The Real Witches’ Kitchen: Spells, recipes, oils, lotions and potions from the Witches’ Hearth. Kate West

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The Real Witches’ Kitchen: Spells, recipes, oils, lotions and potions from the Witches’ Hearth - Kate  West

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      Before undertaking any kind of divination, or to promote prophetic dreams, have a long soak in this formula. It is best to do this by candlelight and not to use a base oil or foam or any other scented products (such as soap).


      Take 2 crushed bay leaves and 1 tablespoonful of thyme, add to 1 pint of very hot water and leave to stand for an hour. Strain this liquid and add to your bath with:

       5 drops lemongrass oil

       2 drops myrrh oil

      To Promote a Good Night’s Sleep

      This is an excellent bath to take just before bed and is also suitable for children over the age of two (for those under two, omit the valerian). Don’t use it every night, as you can easily become accustomed to the effects and find that it doesn’t work when you really need it.

       6 drops lavender oil

       2 drops valerian oil (1 drop for children over two years)

      Colds and ’Flu

      As soon as you feel the onset of a cold, have a long relaxing soak in the following:

       4 drops lavender oil

       2 drops eucalyptus oil

       2 drops jasmine oil

       1 drop cinnamon oil

       1 drop ginger oil

      After bathing, wrap up warmly and go to bed with a warm drink.

      Wake-Up Bath

      This is excellent for those mornings when you feel sluggish or have a busy day ahead or even for the morning after the night before. Try to have the bath quite cool and stay in the water for at least 10 minutes to let the oils take effect.

       3 drops rose oil

       3 drops rosemary oil

       3 drops rosewood oil

      After Exercise

      When you have exerted yourself and feel that you should ward off muscular aches and pains, try this one:

       3 drops lavender oil

       3 drops camomile oil

       2 drops lemongrass oil

       2 drops rosemary oil

      Romance Bath

      When preparing for a romantic encounter, whether out on a date or at home with a loved one, soak yourself in the following:

       2 drops sandalwood oil

       2 drops jasmine oil

       1 drop neroli oil

       1 drop ylang ylang oil

      If you really want to add spice to the encounter, add 1 drop of cardamom oil, but be prepared for the results!

      Self-Care Bath

      We all have times in our lives when we need to care for our own physical, mental and emotional state. In fact most of us neglect ourselves in these respects far too often. But if you do not look after yourself, how are you going to do the best for those you care for? Take time out at least once a week to treat yourself. Make the environment as pleasant as you can – perhaps light candles around the bath and play some soothing music. Above all, turn off the phone and lock the door to make sure you are not disturbed even by your near and dear. Then relax in the following:

       2 drops frankincense oil

       2 drops jasmine oil

       2 drops sandalwood oil

       2 drops ylang ylang oil

       1 drop rose oil

       1 drop ginger oil

      Stress Relief Bath

      This is for those times when the world really has been getting on top of you and you feel really stressed out!

       8 drops neroli oil

       4 drops clary sage oil

       4 drops lavender oil

       2 drops cedarwood oil

       ‘Bath Teas’

      There is another way of adding herbs to your bath and that is to make them into a ‘tea’. You will need to steep the herbs in a small amount of boiling water for around 15 to 20 minutes and then strain the resultant liquid into your bath. You can of course add the herbs to the water directly, but then you will have the problem of getting all the bits off your skin and the sides of the bath!


      If you prefer to shower with any of these preparations then it is best to tie the herbs into a face cloth (wash cloth) or piece of fabric and rub it directly into the skin after washing but before your final rinse.

      Magical Working

       3 tsp rosemary

       3 tsp jasmine petals

       a pinch of ginger

       a pinch of cinnamon

       grated peel of half an orange

       (try to ensure that you don’t get any of the white pith into the mixture)


       3 tsp thyme

       2 tsp rose petals

       1 tsp sage

       a pinch of nutmeg

       grated peel of a lemon

      To Remove Negative Influences

      In addition to the herbs, some people also recommend placing a clear quartz crystal into the bath to absorb any negative influences. Make sure you remove this before pulling the plug, so as not to lose it, and then rinse it under cold running water for 10 minutes to cleanse it.

       4 tsp rosemary

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