Your Personal Horoscope 2014: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign. Joseph Polansky

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Your Personal Horoscope 2014: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign - Joseph  Polansky

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to be creative and talkative, just like they are.

      Horoscope for 2014

      Major Trends

      You have been in a cycle of prosperity since June of 2012 and it continues in the year ahead – especially during the first half of the year. More on this later on.

      Pluto has been in your 8th house for some years now and will be there for many more years. This shows that you are dealing with death and death issues. Perhaps you have had some ‘near death’ kinds of experiences or experienced the loss of a loved one. Understanding death is perhaps just as important as understanding life, and this is the cosmic agenda here.

      Neptune made an important and long-term move in 2012. He moved from your 9th house into your 10th house of career. This is bringing a new sense of idealistic fervour to your career. It is not enough for you to merely make money and be successful in the worldly sense. Your career has to have some spiritual meaning; it has to involve the spiritual good of humanity as a whole. There’s more on this later.

      Uranus has been in your 11th house of friends since 2011. Thus there is great ferment happening here. Friendships are being tested and many are going by the wayside. By the time Uranus is finished with you, you will be in an entirely new circle of friends.

      Health is basically good, but there have been a few scares in recent years and perhaps surgery as well. This area is still unstable in the year ahead. More details later.

      Jupiter will move into your 3rd house of communication and intellectual interests on July 16. You are always a gifted communicator, but now your gifts become more enhanced and perhaps more recognized. Your already sharp mind becomes even sharper.

      There is foreign travel in your chart after July 16, and next year too.

      Your major areas of interest in the coming year are finance (until July 16); communication and intellectual interests (from July 16 onwards); fun, creativity and children (until July 26); health and work (almost all year, until December 24); sex, personal transformation, personal reinvention, death, death issues, and life after death; career; and friends, groups, group activities and online activities.

      Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year will be finance (until July 16); communication and intellectual interests (from July 16 onwards); health and work (until February 19); and fun, creativity and children (from February 19 onwards).


       (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, both of these perspectives were identical. But in these times there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

      Health and vitality are basically good this year. There is only one long-term planet in stressful alignment with you – Neptune. The rest are either in harmonious aspect or leaving you alone. It is true that some of you might be needing surgery, and if this is the case, it seems successful. You recover well. Basic fundamental vitality is very important in recovering from surgery and you have this.


      Your 6th house of health is powerful this year, and thus there is much focus and attention on it. With Pluto as your health planet, you have a predisposition to surgery – a tendency to see it as a ‘quick fix’ to health problems. But keep in mind that Pluto also rules detox. In many cases detoxification will often do more good than surgery, although the process is much slower. Get a second opinion if you are considering surgery.

      Good though the health is, you can make it even better. Pay more attention to the following areas – the vulnerable areas in the year ahead: the colon, bladder and sexual organs. These are always an issue for you. The colon needs to be clean and clear of all toxic build-ups (colonic irrigation might be a good idea). Safe sex and sexual moderation is also important. The spine, knees, teeth, bones, skin and overall skeletal alignment are also very important this year – and for many years to come. Regular back massage will be good. Knees should also be massaged and given more support when exercising. Regular visits to a chiropractor or osteopath are a good idea; the spine needs to be kept in right alignment. (Yoga, Pilates, the Alexander Technique or the Feldenkrais Method are excellent therapies for the spine.) The gall bladder is also vulnerable this year, and back massage will help the gall bladder as well as the back. There are reflexes along the spine that go to all the organs of the body.

      If more attention is paid to these areas, many problems can be prevented. And even if they can’t be totally prevented, they can be lessened to a great extent.

      Your health planet Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn, which rules the spine, knees, teeth, bones, skin and overall skeletal alignment – hence their importance in your overall health. Saturn, the planet that rules these areas, is in your 6th house of health – reinforcing what we say here.

      In the past few years we have seen a lot of dramatic changes to the health regime, and this continues in the year ahead. These changes will basically be good. Favourable numbers for health are 8, 11, 13 and 20. If you can somehow incorporate these into your health regime it would be helpful. If you are saying affirmations or doing exercises, then do them in sets of 8, 11, 13 or 20. Creative Geminis will find other ways to use these numbers.

      Home and Family

      Home and family are always important to you. Mercury, the ruler of your Horoscope, is also the ruler of your 4th house of home and family. This shows how close this area is to your heart. It also shows a special bond between you and one of the parents or parent figures in your life – a special closeness, a feeling that you are ‘one flesh’. (Your personal Horoscope cast for your exact time of birth could modify this.)

      This year though, home and family seems fairly neutral: your 4th house is basically empty. Only short-term planets will move through there, and their effects will be temporary. Thus the Cosmos gives you free will in this area. You have the freedom to make of this what you will – the Cosmos neither pushes you one way nor another. But with lack of interest, the tendency is towards the status quo. We generally don’t make changes unless we are ‘pushed’ by circumstances. I also read this as satisfaction with the way things are. No need to make dramatic changes.

      A parent or parent figure seems to have moved in recent years, but this year there are no moves seen. In fact, moves don’t even seem advisable for a while. A parent or parent figure may be undergoing surgery. This could have happened in recent years too, but the aspect is in effect in the year ahead as well. One of the parent figures is undergoing great spiritual transformation. The body is being refined and sensitized. Alcohol and drugs should be avoided.

      Siblings or sibling figures in your life enter a cycle of prosperity on July 16. They travel more than usual and live the ‘high life’. Moves, however, are not advisable this year.

      Children of the appropriate age might not move, but they seem to be investing in the home. Serious renovations are likely. Their marriages or relationships seem highly unstable though. Grandchildren of the appropriate age are having a status quo home and domestic year. Love and possible marriage is happening for them later on in the year.

      Finance and Career

      As we mentioned, you have been in a prosperity cycle since 2012. Wealth and financial opportunities increase, and assets you own increase in value. You are catching the lucky financial breaks.

      Jupiter, your love planet, is in your money house until July 16. This indicates business partnerships or joint ventures. This was the case last year and the trend is still very much in effect for the first half of 2014. This transit also shows the importance of the social dimension in earnings. Who you know – your social connections – is just as important as how much you have. Financial statements are wonderful tools, but in your case they would be inaccurate. They would not show your hidden assets –

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