The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Volume 3: Reader’s Guide PART 2. Christina Scull

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The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Volume 3: Reader’s Guide PART 2 - Christina  Scull

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       The Dragon’s Visit



       The Drowning of Anadûnê

      Dundas-Grant, James Harold

       Of Dwarves and Men

      Dyson, Henry Victor Dyson

       Éalá Éarendel Engla Beorhtast

       Earendel at the Helm

      ‘Early Chart of Names’

      ‘Early Noldorin Grammar’

      ‘Early Qenya Pronouns’

      Earp, Thomas Wade

      Eddison, Eric Rucker

      ‘Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië’

       Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals

       The Elvish Alphabets

       Elvish Song in Rivendell

      Emery, Augustin Robert

       The End of the Third Age: The History of The Lord of the Rings, Part IV


       English and Medieval Studies Presented to J.R.R. Tolkien …

       English and Welsh

      English language

      ‘English–Qenya Dictionary’

       Enigmata Saxonica Nuper Inventa Duo

       Of the Ents and the Eagles

      ‘The Entu, Ensi, Enta Declension’


      Eriol and Ælfwine



      ‘Essay on Phonetic Symbolism’

       Essays Presented to Charles Williams



       An Evening in Tavrobel

      Everett, Dorothy


      Fairbank, Christian Albert Hastings

      Fairford (Gloucestershire)


      The Fall

      The Fall of Arthur (poem)

      The Fall of Arthur (book)

       The Fall of Númenor

      Fandom and popularity

       Farmer Giles of Ham

      Farnell, Lewis Richard

      Farrer, Katharine Dorothy


      ‘Fate and Free Will’ (notes)

      Fate and free will (topic)

      The ‘Father Christmas’ letters

      ‘Of Fëanor and the Unchaining of Melkor’

       The Feanorian Alphabet

      Field, Geoffrey Simpson

      ‘Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad’

      Filey (Yorkshire)

       Finn and Hengest: The Fragment and the Episode

      Firth, Charles Harding

      ‘Five Late Quenya Volitive Inscriptions’

       The Five Wizards

      Fletcher, Ronald Frank William

      ‘Flight of the Gnomes’

       The Flight of the Noldoli from Valinor

      ‘Of the Flight of the Noldor’

      Folkestone (Kent)

      Food and drink

       For W.H.A.

       A Fourteenth-Century Romance

      Fox, Adam


      Fraser, John

      Freston, Hugh Reginald

       From the Many-Willow’d Margin of the Immemorial Thames

      Gardner, Helen Louise

       Gawain’s Leave-taking

      Gedling (Nottinghamshire)

      ‘Gerald of Wales on the Survival of Welsh’

      Gilson, Robert Cary

      Gilson, Robert Quilter



      ‘The Gnomes Come to the Great Lands’

       Gnomish Grammar

       Gnomish Lexicon

      ‘The Gnomish Lexicon Slips’

       Goblin Feet

      ‘Goldogrin Pronomial Prefixes’

      Gollins, Annie

      Good and Evil

      Gordon, Eric Valentine

      Gordon, George Stuart

      Gordon, Robert Hope

      Grahame, Kenneth

      Great Haywood (Staffordshire)

      Green, Roger Gilbert Lancelyn

       The Grey Bridge of Tavrobel

      Griffiths, Mary Elaine

      Grove, Mary Jane, known as Jennie

       Habbanan beneath the Stars

      Haggard, Henry Rider

      Hall, William Ernest

      Halsbury, John Anthony Hardinge Giffard, Earl of

       The Happy Mariners

      Hardie, Colin Graham

      Harrogate (Yorkshire)

      Havard, Robert Emlyn


       The Heirs of Elendil

       Henry Bradley, 3 Dec., 1845–23 May, 1923

      ‘Heraldic Devices of Tol Erethrin’

      Hill, Margaret Joy

      Historical and cultural influences

       The History of Galadriel and Celeborn and of Amroth King of Lórien

       The History of Middle-earth

       The History of The Hobbit

       The History of The Lord of the Rings

       The Hoard

       The Hobbit

       Holy Maidenhood

       The Homecoming

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