Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky

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Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign - Joseph  Polansky

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says but rather observe what he or she does. Geminis can be quite generous to those they love.

      Geminis like their partners to be refined, well educated and well travelled. If their partners are more wealthy than they, that is all the better. If you are in love with a Gemini you had better be a good listener as well.

      The ideal relationship for the Gemini is a relationship of the mind. They enjoy the physical and emotional aspects, of course, but if the intellectual communion is not there they will suffer.

      Home and Domestic Life

      At home the Gemini can be uncharacteristically neat and meticulous. They tend to want their children and partner to live up to their idealistic standards. When these standards are not met they moan and criticize. However, Geminis are good family people and like to serve their families in practical and useful ways.

      The Gemini home is comfortable and pleasant. They like to invite people over and they make great hosts. Geminis are also good at repairs and improvements around the house–all fuelled by their need to stay active and occupied with something they like to do. Geminis have many hobbies and interests that keep them busy when they are home alone.

      Geminis understand and get along well with their children, mainly because they are very youthful people themselves. As great communicators, Geminis know how to explain things to children; in this way they gain their children’s love and respect. Geminis also encourage children to be creative and talkative, just like they are.

       Horoscope for 2010

      Major Trends

      Last year–especially the latter part of the year–was a banner career year, and this trend continues in the year ahead. You are on a roll–going from glory to glory and from achievement to achievement. This is the main headline of the year ahead. You will need to learn to cope with success.

      Pluto’s move out of your 7th house last year has stabilized your love and social life considerably. For many years love has been stormy. The cosmos was detoxing your love life and marriage–and this was not always pleasant. Many of you lost husbands, wives and dear friends or have been divorced over the past 15 years. But now things are quieter. You are clear in love matters. You know what you want and what you need. You know the difference between real love and its imitation. The love that comes now will be good. You have paid your dues. More on this later.

      Your social life in general is becoming more exciting. You will only feel the beginnings of this in the year ahead as Uranus makes a brief visit to your 11th house of friends. But in coming years you will feel this more strongly. Many existing friends will leave the picture and new ones will come in. Your whole circle of friends will be changing.

      The past 2 years have been difficult on the home front. You took on more responsibility–more burdens. It was not safe for you to express your real feelings. Perhaps you felt physically or emotionally cramped at home and with the family. Most of this is over with, but you have a brief revisit from April 8th to July 22nd as Saturn moves back into the 4th house. The cosmos will give you a ‘final exam’ to see if you’ve learned your lessons–and then it will leave you alone.

      Saturn moved in to your 5th house on October 30th of last year and will be there for most of the year ahead. Thus the cosmos is going to set your children (or those who are like children to you) in straight order. It will set your relationship with them in order and this means you might have to be more firm and disciplined with them. Being overly kind at the wrong times can be destructive to a child’s character and development, and this is the kind of a year where you go more deeply into these things.

      Pluto in your 8th house shows a deeper interest in sex, birth, death, past lives, reincarnation, life after death and occult studies. This is going to be a very long-term trend. Along with this you will be confronting death on a psychological level–perhaps through dreams or through events that happen in your life. The cosmos is calling you to a deeper understanding of this. When you learn the truth about death, you learn the truth about life.

      Your most important areas of interest in the year ahead will be communication and intellectual interests (January 1st to June 7th), home and family (April 8th to July 22nd), children, creativity and fun (January 1st to April 8th and July 22nd to December 31st), sex, death and rebirth, transformation, personal reinvention and occult studies, religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel, career, and friends groups, organizations and group activities (May 23rd to September 10th).

      Your paths of greatest fulfilment will be sex, death and rebirth, transformation, personal reinvention and occult studies, religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel (until February 18th), career, and friends groups, organizations and group activities (May 23rd to September 10th).


      (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days gone by there was no difference; these perspectives were identical. But nowadays there can be quite a difference. For the medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

      Overall health and vitality, though not perfect, is steadily improving–and this is the important thing. Last year was better than 2008 and 2010 is better than 2009. Next year will be better than this year.

      Uranus, which has been making stressful aspects to you, will leave its stressful aspect for a few months–from May 28th to August 14th. Saturn, which has been stressing you for 2 years now, will mostly be making harmonious aspects to you (however, for a few months–from April 8th to July 22nd–it is in stressful aspect).

      Overall, health is reasonable. You can, if you like, make it even better. Pay more attention to the following parts of the body:


       colon, bladder and sexual organs

       spine, knees, teeth, bones, gallbladder and overall skeletal alignment.

      Pluto is your health planet. Last year he moved out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn and will be in Capricorn for the next 15 or so years. This brought long-term changes in your health attitudes and regimes. Many of these changes seem positive. You are more disciplined with regards to your health–you seem willing to take on daily disciplined health regimes and healthy lifestyles. You are interested in long-term cures rather than ‘quick fix’ solutions. However, you are more conservative in health matters–and seem afraid to experiment with new therapies or new modalities that could help you. You are interested in therapies that are ‘well tested’ and that have stood the ‘tests of time’. Even those of you who are into alternative medicine are interested in the traditional forms of it.

       Reflexology Try to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’, as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side (as well as the soles) of the feet.

      Pluto rules the colon, bladder and sexual organs. Hence their importance in your overall health. Safe sex and sexual moderation are important for everyone, but for you especially. Pluto rules surgery and many of you see this as a solution to health problems. But detox, also ruled by Pluto, would be in many cases equally effective.

      While Pluto was in Sagittarius your liver and thighs needed more attention, as these organs are ruled by Sagittarius. But now with Pluto in Capricorn, your spine, knees, teeth, bones, gallbladder and overall skeletal alignment are important–and for the long term. Regular visits to a chiropractor or osteopath would be a good idea–the vertebrae of your spine need to be kept in alignment. Therapies such as Alexander Technique, Feldenkreis Method or Rolfing

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