The War Widows. Leah Fleming

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The War Widows - Leah  Fleming

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shut up, all of you,’ Lily muttered under her breath. There was only so much of her family she could stomach in one day.

      Esme was trying to pin a smile on her face and look in control, but Lily’s words were out of character. Giving cheek back like that! All this ‘Family First’ was exhausting, keeping up appearances and fending off awkward questions. Trust neighbours to smell something fishy going on, but she’d not give them the satisfaction. It was like being in the goal mouth, trying to parry off an attack. It needed everyone knowing their right position on the pitch, no gaps in the defence to let in a winning shot or an own goal.

      She’d been touched to see so many of Freddie’s old pals. She’d welcome any one of them on board their team, but not Walter, all fingers and thumbs. Lily had scored an own goal in choosing him. Why didn’t she fancy one of the young Grasshoppers?

      Esme kicked off her court shoes with relief and loosened her back suspenders. She’d put on a bit of weight since this outfit was made, a bit of middle-age spread, and it didn’t suit her. Then she saw Pete Walsh heading in her direction, wobbling his tea cup, the Royal Doulton bone china looking in peril on its saucer.

      ‘I’m glad I caught you, Mrs Winstanley,’ smiled the tall young man with hands like boxing gloves. ‘The lads and I want to thank you for the spread. You’ve done Freddie proud…’ He hesitated. ‘But I wonder if I could have a word as I’m a bit flummoxed.’

      She ushered him into the bay window recess.

      ‘You know that Susan? Well, someone said she was his cousin’s wife from London, only when Freddie wrote to me from Burma, he did mention a Susan.’ He paused, searching her face. ‘It’s not her, is it?’

      Straight in the net like a cannon ball: one nil! She glanced to see if there were any onlookers.

      ‘So you know about her then?’ she whispered.

      ‘He told me about her but not about the kiddy.’ Pete looked her straight in the eye.

      ‘What else did he tell you?’

      He had the courtesy to blush, ‘Just lads’ talk and stuff…’

      ‘I can guess,’ she smiled. ‘You’ve put me in an awkward position, young man.’

      ‘My lips are sealed, Mrs Winstanley.’

      ‘Who else knows the score?’

      ‘Not a soul. I thought I’d better check it out first,’ he said, showing a set of impressive straight teeth.

      ‘I’d rather keep this in the family, Peter. Not a word to our Lil. She’s enough on her plate.’

      ‘Silent as the grave, I promise. Scout’s honour,’ he smiled, and he sidled away as Levi approached.

      ‘You two were in a holy huddle. What did he want? I hope you asked him for tickets for the Cup tie.’

      ‘Just giving his condolences. He’s a grand chap.’

      ‘The boys were saying how good the foreigners’ English was.’ He winked and tapped his nose. ‘Don’t look like that. I gave them the party line. I told them they’d both had good sleeping dictionaries.’

      ‘What’s that supposed to mean, son?’

      Levi chuckled. ‘Well, let’s put it this way, Mam, the closer you get to someone the quicker you learn. There was this German girl I knew who was fluent in Cockney when she got a Tommy boyfriend.’

      ‘I don’t want to know about consorting with the enemy.’

      ‘What enemy?’ asked Lily, suddenly at her shoulder.

      ‘Never you mind. Just go and rattle some cups and show the guests the door. I’m whacked.’

      ‘We did Freddie proud today, all of us,’ said Lily.

      ‘I wish he’d done the same to us, and that’s the truth of it,’ Esme sighed, feeling old and worn out. What a web of lies we weave…Perhaps she should tell Lil that Pete Walsh was in the know, perhaps not. They would just have to play the game as it unfolded now.

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