The Keepsake. Sheelagh Kelly

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The Keepsake - Sheelagh  Kelly

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thank God, and not so much as a farthing tip.’

      ‘Got somebody better in there now?’

      Joe shook his head, winced and spat out the hangnail. ‘Nobody at all, as far as I know.’ He studied his bleeding finger then sucked it.

      Not wanting to compromise his friend, Marty merely nodded, whilst working out how to get hold of a key. After chatting a few minutes more he said a cheery farewell to Joe and padded downstairs to the lobby. Having scant luck until now he could scarcely believe it when he saw that the area behind the reception desk was deserted. Knowing it would not be so for long, he dashed in, grabbed the key and was outside pressing it into Etta’s hand before anyone had noticed its absence.

      ‘You’ll have to do this on your own,’ he instructed, escorting her as far as he dared towards the east entrance. ‘But it shouldn’t be too difficult, nobody’ll dare to challenge someone like you. Just march through as if you own the place and go to room eighty-four.’ He told her where it was.

      ‘And you’ll meet me there?’ Etta asked eagerly.

      ‘If I can, but I’m not meant to be at work until tomorrow so if I’m accosted and can’t manage it don’t worry, just lie low till morning.’

      For the first time she showed apprehension. ‘But how will I survive alone?’

      His green eyes turned thoughtful. ‘Maybe we could buy some food now before you go in.’

      She clicked her tongue and dealt him a gentle shake. ‘I meant how will I survive without you? I ran away so that we could be together.’

      ‘And we will be, always!’ His cheery grin encouraged her. ‘This is only for a short while until I get us somewhere permanent. I can’t stay out all night, my parents will be suspicious. But I promise I’ll try my hardest to spend some time with you.’

      ‘And what of my valise?’ She pointed to the bag he was holding. ‘Am I to carry it myself?’

      Agreeing this might attract attention, his worry soon evaporated. ‘Why, it’ll give me just the excuse I need to come up!’ And he urged her on her way, saying he would follow.

      Watching her enter, he feasted his gaze on the hips that curved from the nipped-in waist. That she did not come out was a good sign. After a tense wait for the coast to clear – not just of superiors but of workmates too, for he did not know just who to trust – Marty saw an opportunity, grabbed it and pelted to Etta’s room, tapping urgently on the door until she unlocked it.

      Then they were free to indulge their passion, if not to its ultimate conclusion – although Marty certainly tried. With Etta’s breast crushed to his, her lips returning his hungry, grinding kisses, working him into a lustful frenzy, he was positive that she was equally aroused. Hence, whilst one of his hands cupped the small of her back, moulding her groin against his, the fingers of his other hand sought out the buttons at the nape of her neck. To his frustration they were the very devil to undo – and there seemed thousand upon thousand of them. Frustrated but undeterred, he moved his attention to other regions, running his hands around her buttocks, kneading and pulling her into even deeper intimacy. When she did not stop him, but returned his amorous kisses whilst moving her hands as freely over his body, he put one of his feet against hers, and then the other, inching forward, compelling her to walk backwards until she felt the bed pressing against her legs and had no option but to fall back upon it with Marty atop her. After a brief grunt of impact they resumed kissing, his movements becoming ever bolder, grasping handfuls of silken pink material and eventually managing to hoist the hem of her petticoat.

      But a farmer’s daughter, even a gentleman farmer’s daughter, could not fail to have learned a little about the facts of life. Though flushed and excited, her eyes glazed with desire, Etta squirmed violently at the more intimate intrusion. ‘Martin, what are you doing? Put that away!’

      ‘Sorry! I thought you wanted – oh, Etta, I’ll be so careful!’

      But she was fighting him now, grabbing his shoulders, straining to lever him from her. ‘I’ve seen the stallion brought to the mares! It’s for one reason only and I’ve no wish to be in foal!’

      ‘But they say that can’t happen the first time! Please let me, sweetheart. I can’t stop now, you’ve made me want to explode!’ He fell upon her again, planting fervent coaxing kisses all over her face and neck, trying to manoeuvre himself into position.

      ‘Martin, you can stop and you will!’

      Alarmed that her loud protestation would fetch witnesses, her ardent suitor issued a gasp of frustration and allowed himself to be displaced as, with a last growling heave, Etta hurled him to one side and dragged down her skirt, her breast rapidly rising and falling.

      There was a moment’s silence during which he lay beside her and sulked. Then, with a scissor movement he leapt up and stalked across the room, his back to her as he adjusted his clothing. ‘I’m sorry I misunderstood – we are to be wed, after all.’

      ‘And once we are then you shall have the matrimonial benefits,’ came her firm reply. ‘But I won’t escape from one bully to saddle myself with another.’

      Grossly affronted, Marty wheeled about. ‘How can you compare me with him? I adore you!’

      ‘But you don’t respect me,’ she retorted.

      ‘I do!’ Then his objection gave way to serious contemplation, which terminated in a grin of self-confession. ‘Well, sorry…I did get a bit carried away.’ He rushed to her side again, stroking and petting her in an unthreatening manner. ‘It’s just that I’ve never wanted anyone so much as I want you, Etta.’ His eyes showed it. ‘I thought you wanted me in the same way.’

      ‘Oh, Martin, I do.’ Hardly able to breathe through passion, she put a hand to his cheek, holding his droopy-lidded gaze earnestly. When the subject of marriage had first been aired she had asked her mother what to expect. Mother had refused to discuss it, saying that it was all rather horrid but a wife must put up with it. None of her friends could enlighten her either. A determined Etta had finally gone back to Blanche, who had previously refused to be drawn but being of a lower class and the dispenser of bawdy jokes must surely be more conversant with such matters than herself. Despite professing to know little more than her mistress, amid great embarrassment, Blanche had finally been coaxed into detail, and had likened the marital act to what happened amongst the animals. ‘Or so I’m told! I’m dreading it myself.’ Etta had found it repellent too then, but the thought of such a union with Marty was utterly different. ‘But I want to be married first. I don’t think you understand how shameful it is for a woman to bear a child out of wedlock. You see, I’ve witnessed one of our maids being sent packing for such a reason.’

      ‘Do you realise how insulting that is?’ It was his turn to accuse now. ‘You’re insinuating that once I’ve had what I want I’ll leave you in the lurch!’

      ‘I didn’t mean that, I know I can trust you. It’s just…’

      ‘It’s just you think I’m a lying tinker.’

      ‘No!’ Disturbed, Etta struggled to conjure a plausible answer, hating that sullen frown upon Martin’s brow, eventually admitting in a little voice, ‘It’s…I’m frightened.’

      Overwhelmed with love, he hugged her then. ‘Oh, you poor little thing! But I’ve explained to you, nothing awful will come of it.’

      ‘Is that what you say to all the girls?’


      ‘There must have been plenty – you seem very experienced.’

      ‘There hasn’t! Well, only one.’

      A small voice. ‘And did you love her?’

      He shook his head, ashamed to tell the truth, that the girl had only been someone liberal with her favours and had meant nothing to him. ‘I didn’t know what love was until I met you,

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