The God Species: How Humans Really Can Save the Planet.... Mark Lynas

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The God Species: How Humans Really Can Save the Planet... - Mark  Lynas

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at exactly those parts of the spectrum that correspond with the different greenhouse gases building up in the atmosphere below.1 Natural variability is important in determining the average temperature each year, but recent records are revealing: the hottest year on record, according to NASA, is now tied between 2010 and 2005, with 2007 and 2009 statistically tied for second- and third-hottest.2 Whatever the individual temperature records, the climatic baseline is visibly shifting: every year in the 1990s was warmer than the average of the 1980s, every year of the 2000s warmer than the 1990s average.3

      There are now multiple lines of evidence pointing to ongoing global warming, some of which show that we are altering the characteristics of the atmosphere in unanticipated ways. Air-pressure distribution is changing around the world, with rises in the subtropics and falls over the poles.4 The stratosphere has cooled as more heat is trapped by the troposphere underneath,5 whilst the boundary between these two higher and lower atmospheric layers has itself increased in height.6 Even the position of the tropical zones has begun to shift as the atmosphere circulates differently in response to rising heat.7

      A more energetic atmosphere also means more extreme rainfall events as the levels of water vapour in a warmer atmosphere increase: this too has been observed.8 The catastrophic flooding events that hit Pakistan in August 2010 and Australia in January 2011 are exactly the kind of hydrological disasters that will be striking with deadly effect more often in a warmer world. Whilst people in poorer countries are most vulnerable to the effects of floods, any country can be hit at any time: in the English Lake District the heavy rainfall event of 18–20 November 2009 had no precedent: rainfall totals outstripped previous all-time records in over 150 years of measurements.9

      Perhaps the clearest indicator of current danger – Ground Zero for global warming – is the rapid thaw of the Arctic. Few experts argue any more about whether the sea ice sheet covering the North Pole will melt completely; merely when. In recent years the Arctic ice cap has entered what Mark Serreze, a climatologist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado, calls a ‘death spiral’.10 The extent of Arctic ice is plummeting, and what remains is thinner and more vulnerable to melt than before. In terms of volume, less than half the ice cap of the pre-1980 era remains; more than 40 per cent of the volume of multi-year ice (the thicker stuff that lasts through the summer) has disappeared since only 2005.11 Even the wintertime ice coverage is in decline: in January 2011 the NSIDC announced that the sea ice extent for that month was the lowest in the satellite record, with the Labrador Sea and much of western Greenland’s coast remaining completely unfrozen.12 The year of what I call A-Day, the late-summer day at some time in the future when not a fleck of the North Polar floating ice remains, has been suggested by one modelling study as likely to arrive in 2037, but if recent years are anything to go by this could shift closer by as much as a decade.13

      A-Day will be a momentous date for the Earth, for it will be the first time in at least five thousand years that the Arctic Ocean has been without any summertime sea ice.14 This will in turn alter the heat balance of the planet and the circulation of the atmosphere: without its shiny cap of frigid ice, the Arctic Ocean can absorb a lot more solar heat in summer and release much more in winter, changing storm tracks and weather patterns. The resulting prognosis is not for straightforward warming everywhere: one model projection by scientists working in Germany, published in November 2010, suggested that disappearing sea ice in the Arctic Ocean north of Scandinavia and Siberia could in fact drive colder winters in Europe. The researchers proposed that warmer unfrozen waters in the north could drive a change in wind patterns that allows cold easterly winds to sweep down into Europe and Russia, and that this may have helped cause the colder winters of 2005–6, 2009–10 and 2010–11 in both Europe and eastern North America, which have seen snowstorms and frosts even as the Arctic basked in unprecedented winter warmth. ‘Our results imply that several recent severe winters do not conflict [with] the global warming picture but rather supplement it,’ they concluded in the Journal of Geophysical Research.15

      The disappearance of the Arctic ice will eliminate an entire marine ecosystem. Currently algae growing on the underside of floating ice are the base of a unique food chain, feeding zooplankton that in turn support large populations of Arctic cod.16 Rapidly diminishing ice spells disaster for ice-dependent species like ringed seals, walrus, beluga whales and, of course, polar bears. This may not necessarily mean outright extinction for the latter, but it will lead at best to a substantial reduction in their habitat.17 In May 2008 the polar bear was listed as ‘threatened’ under the US Endangered Species Act thanks to climate change.18

      Given its current rate of precipitous decline, there is little hope that the Arctic ice cap’s death spiral can be arrested. But it is theoretically still possible to save or restore the frozen North Pole – by urgently retreating back within the 350 ppm climate boundary, and, as I will set out in a future chapter, by reducing emissions of other warming agents like black carbon. As NASA’s James Hansen, a member of the planetary boundaries expert group, writes: ‘Stabilisation of Arctic sea ice cover requires, to first approximation, restoration of planetary energy balance.’19 Reducing carbon dioxide levels to between 325 and 355 ppm would achieve this initial outcome, Hansen suggests – however, a further reduction, with CO2 down between 300 and 325 ppm, ‘may be needed to restore sea ice to its area of 25 years ago’.

      Serious climate impacts have of course also been identified outside the polar regions. In a June 2010 piece for Science magazine, climate experts Jonathan Overpeck and Bradley Udall – based at the universities of Arizona and Colorado respectively – wrote that ‘it has become impossible to overlook the signs of climate change in western North America’. These signs include ‘soaring temperatures, declining late-season snowpack, northward-shifted winter storm tracks, increasing precipitation intensity, the worst drought since measurements began, steep declines in Colorado River reservoir storage, widespread vegetation mortality, and sharp increases in the frequency of large wildfires’.20 As with the melting of the Arctic, Overpeck and Udall reported that the impacts of global warming in western North America ‘seem to be occurring faster than projected’ in mainstream climate assessments like the IPCC’s 2007 report. In the Rockies higher temperatures mean that more winter precipitation is falling now as rain, and what snow does lie is melting earlier and faster. Peak stream-flow in the mountains of the American west now occurs up to a month earlier than it did half a century ago.21

      One of the most worrying climate impacts mentioned by Overpeck and Udall in the western US is the rapid increase in tree death rates: more than a million hectares of piñon pine died recently due to drought and warming, and even desert-adapted species, that should be able to cope with ordinary dry weather, are ‘showing signs of widespread drought-induced plant mortality’. This climate-related forest die-off seems to be part of a serious global trend, which has seen widespread tree death observed in places as far apart as Algeria and South Korea, and dramatic reductions of forest cover even in protected areas like national parks.22

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