Fiona Gibson 3 Book Bundle. Fiona Gibson

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Fiona Gibson 3 Book Bundle - Fiona  Gibson

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had darted around their legs. What are they doing right now, he wonders? Has Kerry told them yet? If they were terribly distraught – as he imagines they were – perhaps she’s kept them off school and they’re all huddled on the sofa, discussing what a despicable father he is. Rob blinks at the photo again before placing it carefully in his desk drawer.

      When he looks up, Nadine is strolling towards him. ‘Hi,’ she says, her eyes flicking towards his screen and a small smile crossing her lips.

      ‘Er, hi, Nadine.’ He wills her to go away and play with her gonk pencils or something. Instead, she starts reading the text on his screen. ‘“Maybe I’m not in the mood right now”,’ she teases in a breathy voice. ‘“Maybe you need to pay me a little more attention instead of coming home and spending an hour offloading about work …”’

      Rob feels his cheeks burning. ‘Yeah, well. Got to get into character, you know.’

      ‘Hmm. Anyway, I just wondered what you’re doing for lunch today, now your migraine’s gone?’

      ‘No plans,’ he murmurs. ‘Shall we, er, grab a sandwich or something?’

      She nods curtly. ‘I think we should.’

      He glances quickly around the office to check no one’s listening in. ‘I have tried to talk to you,’ he whispers. ‘I’ve called you so many times but you always seem—’

      She nods, already turning away. ‘Let’s have lunch.’

      Now it’s impossible for Rob to concentrate on the wretched column. Yet he ploughs onwards, suggesting more possible reasons for this poor female’s libido to have plummeted, and by the time he’s arrived at the ‘what you can do bit’ he is barely capable of focusing on the screen.

      So lunchtime, when it finally rolls around, is almost a relief. Having brazenly left the office together, he and Nadine have settled upon a new deli-cum-cafe they’ve never been to before, having carefully avoided the team’s usual haunts. They have chosen the table furthest from the window, yet Rob still wishes there was a screen or something, to shield them from prying eyes.

      ‘So … how are you feeling?’ he asks glumly.

      ‘All right,’ Nadine says with a weak smile. ‘Still shell-shocked, I guess.’

      ‘Have you told many people yet?’

      ‘No, just my closest friends – my besties.’

      ‘Right.’ He grimaces at the waitress as their orders arrive; hers a neat grilled chicken salad, dressing on the side, his a gargantuan salt beef sandwich.

      ‘You haven’t told your parents?’ he asks.

      She shakes her head.

      ‘How d’you think they’ll react?’

      ‘Er … Mum’ll be fine, I think. Dad maybe not, but we’ll see.’

      Rob nods and glances down at his plate, realising he’s not remotely hungry. These past few days he’s barely eaten a thing, surviving on black coffee and the odd cigarette, the first he’s smoked since giving up a decade ago.

      ‘Nadine,’ he starts, his stomach tightening as he tries to formulate the right words, ‘please don’t take this the wrong way. It’s just something I have to ask you, okay?’

      ‘Uh-huh,’ she says, pursing her lips.

      ‘It’s, um … definitely mine, isn’t it?’

      ‘Jesus, Rob,’ she hisses. ‘Yes. Whose d’you think it is?’ Her eyes flash angrily, and a blotchy rash appears instantly on her slender neck.

      ‘I don’t – well, I just …’

      ‘There hasn’t been anyone else. It’s yours, whether you believe that or not—’

      ‘Okay, okay,’ he says quickly. ‘I just wanted to be sure …’

      ‘Well, now you can be.’

      Rob nods and they fall into a tense silence. ‘Look,’ she murmurs finally, her voice softening, ‘I know this is a horrible mess for you …’

      She looks so small and vulnerable, he reaches for her hand instinctively. ‘It’s not your fault,’ he murmurs.

      ‘No, what I mean is …’ She musters a smile then – her first genuine smile since that night at her flat. ‘I’m single, Rob. Okay, I’d never imagined having a baby at my age, but I started to think … why not? How hard can it be?’ Rob wants to cut in and say It’s bloody hard, Nadine. If you think it’s all reading picture books and making coochy-coo noises you’re in for a shock … but manages to stop himself. It’s not the time for a lecture from a been-there, done-that dad.

      ‘I’ll help you. I’ll do anything I can.’ As soon as the words are out of his mouth, Rob knows he means it. Despite Kerry, the children and the whole mess he’s made – or perhaps because of it – he has to prove to himself that he’s capable of being a decent human being. A baby. Bloody hell. It’ll be the size of a tangerine pip or something, but it’s still his flesh and blood. ‘Nadine, listen,’ he continues, ‘I know none of this is ideal, and God knows what’s ahead of us, but I want you to know I’m here for you, whatever happens.’

      Her eyes widen. ‘That’s a nice thing to say, Rob.’

      ‘Well, I didn’t say it to be nice, so you’d think I’m some kind of decent guy. I said it because it’s true.’

      She nods, carefully placing her cutlery on her plate. Her lunch, and his, remain untouched.

      ‘Did you think I’d leave you in the lurch?’ he asks.

      ‘I didn’t know what to think. I’ve been terrified actually.’ She lets out a small, mirthless laugh.

      ‘Well, of course I won’t.’

      ‘Um … thanks,’ she says as he squeezes her hand. ‘But what about your kids, your wife …’

      ‘We’ll have to see. I don’t know what Kerry’s told them, and I can only hope they won’t hate my guts, that they’ll still want to see me …’

      ‘Oh, Rob,’ Nadine exclaims, ‘I feel so bad. That’s what I meant, you see – I’m young, I can have a baby and carry on with my life. It’s more complicated for you.’

      ‘I guess I’ll have to figure out some way to deal with it all,’ he mutters. He doesn’t mention the fact that, until today, he has plagued Kerry with texts and calls to the point at which she made it clear that his begging and pleading was pointless.

      As they stroll back to the office, Rob notices that Nadine’s demeanour has changed. She seems brighter and happier, heightening the fact that she must have spent the days since the pregnancy test in a state of terror. She is also strikingly beautiful, he notices, perhaps for the first time. Sure, he’d always thought she was cute, but now he sees men giving her the odd quick, appreciative glance, checking her out, hoping for a glimmer of eye contact. One passerby – young and handsome in an expensive-looking suit – gives him a quizzical look, or perhaps one of envy? Rob swallows hard, feeling himself blush. A homeless man with a filthy blanket over his knees is sitting in a disused doorway and, when he extends his hand for money, Rob pulls out his wallet and presses a tenner into his palm, as if that might somehow undo some of the damage he’s done.

      You’re forty years old, he reminds himself as he and Nadine turn into Shaftesbury Avenue and their faceless office block comes into view. You had everything going for you – a beautiful wife and children who loved you, a new house by the sea, and you’ve gone and got a girl pregnant who’s precisely half your age, you stupid bloody fool …

      As they approach the main entrance, he is aware of being spotted by Frank, who’s striding towards them while forking noodles into his mouth from a carton. If ever there was

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