Josephine Cox Mother’s Day 3-Book Collection: Live the Dream, Lovers and Liars, The Beachcomber. Josephine Cox

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Josephine Cox Mother’s Day 3-Book Collection: Live the Dream, Lovers and Liars, The Beachcomber - Josephine  Cox

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… nothing else?’ Tom was the only man she wanted, he knew that.

      He nodded. ‘Okay,’ he agreed. ‘As friends.’

      ‘All right then. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.’

      Slamming shut the door, she made a run for it.

      Excited with his new toy, and thrilled to have a date in the bag, Dougie roared off, water spraying from under his wheels.

      Having let herself into the house, Lilian leant against the closed door, her face etched with anger. ‘Damn him. I don’t need him to tell me what to do!’

      She walked down the passageway muttering to herself and softly crying. ‘Tom wants to see me. I know he does!’

       Since the accident, all she had dreamed about was getting together with Tom.

      The following Friday, Lilian kept a promise. She and Dougie were actually meeting up on a date.

      At half past seven on the dot, he arrived at her door. ‘My! You look stunning!’

      ‘Thanks.’ Having shed her bad mood, Lilian was now ready for a night out. Her long auburn curls were brushed to a shine, and her make-up, as usual, was discreet. She had chosen to wear a black pencil skirt with red shoes and a jacket of the same colour, and had a polka-dot scarf at her neck.

      ‘Your hair is lovely,’ he said, reaching out towards her. ‘Pity you don’t wear it down in the office.’ Lilian stepped away from his touch. ‘Remember what you promised,’ she reminded him. ‘Just friends.’ He was all right, but he wasn’t Tom. She told herself to keep that firmly in mind.

      Though disappointed at her reminder, Dougie reassured her nevertheless. ‘Don’t worry. I haven’t forgotten.’ Cupping his hand beneath her elbow, he walked her to the car.

      ‘I’ve booked us a table at a lovely little Italian restaurant I know,’ he said. ‘I hope you like it.’

      Spruced up in his best suit and looking as debonair as he could manage, Dougie was actually nervous. This was his first real date in a long time.

      Grinning broadly, he opened the car door for Lilian to climb in and make herself comfortable. His precious new car was polished and shining, much like Dougie himself, Lilian thought.

      As they drew up outside the restaurant, another taxi drew up in front of them and out stepped a pretty woman in a black dress. Looking uncomfortable in what was clearly his best suit, the man with her was slightly older.

      ‘You’re in for a wonderful evening, my dear,’ he promised his companion as he offered his arm to her.

      The woman laughed with excitement. ‘It’s a good job I put my best frock on.’

      ‘Nothing but the best for my little girl.’ Tucking her hand into his arm, he escorted her inside, like the gentleman he was.

      Dougie smiled at the woman’s excitement. ‘It looks like he means to make it a night for her to remember.’ He helped Lilian out of the car. ‘I remember when I used to get excited like that … when every penny I earned had to be counted.’

      Lilian began to see a more ordinary side to him that she had not seen before. ‘So, you don’t count your pennies now, is that what you mean?’

      He laughed. ‘That’s exactly what I mean,’ he replied. ‘Now I let the accountants do it for me.’

      The restaurant was lovely, with plush red carpets and starched white tablecloths. Lilian’s eyes travelled the room and took it all in. With crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and long slender mirrors on the wood-panelled walls, she was overwhelmed by such opulence.

      Dougie and Lilian were seated at an intimate corner table. ‘She seems a bundle of fun,’ Dougie commented as the couple from the taxi sat down nearby. He observed her companion. ‘Too old for a boyfriend, and too young to be her father,’ he remarked.

      Lilian looked across to where the woman was now talking softly to her companion, while he smiled back with stars in his eyes. ‘I should think she’s hooked herself a nice little earner,’ Lilian concluded with a smile.

      Dougie tended to agree. ‘Well, I hope the poor bloke knows what he’s in for.’

      On ordering the food and a bottle of wine, Dougie chose the best that money could buy. They ate and drank and, as the evening wore on, the two of them began to delight in each other’s company. ‘You really do look beautiful,’ Dougie charmed her time and again. ‘I hadn’t realised just how lovely you are.’

      A fool to flattery, Lilian drank another glass of wine, then another. She was enjoying herself.

      Lilian dabbed at her mouth with the napkin and placed it on the table. ‘That was the nicest meal I’ve had in a long time,’ she confessed. ‘I don’t bother too much about elaborate meals … living on my own and all that.’

      Appreciating the compliment, Dougie laid down his knife and fork. Leaning forward he murmured suggestively, ‘You don’t have to be on your own …’

      ‘Now, now!’ She wagged a finger. ‘Remember what we agreed?’

      Sitting back in his chair, he gave a disappointed grunt. ‘As if I could forget.’ But, after the wine she’d consumed and the teasing little smile she gave him just now, he lived in hope.

      A helping of fruit pie and another sip of wine, and she could hold out no longer. ‘I need the little girl’s room,’ she confided softly, and, taking her bag, went off in search of it. ‘I won’t be long.’

      While Lilian was away, Dougie couldn’t help but overhear every word being spoken at the next table. At one point, on hearing the woman laugh, he looked up and caught her eye. When she surprised him with a wink, he looked away. ‘Cheeky little devil,’ he muttered, but he was smiling, and so was she.

      As he waited for Lilian, Dougie thought about his brother Tom. He reflected on a letter that he’d received that very morning from him, letting him know he’d settled in and describing West Bay. The mention, in passing, of Kathy had not gone unnoticed by Dougie. ‘It seems to me that Tom might be taking an interest in women again.’ He smiled, raised his glass and took a sip. ‘Welcome back, Tom,’ he said, replacing his glass when he saw Lilian approach.

      He wondered whether to tell her. ‘Trouble is, she’d probably be there on the next train,’ he muttered worriedly, ‘and Tom would lay the blame squarely at my door.’ He decided it was best not to tell her, for all their sakes. ‘If she suspected he was making a play for another woman, it would only upset her.’

      ‘I’m ready to go now.’ Lilian had surprised herself by enjoying the evening. ‘It’s been wonderful,’ she told Dougie as he waited for the bill. ‘I really didn’t think I’d enjoy it so much, but it was exactly what I needed. Thank you, Dougie.’

      ‘Don’t thank me,’ he replied, ‘I’ve had just as good a time. I’m only sorry it’s over so quickly.’ Chancing his luck, he asked, ‘Do you think we could do it again some time?’

      Not for the first time that evening, Lilian smiled brightly. ‘We’ll see,’ she promised. ‘But if I do agree – and I’m not promising anything – it will be on the grounds of friendship, just like tonight.’

      He went along with that, albeit reluctantly. ‘I’d rather it was more than that,’ he confessed, ‘but if it means we can enjoy a night out occasionally, then I’m ready to abide by the rules.’

      ‘Right then.’ Once the bill was paid and the waiter gone, she put her bag over her arm and stood up, slightly off-balance because of the wine. ‘Whoops!’ Stumbling against the table, she laughed at her own clumsiness. ‘I think I’ve had too much wine.’

      In the car on the way back to her place, she seemed to have been affected by the rush of fresh air as they came out of the restaurant,

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