The Moral State We’re In. Julia Neuberger

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The Moral State We’re In - Julia  Neuberger

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younger people? A King’s Fund study in 2001 found that three out of four senior managers believed that age discrimination existed in some form or other in services in their local area. Discrimination included policies restricting access to particular units or treatments, although age-related policies were thought to be on the decline.*

      Discrimination and Rationing

      The cost of caring for older people can only be contained if the general view is that it is morally right to do so, and that requires a public debate and a willingness to change on the part of the medical profession. Older people must not feel they are being denied care. But care in the future might be different from what they get at present. It could mean more palliative care for the relief of pain and suffering, more holistic and less scientifically driven care. Indeed, it might mean that care–rather than often futile attempts to cure–goes higher up the agenda.

      It is hardly surprising that costs should be heavy in the last year of life, but if our true aim were to be the preservation of life at any cost, then we could certainly do more to keep old people alive than we do at present. For instance, are we keen to prescribe unpleasant chemotherapies for as yet incurable cancers, on the basis that our success rate is improving and one day they will work, as with the childhood leukaemias? Are we willing to say we will spend more on the life of a premature baby, a child or young person than on older people? Should we ration healthcare by age? Evidence exists for the rationing of care of people with coronary heart disease and cancer. Until recently, screening for breast cancer stopped at the age of 64. Now, women aged between 50 and 64 are routinely invited for breast screening every three years, and work has been carried out to extend the programme to women up to and including the age of 70 from the end of 2004.

      One might argue that age criteria in breast screening have been in place because of lack of occurrence (in fact, incidence goes up with age) or because the life of a woman of, say, 70 who has advanced breast cancer has not been thought worth making an effort to save. Many experts argue that the cancer grows so slowly in older women that they will probably die of something else. But perhaps that is no longer the case with increased life expectancy. A woman of 70 is likely to be no longer economically active, yet it is also likely that she will be caring for an elderly husband or sibling–thus saving the state the cost of care. Is this not an economic activity? It may not increase GDP, but it certainly saves the state increased expenditure on social care.

      Yet we know that much can be done for older people that is not hugely expensive, in terms of alleviation of symptoms and improving the quality of life in an unglamorous way. But, Williams argues, these unglamorous down-to-earth activities tend to lose out to hi-tech interventions which ‘gain their emotional hold by claiming that life threatening conditions should always take priority’. (This is, of course, a separate argument.) Taken to its logical conclusion, this would suggest that no one should be allowed to die until everything possible has been tried. That in turn suggests that we will all die in an intensive care unit (as many people in the USA do).

      But this is not sensible. For all of us, there should come a time when we realize that a reasonable limit has to be set upon the demands we make of the system–and on our fellow citizens. What principles should determine that limit? Williams argues that the objective of the NHS should be to improve the health of the nation as a whole–the utilitarian argument. If that is so, then the people who should get priority are those who will benefit most from the resources available. So, if the concern is for the health of the nation, the older person is likely to lose out against the younger. If those are the values of the system, then the interests of a particular interest group are less important than the interests of the whole. So age will matter in two ways. It will affect the individual’s capacity to benefit from healthcare, making the relative cost of a procedure more expensive for older people, and it will incorporate the idea of a ‘fair innings’ by which older people are somehow thought to have had their share of living.

      He then suggests it is easy to do so because older people in Britain, unlike in the United States, have not traditionally been organized politically. They rarely complain, refuse to pay their taxes, or cause riots. Militancy is virtually unknown amongst older people in Britain. Yet things may be changing, despite a slow start. Ageism remains legal thus far in the UK, and there is a growing body of evidence on age discrimination in a whole variety of services, particularly in health and social services as they affect the very old. Older people are beginning to complain. But Grimley Evans reserves his real scorn for prejudice. The old are seen to have less worth than younger people. Public attitudes in some surveys suggest this to be true. Survey interviews are rarely confidential. It is unlikely that people would say that one should discriminate on the basis of colour–even though there is racism in British society. But racism is publicly unacceptable. Ageism, on the other hand, is acceptable, and palpably so, and it is this that has led to a society in which there are so many frightened old people.

      Grimley Evans then attacks the health economists. He suggests economists should restrict themselves to finding the most cost-effective way of distributing resources and that the ideology of efficiency, markets, and cost containment is no more valid than the ideology it replaced–of common purpose, collaboration, and social purpose. In the current NHS system one’s viewpoint depends on whether one is a user or a provider. The professional providers, one way and another, look for the best return on their investment of time and money. Users of the service, on the other hand, see the NHS as a sort of AA or RAC, there for use when they want/ need it. Citizens as taxpayers might agree with Williams, but British citizens as patients would ally themselves with service users, whose desire is to have their needs/wants met. Grimley Evans suggests that the users’ perspective provides a rationale more consistent with national values and with the explicit intentions of the NHS at its foundation. That is, in my view, having examined the earliest documents about the foundation of the NHS, debatable to say the least.

      Do we then believe that all service users should be treated equally, however old? The measurement of outputs in units based on life years indirectly (or directly) puts different values on people according to their life expectancy. Older people are disadvantaged and, more generally, people are no longer reckoned equal. Secondly, the economists’

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