Josephine Cox Mother’s Day 3-Book Collection: Live the Dream, Lovers and Liars, The Beachcomber. Josephine Cox

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Josephine Cox Mother’s Day 3-Book Collection: Live the Dream, Lovers and Liars, The Beachcomber - Josephine  Cox

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leaving the park, Robbie had a suggestion. ‘Why don’t we go to the pub for a drink?’

      Jasper laughed, but Liz explained. ‘There’s a pretty garden behind the Bull Inn. Sometimes me and Robbie go in for a leisurely drink before going home. If you’re thirsty, we could call in now?’

      With a thirst on him like a sponge in the desert, Jasper didn’t need asking twice. ‘You’ve said the magic words,’ he chuckled. ‘Lead on.’

      Woburn being a very old village, there were many little nooks and crannies, and old stone arches through which, once upon a time, carriages would make their way to the stables at the back. Now, though, it was people who sat beneath the arches, and the cobbled stableyards were pretty gardens, with tables and chairs and pinafored waitresses to fetch and carry for the thirsty visitors.

      ‘Two lemonades and a pint of beer, please.’ Liz gave the order, and when it arrived they sat back and enjoyed the moment, chatting and laughing and simply enjoying each other’s company.

      Inevitably, and much to the old man’s concern, Liz and her son had many questions. The boy was mainly interested in the harbour and the boats and what Jasper himself had been up to, while Liz asked about the cottage, and its tenant.

      ‘He’s called Tom,’ Jasper imparted with a knowing smile. ‘A nice fella. Keeps himself to himself mostly, but we’ve become good friends.’ He laughed. ‘I even persuaded him into buying a sailing boat – smart little thing, it is – got many years o’ work in her yet, I shouldn’t wonder.’

      ‘D’you think he’ll let me go on it?’ Robbie was so excited he could hardly sit still.

      ‘We’ll have to see, won’t we, eh?’

      Liz was curious. ‘Is he married?’

      The old man shook his head. ‘He’s come to West Bay, like so many of us, to escape whatever it is that haunts him.’ Beyond that he couldn’t say. ‘But I know you’d like him. He’s a fine, good man.’

      ‘And there’s no problem with the cottage or anything?’

      ‘Not that I can think of, no. I look after the maintenance, as always. He pays the rent and the money goes straight into the bank. The cottage is kept nice, just as you like it.’

      ‘So, everything is the same as when we left, is that what you’re saying?’

      The old man swallowed hard. Though she had worded her question carefully for the boy’s sake, he had seen the beseeching look in her eyes. He knew what she was asking, and his old heart lurched.

      Again, for the sake of the boy, and for Liz herself, he worded his answer equally carefully. ‘It’s more or less the same, lass.’

      She gave him a curious glance, and for a minute he was afraid she had more probing questions. But the moment passed when the waitress arrived to ask if there was anything else they would like.

      Liz shook her head and thanked her.

      The old man insisted on paying the bill, and they were soon making their way back to the house. ‘It’s been a lovely day,’ Jasper told her. ‘I can understand why yer chose to settle in this beautiful place.’

      Opening the door, Liz let them in. ‘We’re not “settled”, as you call it. We’re much like yourself, Jasper: in transit, always looking for the next port of call.’

      ‘I understand.’ He looked into her sorry face and read her thoughts. Knowing the time had come for her to learn the truth, he took her aside. ‘Later, when the boy’s in bed, we’ll need to talk, lass.’ There was no more hedging, no more wishing he didn’t have to tell her, because now there was no option. In fact, there never had been.

      It was nine o’clock when the boy finally tumbled into bed. Weary and worn out by the day’s events, he threw his arms round the old man’s neck. ‘I love you, Jasper,’ he said, and Jasper was deeply moved. ‘I love you too, lad.’

      Even before he got to the door, the boy was soundly sleeping. ‘Goodnight, son.’ Quietly closing the door, he went down the stairs and into the kitchen. Liz was waiting at the table, with two mugs of cocoa and a look on her face that betrayed her anxiety. ‘Come and sit down.’ Gesturing to the chair opposite, she reminded him, ‘Like you say … we need to talk.’

      ‘Aye, lass.’ Seating himself, he sighed heavily, his old heart pained by what he must tell her.

      Sensing his dilemma, she anticipated his news. ‘It’s Robert, isn’t it?’

      ‘Yes, lass. It’s Robert.’ He had to swallow the hard lump in his throat or it would have choked him.

      Her eyes lit up. ‘Oh, Jasper! Is he back?’

      Again, he had to swallow hard. ‘No, lass. He’s not back. But there is summat yer should know.’

      A look of apprehension crossed her kindly features. ‘What is it, Jasper? Have you heard from him, is that it?’

      He shook his head. He had to get it over with, however painful it might be. ‘I’m sorry, lass, but I’m afraid Robert is dead.’

      Liz blanched, and tears filled her eyes. ‘How do you know?’ she asked shakily.

      The old man took a deep breath before going on. ‘A young lady turned up, and what she told me is what I’ve come to tell you now.’

      ‘What young lady? Who is she?’

      ‘Her name’s Kathy.’ He paused a moment, not wanting to shock her further, but seeing no other way. ‘She’s Robert’s daughter.’

      Pressing her hand to her mouth, Liz stared at him for a minute, her eyes wide with astonishment. ‘I never knew he had a daughter.’ She looked him in the eye. ‘He never talked to me about his life outside of West Bay and I never asked. I was always afraid that, if I pushed him too far, he’d leave and I would never see him again.’ Her regrets were many, but meeting Robert and sharing part of his life was not one of them. ‘Please tell me. What happened to Robert?’ Though filled with a sense of dread, she urged in a small voice, ‘It’s all right, Jasper. Say what you’ve come to say.’

      Reaching out to cover her hand with his own, the old man related in the gentlest manner he could what Kathy had told him: about how her father had passed on, and how Barden House belonged to her. He explained how she had come there to see where she imagined her father had spent some of the happiest times of his life. And, oh, how she had loved him, and how desperately she missed him still.

      And as he talked, Liz quietly wept, looking up now and then with scarred eyes and an aching heart, urging him on.

      He described what a delightful young woman Robert’s daughter was, and how he had told her about Liz and her father, and how wonderfully happy they had been. Jasper told Liz that he had explained to Kathy that, when Robert didn’t come back, Liz had begun to believe he didn’t care for her or his son any more, and it was a burden she could no longer carry. So she had moved away.

      When finally the old man was silent, he felt her hand in his, holding on as if she would drown if he were to let go. His heart went out to her. ‘I’m sorry, lass,’ he murmured. ‘I’d have given anything not to be the bearer of such terrible news.’

      Through eyes swimming with tears she looked up. ‘I didn’t know,’ she whispered. ‘I thought he didn’t want us any more.’ Her voice broke. ‘I should have known better! Oh, Jasper, I should have known better!

      When at last her composure broke and she dropped her head to her hands, sobbing as if her heart would break, the old man went to her. Folding his arms round her, he let her cry, much as he had let Kathy cry that day when she talked of her father. And, when the crying was done, he made them each a cup of tea and they sat together, talking about Robert, and how his son would take the news. ‘It’ll be a terrible blow to the lad.’

      Liz promised that

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