Diana Palmer Collected 1-6: Soldier of Fortune / Tender Stranger / Enamored / Mystery Man / Rawhide and Lace / Unlikely Lover. Diana Palmer

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Diana Palmer Collected 1-6: Soldier of Fortune / Tender Stranger / Enamored / Mystery Man / Rawhide and Lace / Unlikely Lover - Diana Palmer

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eyebrows went up. “You do?”

      She dropped her eyes to his throat. “I could smear whipped cream all over myself…”

      “Honey tastes better.”

      She blushed furiously, and he laughed. He leaned forward, moving his plate aside, and lifted her fingers to his mouth.

      “Do you want me?” he asked bluntly, smiling at her averted face.

      “Yes,” she confessed.

      “Then say so. You don’t have to play games with me.” He got up, helped her up, and paid the check. They were back in the hotel room before he spoke again.

      He backed her up against the door and pinned her there with just the threat of his body. “You can have me anytime,” he said quietly. “All you have to do is tell me. That’s what marriage should be. Not some kind of power game.”

      Her eyes narrowed. “I don’t understand.”

      He brushed the hair away from her face and curled it behind her ear. “Bargaining, with sex as the prize.”

      “I’d never do that,” she said. She watched him, amazed that this handsome man was actually married to her. “You were worried about something. I wanted to…to give you peace.”

      He seemed to freeze. His lips parted on a hard breath. “I constantly misread you, don’t I?” He touched her throat with the lightest touch of his fingers and lifted his eyes to hers. “Do you want me?”

      “I’ll want you on my deathbed,” she said shakily.

      He bent and kissed her softly, tenderly. “I’m more grateful than I can tell you, for such a sweet offer. But I don’t think you can take me again today, not without considerable discomfort.” He lifted his head. “Can you?”

      She bit her lower lip. “Well…”

      “Can you?”

      She dropped her eyes to his chest. “Oh, shoot!” she mumbled. “No.”

      He laughed softly and drew her into his arms, rocking her slowly. “That’s why I was so gentle this morning,” he murmured into her ear, lying a little. He didn’t want to admit that she’d been the victor in that tender battle.

      “Oh.” That was vaguely disappointing, she mused. She slid her arms around him with a sigh, delighting in his strength, the corded power of his warm hard body. “It isn’t like this in books,” she concluded. She smiled as her eyes closed. “Women always can, and they never have discomfort, and—”

      “Life is very different,” he said. He smoothed her hair. “We’ll wait a day or so, until you recuperate. Then,” he added, tilting her face up to his amused eyes, “I’ll teach you some more subtle forms of sensual torture.”

      She laughed shyly. “Will you?”

      He took a deep breath. “I’ve never known anyone like you,” he said, the words reluctant. He drew her up on her tiptoes and kissed her very softly. “Feel what’s happening already?”

      “Yes,” she answered him.

      “We’d better cool it, if you don’t mind. I hate cold showers.”

      She laughed. “You’re terrific.” She sighed.

      “So are you. Get on a bathing suit and let’s go swim.”

      She started into the bathroom, met his mocking eyes, and stuck out her chin. “You’re my husband,” she said aloud, to remind both of them.

      “Yes, I was wondering if you might remember that.” He chuckled.

      She undressed and he watched, his eyes quiet and full of memories. When she started to pull on the bathing suit he moved in front of her and stayed her hands.

      “Not yet,” he said quietly.

      She looked up, hungry for him, and watched as he studied her body and saw for himself just how much she wanted him.

      “How is it, for a woman?” he asked suddenly, and sounded genuinely curious. “How do you feel when you want me like this?”

      “It’s frightening, a little,” she told him. “I get shaky and weak and I can’t quite control myself. I ache…”

      “Does this…help the ache?” he asked as he bent to her breasts.

      She moaned. It was impossible not to, when she felt the warm moistness of his lips eating her. She didn’t have a mind left after the first two seconds. She was hardly aware that he was lifting her onto the bed.

      He made a meal of her body, tasting, touching, looking at it, broad daylight streaming in the windows, while she gloried in the luxury of being married and enjoyed his pleasure in her.

      “I love looking at your body,” he said quietly, sitting beside her. His hands swept up and down, lingering on her soft curves. “I love touching it. Tasting it. I’ve never seen anything half so lovely.”

      “My husband,” she whispered.

      He looked up. “My wife.”

      Her body ached, and she knew he must feel the same longing she did. Her eyes asked a question, but he slowly shook his head.

      “I won’t do that to you,” he said curtly. “Not ever will I take my pleasure and not give a thought to yours.”

      She ground her teeth together to stop the tears.

      “And it isn’t pity,” he said, glaring at the look in her eyes. “I do nothing out of pity, least of all marry because of it. So you can stop looking at me that way. I want you and I’m getting irritable because I can’t have you. So suppose you put on the bathing suit and I’ll go have that damned cold shower and we’ll swim.”

      He got up and she lay there, watching him as he discarded his clothing. Her lips parted as the last of the clothing came off, and she saw the urgency of his desire.

      His body trembled as he looked at her, and she wanted to cry because of the torment she saw in his face.

      “You said once…that there are…other ways,” she ventured to ask. “Are there?”

      His face hardened; his eyes glittered wildly. “Yes.”

      She held out her arms, her body throbbing, her blood running like a river in flood as she sensed that violence of his hunger. He hesitated only for a second before he came down beside her.

      * * *

      The days passed with miserable speed. They did everything together. They swam and talked, although always about general things rather than personal ones; they danced and sampled new delicacies at the dinner table. And at night he loved her. Sometimes in the early morning. Once on the bathroom floor because the strength of their desire hadn’t left them time to get to bed. Sometimes he remembered precautions, but mostly he didn’t, because his desire matched her own. She walked around in a sensual haze that blinded her to the future. But eventually, the day came when they had to look past Veracruz. It came suddenly, and too soon.

       Chapter Six

      The last day of their stay dawned unwelcomed, and Dani packed with a long face. She’d changed her plans so she could be with Dutch for his whole vacation, but at the end of the week he told her that he had a job waiting and couldn’t spare any more time. She stared at him across the room as he got his own clothing together, wondering how dangerous his line of work was. A soldier, he’d said. Did that mean he was in the reserves? Probably, she told herself. That was why he wouldn’t mind moving to Greenville.

      She’d thought about that a lot, about picking up stakes and moving to Chicago. It wouldn’t matter, although she’d miss Harriett and her

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