The Hollows Series Books 1-4. Kim Harrison

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The Hollows Series Books 1-4 - Kim  Harrison

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on it. “I may be branching out in that direction, and need to learn enough to make an informed decision.”

      Sara Jane beamed, tucking her fair hair behind an ear in pleased embarrassment. Obviously she guessed Trent might be buying the farm her family was serfed upon. You’re a smart woman, I thought darkly. Follow it down. Trent will own your family. You’d be his, body and soul.

      She turned back to my cage and dropped a last celery stick. Her smile faded. Worry creased her brow. It would have looked endearing on her childlike face, except the woman’s family was in real danger. She took a breath to say something, then closed her mouth. “Yes sir,” she said, her eyes distant. “I’ll bring the information up right away.”

      Sara Jane closed the door as she left, her footsteps sounding slow in the hallway.

      Trent gave his door a suspicious glance as he reached for his cup of tea: Earl Grey, no sugar or milk. If he followed yesterday’s pattern, it would be phone conversations and paperwork from three until seven, when the few people he kept late went home. I imagined it was easier to run illegal drugs from your office when no one was around to see you.

      Trent had returned that afternoon from his three-hour lunch break with his wispy hair freshly combed and smelling of the outdoors. He had been decidedly refreshed. If I hadn’t known better, I would have assumed he spent his midday break napping in his back office.

      Why not? I thought as I stretched out on the hammock my cell had come with. He was wealthy enough to set his own hours.

      I yawned, my eyes slipping shut. It was the second day of my captivity, and I was quite sure it wouldn’t be my last. I had spent last night thoroughly investigating my cage, only to find that it was Rachel proof. It had been designed for ferrets, and the two-story wire cage was surprisingly secure. My hours spent prying at the seams left me bone tired. It was pleasant to do nothing. My hope that Jenks or Ivy might rescue me was thin. I was on my own. And it might be a while before I managed to convey to Sara Jane that I was a person and get out of there.

      I cracked an eyelid as Trent rose from his desk and strode restlessly to his music discs arranged in a recessed shelf beside the player. He cut a nice figure as he stood before them, so intent on his choice that he didn’t realize I was rating his backside: 9.5 out of 10. I took the .5 off for most of his physique being hidden behind a business suit that cost more than some cars.

      I’d gotten another yummy look at him last night when he took off his jacket after everyone went home. The man had a very strong back. Why he kept it hidden behind that jacket was both a mystery and a crime. His tight stomach was even better. He had to work out, though I don’t know where he found the time. I would have given anything to see him in a bathing suit—or less. His legs had to be just as muscular, being the expert rider he was reputed to be. And if it sounded like I was a sex-starved nympho … Well, I didn’t have anything to do but watch him.

      Trent had worked long after sunset yesterday, seemingly alone in the silent building. The only light had been from that fake window. It slowly paled as the sun went down, mirroring the natural light outside until he clicked on the desk lamp. I had caught myself drowsing several times, waking up when he turned a page or the printer hummed to life. He hadn’t quit until Jonathan came by to remind him to eat. I guess he earned his money, same as I did. ’Course, he had two jobs, being a reputable businessman and drug lord both. Probably filled up one’s day right nicely.

      My hammock swayed as I watched Trent choose a disc. It spun up, and the soft cadence of drums drifted into existence. Eyeing me, Trent adjusted his gray linen suit and smoothed his wispy hair as if daring me to say anything. I gave him a sleepy thumbs-up, and his frown deepened. It wasn’t the stuff I liked, but it was okay. This was older, carrying a forgotten sound of bound intensity, of lost sorrow chained to stir the soul. It wasn’t half bad.

      I could get used to this, I mused as I carefully stretched my healing body. I hadn’t slept this well since I quit the I.S. It was ironic that here, in a cage in a drug lord’s office, I was safe from my I.S. death threat.

      Trent settled himself back at his work, his pen occasionally accompanying the drums as he paused in thought. Obviously this was one of his favorites. I slipped in and out of sleep as the afternoon wore on, soothed by the rumble of drums and whisper of music. The occasional phone call sent Trent’s mellow voice to rise and fall in a soothing sound, and I found myself eagerly waiting for the next interruption just so I could hear it.

      It was a commotion in the hall that jerked me from sleep. “I know where his office is,” boomed an overly confident voice, reminding me of one of my more arrogant professors.

      There was a half-heard scolding from Sara Jane, and Trent met my inquiring gaze.

      “Turn it all to hell,” he muttered, the corners of his expressive eyes crinkling. “I told him to send one of his assistants.” He dug about in a drawer with unusual haste, the clatter bringing me fully awake. I blinked the sleep from me as he pointed a remote at the player. The pipes and drums ceased. He tossed the remote back into the drawer with a resigned air. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought that Trent liked having someone to share his day with, someone he didn’t have to pretend to be anything but what he was—whatever he was. His anger at Francis had set my creepy meter off the scale.

      Sara Jane knocked and came in. “Mr. Faris is here to see you, Mr. Kalamack?”

      Trent took a slow breath. He didn’t look happy. “Send him in.”

      “Yes sir.” She left the door open and her heels clicked away. They soon returned as she escorted in a heavyset man wearing a dark gray lab coat. The man looked huge standing beside the small woman. Sara Jane left, her eyes pinched in a lingering worry.

      “Can’t say I like your new secretary,” Faris grumbled as the door closed. “Sara, is it?”

      Trent rose to his feet and extended his hand, his distaste hidden behind his sincere-looking smile. “Faris. Thanks for coming on such short notice. It’s only a small matter. One of your assistants would have been fine. I trust I haven’t interrupted your research too badly?”

      “Not at all. I’m always glad to get up into the sun,” he puffed as if winded.

      Faris squeezed the bites I had given Trent yesterday, and Trent’s smile froze. The heavy man wedged himself into the chair across from Trent’s desk as if he owned it. He propped an ankle up on one knee, sending his lab coat to fall open to show dress slacks and shiny shoes. A dark stain spotted his lapel, and the smell of disinfectant flowed from him, almost hiding the scent of redwood. Old pocketmarked scars were scattered across his cheeks and the skin visible on his beefy hands.

      Trent returned to behind his desk and leaned back, hiding his bandaged hand under the other one. There was a moment of silence.

      “So, what do you want?” Faris demanded, his voice rumbling.

      I thought I saw a flash of annoyance cross Trent. “Direct as usual,” he said. “Tell me what you can about this?”

      He had pointed to me, and my breath caught. Disregarding my lingering stiffness, I lurched into my hut. Faris levered himself to his feet with a groan, and the sharp scent of redwood crashed over me as he came close. “Well well,” he said. “Aren’t you the stupid one.”

      Annoyed, I looked up at his dark eyes, almost lost among the folds of skin. Trent had come around to the front of his desk, sitting against it. “Recognize her?” he asked.

      “Personally? No.” He gave the bars of my cage a soft thunk with a thick finger.

      “Hey!” I shouted from my hut. “I’m really getting tired of that.”

      “Shut up, you,” he said disdainfully. “She’s a witch,” Faris continued, dismissing me as if I were nothing. “Just keep her out of your fish tank, and she won’t be able to change back. It’s a powerful spell. She must have the backing of a large organization, as only they could afford it. And she’s stupid.”

      The last was

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