The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim: The Healthy Way To Lose Weight Without Dieting. Jason Vale
Читать онлайн книгу.which ingredient contained within the fruit or vegetable makes it so effective. Their aim, I imagine, is to isolate the secret ingredient and add some other chemicals to it in order to make a patentable ‘drug’. A ‘drug’ which will once again be hailed as the new all-singing, all-dancing answer to whatever disease the fruit or vegetable helped with. Just a thought here, but why on earth don’t they simply suggest people eat the fruit or vegetable that made the difference? Is it really because you can’t patent it? Could the industry be that corrupt?
‘Lies, damn lies and statistics.’
— Mark Twain
You can make any study look and sound better than it actually is, especially when you are trying to get a licence for a blockbuster drug. Not all studies are worthless, clearly, and many are extremely valid. However, as far as I’m concerned there is only one study worth looking at and that is genuine people giving genuine testimonials. We live in a world where if people say a drug has helped them in any way it is taken as read by the medical profession, but if a load of people get spectacular results for their health or ailment using natural methods, the usual responses are: ‘it hasn’t been tested properly’ and ‘it might have worked for those people, but there is no evidence to suggest it will work for everyone’. But there’s no evidence to suggest any drug on earth will work for everyone either. There is also no evidence to suggest we are making any progress whatsoever with ‘drug therapy’ for weight loss in any part of the world, yet many millions are still being invested into finding the cure-all ‘anti-obesity pill’.
True Scientific Success
I have received thousands of genuine emails from people all over the world who have had major health problems massively reduced or eliminated as a direct result of freshly extracted juice and nutritious freshly made smoothies. There will also be countless people who have had diseases prevented due to getting into a juicy and healthier lifestyle, the extent of which we will never know.
What I find shocking is that instead of many people in the dietetic and medical professions looking into this as a potential breakthrough natural treatment for obesity and other ailments, we have a situation where my programmes, such as 7lbs in 7 Days, are attacked instead of embraced. When you read the results in the next chapter, you will be blown away and will think it even more of a mystery why freshly extracted juice as a therapy isn’t embraced more widely.
‘The drugs don’t work.’
— The Verve
It often takes years for some dieticians and the mass medical profession to catch up and accept any alternative to drug treatment. We are only now getting doctors and dieticians recommending things like fish oil for joint pain, even though this has been spouted by the non-medical clan for decades. Even as I write, I have just heard the news on the BBC headlining the result of a scientific study showing how a cocktail of additives can cause hyperactivity in some children – something which, once again, the ‘alternative’ voice of common sense has been saying for donkey’s years. When you see bright green, often luminous drinks masquerading as ‘juice’, containing a chemical concoction any science academy would be proud of, I don’t think you need six years of medical training to instinctively know it just might send your kids nuts!
What has happened to common sense? What has happened to that inner knowing we all possess? Things become even more insane when you think that some of the top-selling children’s medicines contain some of these hyperactive-causing chemicals, as well as other lovely things such as aspartame. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener which has been linked to 92 different harmful side-effects, including brain tumours. You can’t make this stuff up.
‘Anti-wrinkle cream there may be but anti-fat bastard cream there certainly is not.’
— from the film THE FULL MONTY
We are, despite what some are saying, in the grip of a genuine obesity and overweight epidemic. This isn’t Daily Mail headline stuff either. It’s common knowledge to most in the know and blatantly obvious to all who walk down Walsall High Street on a Saturday afternoon! It has been reported that if current trends continue, 50 per cent of all children in the UK will be significantly overweight or obese by the year 2050. It won’t be long before we are on a par with the US, where at the time of writing a whopping two-thirds of US citizens are overweight or obese. That’s two-thirds! Along with being overweight and obese comes diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, gout, arthritis, high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol levels, hyperactive disorder and so the list goes on and on.
Everything we put into our system changes our biochemistry, and given that blood flows through the brain there is no question that many mental disorders are also caused by a lack of nutrients and the addition of clogging ‘foods’ and ‘drinks’. Even the World Heath Organization recognizes that 85 per cent of all disease is a direct result of what we put into our mouths and external environmental factors, such as living in a polluted city.
‘I am too chubby, too large … it’s not good.’
— Luciano Pavarotti
Being overweight is often an addictive and uninspired trap. As it has a knock-on effect on the manifestation of virtually all of mankind’s common and debilitating diseases, it really is something we should be paying full attention to. This is why it is of paramount importance that the mainstream dietetic and medical world gets on board with any treatment that is clearly effective in this area. Juicing is not only super effective, but it’s also safe, healthy and something people can do every day of their lives with no adverse side-effects whatsoever. If a drug was produced that had the same effect, it would be hailed as the new obesity and disease ‘wonder’ drug, and every doctor and dietician would be singing its praises and prescribing it left, right and centre.
Juicing is not only super effective, but it’s also safe, healthy and something people can do every day of their lives with NO adverse side-effects whatsoever.
Being overweight, as I know from my past, is no picnic. People who have never suffered are the first to simply say, ‘Eat less and move more.’ This sounds logical and obvious, and who can blame them for saying such a thing. However, logic plays no part in addiction. It’s like saying to a smoker, ‘Smoking is bad and if you stopped you’d have more money and would be healthier.’ That kind of statement might be correct, but it’s somewhat patronizing to think the smoker has no idea of these obvious facts.
It is just as patronizing to inform someone who is overweight that, ‘If you eat more good stuff, cut down on rubbish and exercise more you will be slimmer and feel better.’ When I was overweight and I heard people saying this to me I would simply think, ‘No shit, Sherlock!’ Just because someone is thick physically it doesn’t automatically make them thick mentally. I was fully aware of what I was doing. I had lost my fire, my inspiration – that impetus which makes us want to bounce out of bed and embrace the opportunities life has to offer. I had simply lost my spark, something that happens to so many people on a regular basis.
‘My dream is to wake up 50lbs less and fly.’
— Luciano Pavarotti
Luckily, times really are changing. Increasing numbers of doctors and dieticians are realizing that drugs don’t work when it comes to weight loss. Many are also more open-minded than ever when it comes to possible new options. Even the resident Radio 2 doctor – Dr Jarvis – often recommends cognitive therapy for many ailments, including obesity. This is why this book, like all of my others, deals with the mental as much as the physical. Things are changing so much that I even have many doctors who recommend my books and work, but I feel we are some time off mainstream