Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky

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Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign - Joseph  Polansky

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      Major Trends

      In 2009 two major long-term planets–Saturn and Pluto–moved into a stressful alignment with you. This should not be taken lightly, as these planets are formidable and will test your mettle for the next 2 years. (It will be a lot easier for you in 2 years’ time.) You are in a period of character building. A period for gaining strength and for building up your spiritual and mental muscles. Rest assured, the cosmos–which is always loving and just–will not give you more than you can bear. It might push you to the edge, but never over the edge.

      Yes, you will be working harder. Yes, your overall energy will not be up to its usual standards (we will discuss this further in the Health section, page 19). Yes, you will feel like you are walking uphill with the wind blowing in your face. But if you don’t give up, if you reach into your inner reservoirs of strength, many blessings will come. You will learn the art of alchemy–the art of taking negatives and transforming them into positives. You will develop endurance and courage. You will learn to perform well under pressure. And when the difficult period ends, you will be oh-so-much stronger and more confident.

      Last year was a strong social year–but more in the nature of friendships. This area is still strong, but not as much as last year. Romance and marriages were getting tested last year, and this trend continues in the year ahead. The cosmos is going to put your social life into the ‘right order’ and sometimes it uses dramatic means. More on this later.

      Spirituality was important last year, and this year it will become even more important–as Jupiter will move through your 12th house of spirituality in the year ahead.

      Both Jupiter and Uranus will move into your sign for brief periods in the year ahead–this is a major headline. These are slow-moving planets. The last time Uranus was in Aries was approximately 88 years ago (most of you have never experienced this energy in this lifetime). The last time Jupiter was in Aries was 12 years ago. While these movements are not the ‘full-blown’ transit (this will happen in 2011), they are announcements of things to come–and they are good announcements. You are getting ready for tremendous freedom and financial abundance–and it can happen very suddenly. The very pressures on you, which seem so onerous and burdensome, will lead you to a greater freedom. (Those of you born early in the sign of Aries–between March 20th and 24th–will feel this transit most keenly.)

      Last year Pluto moved into your 10th house of career for good (in 2008 he merely flirted with your 10th house). Pluto is now there for at least another 15 years. So your career is being ‘detoxed’–purified of effete attitudes and mis-thinking. More on this later.

      Your areas of greatest interest in 2010 are spirituality, children, creativity and fun (until June 7th), health and work (from April 8th to July 22nd), love and marriage (from January 1st to April 8th and from July 22nd onwards), career, and friendships and group activities.

      Your paths of greatest fulfilment are spirituality and career.


      (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days gone by there was no difference; these perspectives were identical. But nowadays there can be quite a difference. For the medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

      Health definitely needs watching this year, Aries. As mentioned, two strong planets are in stressful alignment with you most of the year (you do get a little break from April 8th to July 22nd). So, you need to watch your energy. This is the most important thing. Avoid burning the candle at both ends. Rest when tired. Work rhythmically and alternate activities. Wear the gems, metals and aromas of your sign. Try to organize your day so that more gets done with less energy. Delegate tasks where possible. Keep your focus on the essential things in your life and let lesser things go. (This will involve tough choices, but you will have to make them.)

      Take a business-like approach to your energy. It is precious. You want to invest it where it will give you the maximum return. You certainly don’t want to waste it on frivolities.

      When our health is stressed, it doesn’t mean that sickness has to happen. It only means that more time, energy and attention need to be devoted to health. The danger this year (especially until April 8th and from July 22nd onwards) is that you will ignore things. Your 6th house of health is not strong for most of the year. You will have to motivate yourself–force yourself–to pay more attention to your health even when you don’t feel like it.

      The good news is that there is much you can do to enhance your health and prevent problems from developing. Pay more attention to your heart, arms, shoulders, head, and small intestine. There are many, many natural ways to strengthen these; I’m sure you know about them. However, some of you might want to work with the reflexology chart above.

       Reflexology Try to massage the whole foot on a regular basis, but pay extra attention to the points highlighted on the chart. When you massage, be aware of ‘sore spots’, as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side (as well as the soles) of the feet.

      Arms and shoulders should be regularly massaged. A scalp and face massage is generally very powerful for you, as the sign of Aries rules the head and the face. Therapies such as cranial sacral therapy, which deals with the alignment of the skull bones (ruled by Aries) are also favoured.

      Saturn, which rules the back, spine, knees, teeth, bones, gallbladder and overall skeletal alignment, will be in your 6th house of health from April 8th to July 22nd. During this period, pay more attention to these parts of the body. Give more support to your knees when exercising. Regular visits to a chiropractor might be a good idea. Regular back massage would be powerful then, too.

      There are certain periods this year where your health is even more stressed than usual–these are from January 1st to 20th, June 21st to July 23rd, September 23rd to October 23rd, and December 7th to 31st. These are periods to slow down and spend more time focusing on your health.

      Kali phosphate and Kali sulphate are powerful homoeopathic remedies. The Ram, the Dog and the Pigeon are healing power animals–their medicine is beneficial.

      Since your health planet, Mercury, is a fast-moving planet, there will be many short-term trends affecting your health. These will be discussed in the month-by-month reports.

      If you mind your energy and follow the guidelines given, you should go through the year ahead with flying colours.

      Home and Family

      Your 4th house of home and family is not a House of Power this year. Thus you have more freedom and latitude to shape this area of life as you wish. The cosmos is not pushing you one way or the other. Generally, though, this alignment tends to indicate a status-quo kind of year.

      However, this year there are two eclipses in your 4th house. This spells change. Also keep in mind that the Moon, your family planet, will get eclipsed twice this year as well. This needn’t mean a move. Often it just shows that hidden flaws in the home (and in the family and domestic relationship) are revealed so that they can be corrected.

      Those of you born early in the sign of Aries (March 20th-23rd) can easily experience house moves–perhaps a few of them. This is because Uranus makes a brief visit to your sign from May 28th to August 14th. This is a rare transit. Most of you have never experienced anything like this–the last time it happened was 85-88 years ago! I wouldn’t be surprised if you move (or live) in a foreign country during this period. In many cases it will indicate a ‘vagabond’ kind of existence–living in different places for various periods of time–even though you still have an ‘official’ address. Those of you born later in the sign will merely feel the ‘urge’ to wander. But this transit is an announcement of things to come in 2011 and beyond.

      Parents or parent figures are contemplating moves–but there are many delays involved. Children of

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