MADE IN ESSEX. Laura Ziepe

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MADE IN ESSEX - Laura Ziepe

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losing her mind. She was certain she’d left it at Sam’s. She got in her car and searched everywhere, but to no avail. Where on earth had she put it? How had it disappeared into thin air? Her phone rang and she was glad when she saw Kelly’s name flashing on her screen.

      ‘Hello,’ she answered.

      ‘Hi, babe,’ Kelly greeted her brightly. ‘How did it go last night?’

      ‘Yes, really well. The website is pretty simple to work and I think I’ll be able to upload the products quite easily. I was just about to call you actually. Did you take my red notebook by accident?’

      Kelly paused as she thought. ‘No. Why, have you lost it?’

      ‘Yeah. I was sure I left it at Sam’s when I dropped you back and then went to see him, but it’s not there, I just checked. I must have left it at Tony’s then. I don’t think it’s there though. It’s so strange.’

      ‘It must be at Tony’s, hun,’ Kelly replied to reassure her. ‘Don’t worry, we’ll find it. It’s bound to turn up somewhere. I was just calling you because I’ve been up since seven this morning making some sample bikinis for the photo shoot.’

      Jade felt excited. ‘Oh well done. Do they look good?’

      ‘Totes amaze. Seriously, whoever wears them is going to look so reem it’s not even funny.’

      Jade laughed gaily. ‘Well, I look forward to seeing them. Aren’t you tired getting up so early at the weekend?’

      ‘No babe, I would work twenty-two hours a day, every day doing this. I love it!’

      Jade was confused. ‘Why twenty-two hours?’

      ‘You know, a full day, hun,’ Kelly answered as though it was obvious.

      ‘A full day is twenty-four hours though,’ Jade said, smirking.

      Kelly gave a little giggle. ‘Is it? Oh my God, how funny? I thought it was twenty-two. Are you sure?’

      Jade burst into laughter. ‘I’m pretty certain, Kelly.’

      Kelly laughed even more at herself. ‘So, shall we meet Lisa for lunch today and ask her to do our bikini modelling?’

      ‘Yes, good idea. If there are two of us we’ll be able to convince her. Then I’ll go to yours after and help you do more bikinis.’

      ‘Cool. Call me in a bit and I’ll ring her.’


      Two hours later the girls were sitting in Pizza Express in Loughton.

      ‘What did you get up to last night?’ Kelly asked Lisa as she studied the menu, running her long French-manicured finger down the page.

      ‘Oh, I had another date actually. A guy called Mark who Nicola set me up with because her brother plays rugby with him and thought we’d hit it off.’


      ‘Mmm … he was okay,’ Lisa said nonchalantly. ‘His shoulders were a bit too broad for my liking. I have so much to tell you two by the way.’

      ‘Oh good, I love a gossip,’ Kelly said eagerly as the waiter came over and took their orders.

      ‘The first thing is that I heard some news about Jake today. Big news,’ Lisa told them as she handed her menu back to the waiter.

      ‘Jake your ex?’ Jade asked, wondering why Lisa was talking about him all of a sudden.

      Lisa nodded. ‘I met up with Nicola today to see the flat, which is amazing by the way and where the second part of my news comes in, but I’ll discuss that afterwards. Anyway, so I met her and she told me that her nail technician …’

      ‘What? Where and who does she go to? She could use me!’ Kelly interrupted morosely with a pout.

      ‘Okay, calm down,’ Jade giggled, ‘I’m sure Lisa will tell her all about how fantastic you are and she’ll use you in future. Go on, Lisa. What about Jake?’

      ‘He’s engaged. Just like that. He’s all loved up with this nail person Nicola knows and already he’s replaced me with someone else. That quickly! I can just see him now; he’s probably bought a flat, she’s moved in and they probably sit there doing each other’s nails every night.’

      Jade sat there, incredulous. Jake was engaged to someone else so soon? She’d imagined him wallowing in self-pity for months, not getting hitched!

      ‘Well I think that maybe it’s a good thing,’ Kelly finally spoke. ‘I mean, at least you won’t have to feel guilty now he’s happy with someone else?’

      ‘I suppose so,’ Lisa replied stoically. ‘It’s just a really weird feeling, but I’m glad he’s happy. I would be a complete cow not to be pleased for him.’

      ‘And you’ll be happy with someone else one day too,’ Jade added, trying to cheer up her friend.

      Kelly grinned. ‘Yeah babe, you go on more dates than bloody Russell Brand, I wouldn’t worry!’

      Lisa snorted with laughter. ‘The next bit of news is probably even worse than that. Just guess who lives dead opposite our flat?’

      ‘Oh please say Jodie Marsh or Chantelle Houghton or someone? I could do with some celebrity clients. People love it if you’ve got a few celebs under your belt, my beauty business would be even more booming and we can give them a free bikini each,’ Kelly said hopefully.

      Lisa shook her head. ‘No and no. It’s not anyone famous.’

      Kelly and Jade thought for a minute.

      ‘No idea. Tell us!’ they whined.


      ‘Oh. My. God. Are you joking?’ Kelly replied, aghast. ‘I just love her songs! Why did you lie and say she’s not famous? You’re hilare.’ She closed her eyes, concentrating as she began to sing, ‘Someone like you’.

      Lisa burst into laughter. ‘Not the singer Adele, Kelly,’ her eyes widened, ‘you know, Adele. The girl you despise from Marbs?’

      Kelly’s jaw dropped as reality dawned on her. ‘Oh no, not her! Are you being serious?’

      ‘I wish I was. I couldn’t believe it when I saw her. She said she’d only just got back to her flat after a night out.’

      ‘How classy,’ Jade commented sarcastically as their pizzas arrived. ‘Walk of shame. Did she look like a complete tart?’

      ‘She was actually in a dressing gown, so she must have already had a shower. Urgh, she’s just vile,’ Lisa said, remembering how she’d barged in the flat and helped herself to their champagne after complaining about it.

      ‘Oh I’m gutted, I really thought it was the singer Adele. I was going to ask to duet with her,’ Kelly said, shaking her head in disbelief.

      Lisa and Jade giggled.

      ‘Adele’s never going to leave you alone now, hun,’ Kelly said ruefully.

      Lisa raised her eyebrows as she cut her pizza into slices. ‘I know! I’ve met her twice and I can’t bear her.’

      ‘Just never answer the door unless you know who’s coming over,’ Jade suggested as she chewed a mouthful of cheese and pepperoni.

      ‘Or put a sign on your door saying that you’re not home?’ Kelly offered, looking up from her meal.

      ‘That’s a good idea. We’ll have no visits from Adele, but burglars instead,’ Lisa laughed.

      ‘Oh yeah, maybe not then!’ Kelly said pulling a face.

      ‘So how was your night with lover boy, Billy, anyway?’ Jade asked Kelly.

      ‘Really nice. Me and Billy are meant to be, I can feel

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