaar and Brayan’s Gold and Messenger’s Legacy - Peter V. Brett

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      ‘You speak for him, then?’ Ronnell asked.

      ‘I would say the boy speaks for himself,’ Cob replied.

      ‘Is he promised?’ the Tender asked.

      There it was. ‘You’re not the first to ask me that, since my business rose,’ Cob said. ‘Even some of the Royals have sent their pretty daughters to sniff at him. But I don’t think the Creator has made the girl that can pull his nose out of a book long enough to notice her.’

      ‘I know the feeling,’ Ronnell said, gesturing to a young girl who was sitting at one of the many tables with half a dozen open books scattered before her.

      ‘Mery, come here!’ he called. The girl looked up, and then deftly marked her pages and stacked her books before coming over. She looked close to Arlen’s fourteen summers, with large brown eyes and long, rich brown hair. She had a soft, round face, and a bright smile. She wore a utilitarian frock, dusty from the library, and she gathered the skirts, dipping a quick curtsey.

      ‘Wardmaster Cob, this is my daughter, Mery,’ Ronnell said.

      The girl looked up, suddenly very interested. ‘The Wardmaster Cob?’ she asked.

      ‘Ah, you know my work?’ Cob asked.

      ‘No,’ Mery shook her head, ‘but I’ve heard your grimoire collection is second to none.’

      Cob laughed. ‘We might have something here, Tender,’ he said.

      Tender Ronnell bent to his daughter and pointed to Arlen. ‘Young Arlen there is Master Cob’s apprentice. He’s going to ward the library for us. Why don’t you show him around?’

      Mery watched Arlen as the boy gazed about, oblivious to her stare. His dirty blonde hair was untrimmed and somewhat long, and his expensive clothes were rumpled and stained, but there was intelligence in his eyes. His features were smooth and symmetrical; not unpleasing. Cob heard Ronnell mutter a prayer as she smoothed her skirts and glided over to him.

      Arlen didn’t seem to notice Mery as she came over. ‘Hello,’ she said.

      ‘Hullo,’ Arlen replied, squinting to read the print on the spine of a high-shelved book.

      Mery frowned. ‘My name’s Mery,’ she said. ‘Tender Ronnell is my father.’

      ‘Arlen,’ Arlen said, pulling a book off the shelf and flipping through it slowly.

      ‘My father asked me to show you around the library,’ Mery said.

      ‘Thanks,’ Arlen said, putting the book back and walking down a row of shelves to a section of the library that was roped off from the rest. Mery was forced to follow, irritation flashing on her face.

      ‘She’s used to ignoring, not being ignored,’ Ronnell noted, amused.

      ‘BR,’ Arlen read on the archway over the roped section. ‘What’s BR?’ he muttered.

      ‘Before Return,’ Mery said. ‘Those are original copies of the books of the old world.’

      Arlen turned to her as if he had just noticed she existed. ‘Honest word?’ he asked.

      ‘It’s forbidden to go back there without the Duke’s permission,’ Mery said, watching Arlen’s face fall. ‘Of course,’ she smiled, ‘I am allowed, on account of my father.’

      ‘Your father?’ Arlen asked.

      ‘I’m Mery, Tender Ronnell’s daughter,’ she reminded, scowling.

      Arlen’s eyes widened, and he bowed awkwardly. ‘Arlen, of Tibbet’s Brook,’ he said.

      From across the room, Cob chuckled. ‘Boy never had a chance,’ he said.

      The months melted together for Arlen as he fell into a familiar routine. Ragen’s manse was closer to the library, so he slept there most nights. The Messenger’s leg had mended quickly, and he was soon on the road again. Elissa encouraged Arlen to treat the room as his own, and seemed to take a special pleasure at seeing it cluttered with his tools and books. The servants loved his presence as well, claiming Lady Elissa was less of a trial when he was about.

      Arlen would rise an hour before the sun, and practise his spear forms by lamplight in the manse’s high-ceilinged foyer. When the sun broke the horizon, he slipped into the yard for an hour of target practice and riding. This was followed by a hurried breakfast with Elissa – and Ragen when he was about – before he was off to the library.

      It was still early when he arrived; the library empty save for Ronnell’s acolytes, who slept in cells beneath the great building. These kept their distance, intimidated by Arlen, who thought nothing of walking up to their master and speaking without summons or permission.

      There was a small, isolated room designated as his workshop. It was just big enough for a pair of bookcases, his workbench, and whatever piece of furniture he was working on. One of the cases was filled with paints, brushes, and etching tools. The other was filled with borrowed books. The floor was covered in curled wood shavings, blotched from spilled paint and lacquer.

      Arlen took an hour each morning to read, then reluctantly put his book away and got to work. For weeks, he warded nothing but chairs. Then he moved on to benches. The job took even longer than expected, but Arlen didn’t mind.

      Mery became a welcome sight over these months, sticking her head into his workshop frequently to share a smile or a bit of gossip before scurrying off to resume her duties. Arlen had thought the interruptions from his work and study would grow tiresome, but the opposite proved true. He looked forward to seeing her, even finding his attention wandering on days when she did not visit with her usual frequency. They shared lunches on the library’s broad roof, overlooking the city and the mountains beyond.

      Mery was different from any girl Arlen had ever known. The daughter of the Duke’s librarian and chief historian, she was possibly the most educated girl in the city, and Arlen found he could learn as much by talking to her as in the pages of any book. But her position was a lonely one. The acolytes were even more intimidated by her than they were by Arlen, and there was no one else her age in the library. Mery was perfectly comfortable arguing with grey-bearded scholars, but around Arlen she seemed shy and unsure of herself.

      Much as he felt around her.

      ‘Creator, Jaik, it’s as if you haven’t practised at all,’ Arlen said, covering his ears.

      ‘Don’t be cruel, Arlen,’ Mery scolded. ‘Your song was lovely, Jaik,’ she said.

      Jaik frowned. ‘Then why are you covering your ears, too?’ he asked.

      ‘Well,’ she said, taking her hands away with a bright smile, ‘my father says music and dancing lead to sin, so I couldn’t listen, but I’m sure it was very beautiful.’

      Arlen laughed, and Jaik frowned, putting his lute away.

      ‘Try your juggling,’ Mery suggested.

      ‘Are you sure it’s not a sin to watch juggling?’ Jaik asked.

      ‘Only if it’s good,’ Mery murmured, and Arlen laughed again.

      Jaik’s lute was old and worn, never seeming to have all its strings at one time. He set it down and pulled coloured wooden balls from the small sack he kept his Jongleur’s equipment in. The paint was chipped and there were cracks in the wood. He put one ball into the air, then another, and a third. He held that number for several seconds, and Mery clapped her hands.

      ‘Much better!’ she said.

      Jaik smiled. ‘Watch this!’ he

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