Essex Girls. Laura Ziepe

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Essex Girls - Laura Ziepe

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hairdresser she trusted to get her hair just right and she had her round to the house at least twice a week; she didn’t know what she’d do without her. It was all about the big hair, Kelly thought as she caught sight of her reflection on the mirrored coffee table. She’d made Amy backcomb for England this morning and was very pleased with the outcome.

      Her mum’s chihuahua, Lord McButterpants, jumped up at the sofa and she scooped him up and placed him on her lap, much to the dog’s delight. He was a gorgeous little thing; he had long, soft, creamy-coloured fur and was no bigger than a kitten. Her mum was out today and Kelly promised she’d look after him. He hated walking because his tiny legs got tired so quickly, so she would take him out in her mum’s Louis Vuitton dog carrier, she decided as she spotted it on the floor in the hall.

      She was so glad her best friend was finally back in Essex – she’d missed her more than she’d ever realised. Going out was never the same without Jade. Yes, she always had a good time on nights out, but not in the same way she did when Jade was there. She did go out with Lisa sometimes, but she was always with her boyfriend, Jake, which was a bit annoying, so Kelly usually had to resort to going out with some girls from her salon.

      She had been gutted when Jade had told her she was going to university, especially when she said it was all the way down the country in Bath. She felt like she’d be left behind and forgotten about. Then Jade had said she was going to live in Bath for good with Tom, and Kelly had seriously thought she’d lost her friend forever. Secretly, Kelly had never been too keen on Tom, as he seemed to look down his nose at her, and Kelly also believed he was the reason Jade was changing so much. Jade always wanted to impress him and never did things she thought he wouldn’t approve of. It was hard to watch your best friend changing for someone else, especially when you thought they were pretty much perfect just the way they were.

      There was no way that she could ever have gone to university – she hated writing essays and had barely passed her GCSEs. Kelly was certainly not academic and had decided a beauty course was definitely the thing for her. She loved making people feel better about themselves and their appearance and it was amazing how a spray tan could really lift your mood and make you feel a hundred times better. Everyone should have them in her opinion; even men, and her male client list was getting longer by the day.

      She went up to her room to start on her make-up and wondered what Jade would be wearing for their day out. She’d almost given her a heart attack when she went out last time she was back in Essex, as she was only wearing mascara and no fake tan! For Jade’s last birthday, Kelly had bought her a St Tropez gift set, hoping she would take the hint, but to her surprise she still went out looking as white as a sheet. She just looked so different and even sounded strange too; her normal accent was slowly fading away. She felt like all her friend’s Essex traits were disappearing and if she’d have been with Tom any longer, he would have made sure they were gone for good. Jade would be back to normal soon, Kelly told herself, it wouldn’t take long; she’d make sure of it.

      She was just finishing applying her Benefit lip gloss when the doorbell rang and she jumped up excitedly. As she answered her front door she screamed. ‘Ahhhhh! My Essex girl is home!’

      She hugged Jade tightly.

      ‘Hi, Kel.’

      ‘Come in, babe. Lisa will be here soon. It’s so nice to see you! I’ll put the kettle on.’

      Kelly glanced at Jade. She was wearing bronzer, so that was a good start. Still no fake tan or eyelashes though. There was only one thing for it; she needed an Essex make-over.


      Jade followed Kelly into the kitchen as she went to make the tea. It only seemed like yesterday that they were in here, gossiping and laughing after a night out, eating one of Kelly’s mum’s amazing fry-ups. Kelly’s parents were a lot more relaxed than her own and Lisa’s were so strict they were a nightmare, so the girls had always stayed at Kelly’s house after nights out.

      ‘Lord McButterpants!’ Jade squealed happily, picking up the little dog who was wagging his tail frantically with excitement. She’d missed Kelly’s mum’s dog; he was utterly adorable. She remembered the first time Kelly told her what they had decided to name him and she thought it was a joke.

      ‘Don’t laugh, Lord McButterpants will hear you!’ Kelly said with a stern expression as she covered the dog’s ears.

      Jade had soon got used to the unusual name and had to admit, it actually suited him. Lord McButterpants was exceptionally confident and walked around the house with his head held high, full of self-importance. He went crazy over peanut butter treats, which is where the word ‘butter’ came from in his name. Jade thought his name was hilarious – and so did everyone else when Kelly called him in the park.

      Jade studied her best friend. She hadn’t altered one bit in three years. She had lovely blonde hair, which was thick and wavy, and the most amazingly large blue eyes she’d ever seen. Despite the fact she had long eyelashes anyway, she was never without her false ones and today was no exception. Her tan was clearly false as she hadn’t been away since the previous summer, but always flawless, even if it was too dark to be natural. Jade always got Kelly to do her tan, as she was a full-time beautician and a very good one too. If it was anyone else they would have been resentful of the extra work, as Jade used to have a fake tan every weekend they went out, but Kelly was so lovely natured and generous that she enjoyed making her friends happy.

      Jade had never met anyone else like Kelly. To look at you’d assume she was arrogant, because of her stunning looks, but that was far from the truth; she had a heart of gold. She wasn’t the sharpest tool in the box, but she knew this, didn’t care and even made fun of herself. In fact, she often played up to it in front of men and they all seemed to love her. Whoever Kelly set her sights on she seemed to attract. She made it look so easy.

      Kelly turned to her, looked her up and down and smiled. ‘Hun, do you mind if I do you a tan and a make-over before we go out? I want to try this new instant tanning lotion I’ve just bought and I’m getting tested on make-up next week at college.’

      Jade eyed her suspiciously. ‘But you finished college years ago?’

      Kelly faltered. ‘Errr … yeah, but I’m doing this new evening course in make-up. Did I not mention it?’

      Jade shook her head. Kelly was definitely lying, she just knew it. Kelly couldn’t even look her in the eye, which was a sure sign that her friend had just made up a load of rubbish.

      ‘Kelly, tell me the truth. What’s wrong with my make-up?’


      ‘Kelly …’ Jade folded her arms across her chest.

      Kelly hesitated, wondering whether to say it or not. ‘Okay, but promise you won’t take this the wrong way? I’m only saying this because I’m your best friend and I love you.’

      ‘No, I won’t take it the wrong way.’

      ‘You’re pale!’ Kelly blurted, as soon as Jade had finished her sentence. She took a deep breath. ‘And not just a little bit pale, we’re talking Vicky Jenkins pale.’

      Jade gasped in shock. Vicky Jenkins was a girl from their old school who everyone used to laugh at because she was so white and hated tans. The colour of the make-up she used to put on in the school playground was the colour of talcum powder! ‘I think that may be the worst thing you’ve ever said to me.’

      ‘It’s only because I care,’ Kelly smiled sweetly.

      ‘Okay, what else?’

      ‘You really want to know?’

      ‘Yes. I can handle it,’ Jade said bravely.

      ‘Your hair,’ Kelly shook her head looking at it. ‘It’s like the flattest hair in the whole of Essex. It’s almost stuck to your head! You need volume, waves, backcombing. You have hardly any make-up on. I don’t think I can even see any eyeshadow, your eyelashes are non-existent and don’t even get me started on your chipped red nails.

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