The Real Witches’ Book of Spells and Rituals. Kate West

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The Real Witches’ Book of Spells and Rituals - Kate  West

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to ensure that the banishing is carried out.

       The person invoking each element will stand at the appropriate point of the Circle and one at a time will turn outwards and, drawing the invoking Pentagram of that element with their Athame, will say,

      ‘I do summon, stir and call ye O element of Air (Fire/Water/Earth). Raphael (Michael/Gabriel/Uriel), guardian of the gateway of the East (South/West/North), attend with us, guard us, guide us and protect us in these our Rites. Hail and welcome.’

      They kiss their forefinger and sayBlessed Be’. They then turn back to the rest of the group ready to face the next direction as the next element is invoked.

      While the person invoking an element is saying their words, everyone else will turn to face that direction and they, and the rest of the group, will visualize that element, either in its natural form of wind, flame, water or land, or in the form of the elemental Guardians Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel. Raphael would be a young man dressed in the colours of Spring, and so on. Note that not all Covens will employ the Guardians when calling the Quarters.


      The Goddess and the God are not invoked, they are invited. This can be done by one person inviting each or, more usually, with one person inviting both. You can invite them by name (the following text gives the names we use in our Circle) or more simply as the Goddess and the God.

       The designated person turns to face the Altar and raises their arms in a gentle curve to each side of their head and, visualizing the Goddess and the God, says,

      ‘I call upon the Old Gods, upon Hecate and Herne, upon Ceridwyn and Cernunnos, to be with us. To watch over us, to guard us, guide us and protect us during these our Rites.’

      When they feel sure that the Goddess and the God are present, they lower their arms and cross them over their chest and say,Blessed Be’.

      During this everyone will face the Altar and will support the visualization; this is why it is important that everyone in the group needs to know which Goddess and God forms are being used. In time everyone will easily be able to visualize the same thing.


      Some Covens will use the Coven Sword for this, but an Athame or the forefinger of your strong hand is just as good. If the ‘caster’ is short then it may be preferable for the rest of the group to move inwards to allow the ‘caster’ to walk around them, rather than having everyone ducking to avoid the point of the Sword or Athame!

       The Circle is Cast starting in the North-East and moving Deosil around the Circle with a good overlap at the starting point. The caster walks around the Circle and, raising their hand high, directs an electric blue light over the heads of the group towards the outer circumference of the area. This should be visualized by all present. As it is created it should be thought of as merging to form a complete sphere, which encompasses the space above the group as well as that beneath them, so that it can be visualized as extending above the ceiling and beneath the floor. As they progress around the Circle they say,

      ‘I conjure this Circle as a place between the worlds, as a time out of time, a place of containment and protection.’

      When they have completed the circuit they kiss their forefinger and say,Blessed Be’.


      The Sacred Space is now complete and ready for whatever Rites, magic, and/or celebration is intended to take place. Everyone should now be facing the centre of the Circle unless and until they need to perform or support another action. At this point anyone needing to leave the Circle should cut a doorway in the Circle to leave, and close it after themselves. Anyone needing to enter will have to have a doorway cut for them by someone within the Circle, who will also seal it after their entry. However, it is preferable that this should not be necessary as continually opening and closing doorways in the Circle is disruptive to the group and the Ritual, as well as ultimately weakening the Circle itself. To cut a doorway, take your Athame or forefinger and draw an opening which starts and ends at the floor, and which is large enough for a person to pass through. As you cut you visualize the creation of a doorway in the sphere. To close the doorway reverse the process and visualize the sphere being made whole again.

      At this point in your Ritual you will insert whichever Rites, magic and spells you intend to perform. As this is to be the subject of the rest of this book, here I will move straight on to Removing of the Sacred Space so that you have both ends of the Ritual conveniently together.


      These steps should be performed by the same individuals who performed the invoking actions to create the Sacred Space. They will be standing in the same portions of the Circle and, as in the creation, the rest of the group will support their visualizations.


       The person banishing each element will stand at the appropriate point of the Circle and one at a time will turn outwards and, drawing the banishing Pentagram of that element with their Athame, will say,

      ‘I do banish thee O element of Air (Fire/Water/Earth). Raphael (Michael/Gabriel/Uriel), guardian of the gateway of the East (South/West/North), depart from this place with our thanks for guarding, guiding and protecting us in these our Rites. Hail and Farewell.’

      They kiss their forefinger and say,Blessed Be’.


       Again the Goddess and the God are thanked rather than banished or dismissed. This is because we treat the Divine with respect. Similarly, the person or people who invited them should be the one(s) to thank them.

       The designated person turns to face the Altar and raises their arms in a gentle curve to each side of their head and, visualizing the Goddess and the God, says,

      ‘I give thanks to the Old Gods, to Hecate and Herne, to Ceridwyn and Cernunnos, for being with us. For watching over, guarding, guiding and protecting us during these our Rites. Depart in peace, Hail and Farewell.’

      They visualize the Goddess and the God leaving and then they lower their arms and, crossing them over their chest, say,Blessed Be’.


      Where a Circle has been cast it should also be removed, and by the same person who put it in place.

       Once more they start in the North-East and move Deosil around the Circle, using Athame, sword or forefinger as before. As they move they say,

      ‘I do banish this Circle and return this space to this time and this place.’

      Kissing their forefinger they say,Blessed Be’.


       Everyone faces the centre of the Circle and joins hands. The High Priestess will say,

      ‘Our Circle is ended but our fellowship remains unbroken. And so we say (at which point everyone joins in to say in unison), Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet Again.’

      If there is to be a feast then the High Priestess will add,Let the feasting begin!

      Contrary to popular belief this is not a signal to race the High Priestess to the last of the Altar wine, but rather to indicate that it is time to retrieve feasting foods, drink, plates, etc. from wherever they have been placed. Even if a feast is not held there should be some kind of food and drink, perhaps tea and biscuits, taken after working Ritual or magic as this helps to return you to the here and now, and to replenish the energy you have spent. This is often referred to as ‘grounding’.

      In our Coven this is usually the

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