Egil’s Saga. E. Eddison R.

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Egil’s Saga - E. Eddison R.

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children of Skallagrim

       XXXIII. Of Biorn’s faring to Iceland

       XXXIV. Of Skallagrim and Biorn

       XXXV. Of the birth of Asgerd: and how Thorolf Skalla-grimson went with Biorn to Norway

       XXXVI. Of the King’s son Eric, and Thorolf Skalla-grimson

       XXXVII. Eric Bloodaxe in Biarmaland

       XXXVIII. Thorolf cometh home to Iceland

       XXXIX. Thorunn Skallagrim’s daughter given in marriage

       XL. Of Egil’s childhood and upbringing

       XLI. Of Biorn and Thorolf and King Eric; and of Egil and Arinbiorn

       XLII. Of Thorolf’s wedding with Asgerd

       XLIII. Egil in Atley

       XLIV. Of Bard’s slaying

       XLV. Of Egil’s flight

       XLVI. Thorolf and Egil harry in Kurland

       XLVII. Thorolf and Egil harry in Denmark

       XLVIII. Of guesting with Earl Arnfid: and how Thorir the Hersir spake with the King concerning those sons of Skallagrim

       XLIX. Of the dealings betwixt Egil and Eyvind Braggart

       L. Thorolf and Egil in England

       LI. Of Olaf the Scots-King, and others

       LII. Of Olaf the Scots-King’s warring against England

       LIII. The battle on Winaheath

       LIV. The second day’s battle on Winaheath: with the fall of Thorolf Skallagrimson

       LV. Egil in King Athelstane’s hall

       LVI. Of Egil’s wedding and of his home-coming; and of his faring abroad the second time and his suit against Bergonund at the Gula-Thing

       LVII. Egil made outlaw from end to end of Norway: of his vengeance taken upon Bergonund and others, with how he laid a Scorn upon King Eric and the Queen and came home again to Iceland

       LVIII. Of the death of Skallagrim

       LIX. Of Egil’s faring abroad the third time: with how he was cast ashore in England and was fallen into the hand of King Eric Bloodaxe and Queen Gunnhild

       LX. How Egil quoth his drapa that is named Head-ransom in King Eric’s hall in York

       LXI. Of Egil’s life given him by the King

       LXII. Of Egil’s faring to Norway with Thorstein Ericson, the sister’s son of Arinbiorn the Hersir

       LXIII. Of Egil and King Hakon Athelstane’s-fos-terling

       LXIV. Of Egil’s coming to Fridgeir’s, and of his dealings with Ljot the Pale

       LXV. Of the dealings betwixt Egil and Atli the Short

       LXVI. Of Egil’s home-coming and dwelling in Iceland: the children of him and of Asgerd

       LXVII. Of Egil’s going abroad once more to Norway, and his guesting with Arinbiorn in the Firths

       LXVIII. Of Egil’s claiming of the heritage of Ljot whom he had slain, and how Arinbiorn brought that claim before King Hakon, and with what issue

       LXIX. Of the harrying of Egil and Arinbiorn in Frisland, and of their parting

       LXX. Of the Vermland scat, and how King Hakon would send Thorstein Thorason to get it in, other else to get him gone out of the land

       LXXI. Of Egil’s journey into Vermland and his guesting with Armod Beard

       LXXII. Of Egil’s leave-taking of Armod, and his coming to Thorfinn’s

       LXXIII. Of Egil’s coming to Alf the Wealthy

       LXXIV. How Egil came to Earl Arnvid and had the scat of him, and of the Earl’s charge unto his men concerning Egil

       LXXV. Of Egil’s bringing of the scat out of Vermland and of his great fights against the Earl’s men that sat for him in Eidwood

       LXXVI. Of the bringing of the Vermland scat to King Hakon, and of the King’s faring into Vermland and those eastern parts, and of Egil’s coming home to Iceland

       LXXVII. Of the burning of Thord Lambison; and of the giving in marriage of Thordis, Egil’s step-daughter, to Grim of Mossfell

       LXXVIII. Of the wedding of Thorgerd, Egil’s daughter, to Olaf the Peacock: of Egil’s loss of his sons Bodvar and Gunnar; his Sons’ Wreck and his Arinbiorn’s Lay; and of his old age in Iceland and the friendship betwixt him and Einar Jingle-scale

       LXXIX. Of Thorstein Egilson, and of the death of Asgerd, Egil’s wife, and how Egil shifted house from Burg to Mossfell

       LXXX. Of Steinar, the son

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