Suspicions: A Twist Of Fate / Tears Of Pride. Lisa Jackson

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Suspicions: A Twist Of Fate / Tears Of Pride - Lisa  Jackson

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breasts ached against the confinement of her bra, and when at last his fingertips played with the lacy garment, she sighed. He pushed her gently and persuasively to the floor, and she felt the cool floorboards press against her fevered flesh. Slowly he let his hands slide to the buttons of her blouse, slipping each button easily through the buttonholes. As the blouse parted he unleashed her breasts from the lacy bra. “God, but you’re beautiful,” he moaned, looking directly at the full white curves of her soft breasts.

      She felt her fingers working at the buttons of his shirt. When at last it was opened, and the expanse of golden bronze skin was visible, she moaned with pure animal pleasure. “So are you,” she said huskily, watching his firm muscles flex under her admiring gaze.

      His thumbs idled over her nipples as he fondled her breasts. Masterfully, he enticed her nipples to erection, and a smile of triumph lighted his eyes as he noticed them harden. He looked once into her eyes, the smoky gray of his gaze blending into the lilac-blue passion of hers.

      It was as if she were drugged; all she could concentrate on was taking and giving pleasure. Her female body was overshadowing her mind. As Kane loved her, explored her, exulted in her, she, too, took satisfaction from touching and enticing him. Body was controlling mind in the sweet dreamlike mist of lovemaking.

      They rolled together on the floor, and he rained kisses upon her face, her neck, her breasts. His tongue licked paths of fire over her body and kindled an aching need in her innermost core.

      Endearingly his mouth descended on her breasts, and he suckled as if a babe, kneading the sensitive tissue with his hands as his lips lured love from her nipples. His body was upon hers and she felt the bittersweet pain of his weight over her. The cold floorboards touched her back, and his warm, naked torso inflamed her soul, causing boiling currents of lava to course through her veins.

      “Oh, Erin,” he called against her, and her pounding heart was triggered to a more passionate rhythm. He tore himself away from her and saw the disappointment in her eyes.

      “I want to go to bed with you,” he breathed, “and I want to make love to you.”

      “Are…are you asking me?” she gasped, drawing much needed air into her lungs.

      “I’ve been asking you all night.” He levered himself over her and leaned on one elbow while one hand still massaged her breasts.

      “I want to…” she murmured, closing her eyes and trying to think rationally. Would the ache subside? Would she really be able to make love to him? Would she be able to stop?

      “But…” he prodded, his breath ghosting over her hair.

      “But…” She breathed heavily. “But…I’m afraid.”

      “Of what? Me?”


      “Then it must be that you’re afraid of your husband,” he guessed.

      “Lee? How did you know about him?”

      “A small surname discrepancy in your personnel file.”

      “Oh,” she murmured, pulling her blouse over her breasts. Suddenly she felt conspicuously naked.

      “He is the problem, isn’t he,” Kane asked gently, but there was a cold and calculating edge to his voice.

      “No…Lee has nothing to do with us,” she managed, but her mercurial temperature had cooled.

      “You’re still in love with him, aren’t you?” His eyes regarded her gently, and he pulled her closer to his body and rocked her.

      “No…you’re wrong. You’ve got it all wrong. I’m not in love with Lee. Sometimes I wonder if I ever really was.” His eyes followed hers to look out the window. “Oh, I thought I loved him, once, but some of the things that he did…that he said…” She still couldn’t talk about it without getting a catch in her throat.

      “Erin, honey. It’s been a long time, and still he affects you. Are you sure that you’re not still emotionally involved with him?”

      Tears began to flow from her eyes, and he brushed them away. She tried to look away from him, but he forced her head in his direction, softly cupping her chin in his fingers. His movements were gentle, but his thoughts were grim. Lee Sinclair, whoever the hell he was, had scarred Erin, and Kane meant to know all about him.

      “Have you seen him recently?”

      “No…he moved to Spokane about a year ago.” For some reason Erin couldn’t tell Kane about the phone calls and the fact that Lee was back in Seattle.

      Kane continued to rock her in silence, only the thin line of his lips belying his calm and comforting actions. Slowly Erin composed herself. She wondered how she had ever let things get so out of hand. She felt an embarrassed burn on her cheeks as she realized that she was sitting half-naked on the floor of her apartment with her new boss, weeping like a teenager, nearly jumping into bed with him. It was frightening and confusing, completely out of character.

      “I’m sorry,” she sniffed, managing a feeble smile. “I really don’t know why I fell apart.”

      “It’s all right. Here.” He pulled the afghan from the couch and wrapped her in its rainbow-colored tiered folds. “Are you sure that you’re okay?” She nodded, and he rose from the floor, pulling her with him. “Why don’t you go in and get in bed? I’ll bring you some tea.”

      “No! Oh, no…I’m fine, honestly.” She was embarrassed by her emotional outburst, and the last thing she wanted was that her boss should wait on her. She hiked the awkward blanket over her shoulders, but it seemed determined to slide to the floor.

      “You’re sure?” he asked, cocking a suspicious eyebrow in her direction and buttoning his shirt.

      “I’m sure.” Her voice was still husky, but the firm quality and tone that he recognized as control were back in her words.

      She could tell that he was reluctant to leave, but after a final kiss to her forehead, and his hastily scribbled hotel phone number, he left her alone.

      After he closed the door, she listened to the sound of his shoes clicking down the steps. Silently she counted them. Finally she heard the front door open and close with a thud. A sporty engine roared to life and faded into the night. Erin felt more alone than she had in years.

      Chapter 5

      The morning newspaper was spread before her as Erin sat down to a light breakfast of toast and jam. Her eyes wandered aimlessly over the headlines on the front page, but her mind refused to budge from the intimate moments she had shared with Kane. What had seemed a natural and beautiful lovemaking experience in the darkness had somehow lost its enchantment in the morning light. It wasn’t that she regretted getting to know Kane, not at all. But he was her boss, and she couldn’t let her body control her mind where he was concerned. Professionally it just wasn’t sound judgment to get emotionally involved with an employer. And, although she could still conjure up the enigmatic image of his tanned masculine body and mirthless gray eyes, she wouldn’t let it control her.

      She applied a healthy spoonful of raspberry jam to her toast as she turned to the financial section. As her eyes met the black-and-white photograph of Mitchell Cameron, she let the knife fall to the table. The picture was several years old, and Mitch was smiling with his pleasant self-assured grin, but the caption in black boldface print captured her attention. FINANCIAL LAWYER ALLEGED THIEF—and in smaller print—Mitchell Cameron Accused of Embezzling Bank Funds.

      “Oh, no!” Erin gasped, and her eyes read and reread the newspaper article several times. “There must be some mistake,” she murmured to herself. “There has to be!” According to the article Mitch had been manipulating bank funds for the better part of two years. When the bank was sold, an audit found him out, and the new president, Kane Webster, had fired Mitch. The police were summoned and Mitch would be arraigned for indictment within the week.


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