Christmas In His Bed. Sasha Summers

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Christmas In His Bed - Sasha  Summers

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nodded. “Come home, regroup, get a job...start again.”

      “Sounds like a good plan, dear,” Mrs. Ryan said. “Oh, I know. I’ll check in with George Welch, see if he knows of any openings in his office. He has the largest accounting firm in the county.”

      Tatum held up her hand. “You don’t have to—”

      “No, she doesn’t. But it’s what she does,” Spencer said. “With or without your blessing, trust me.”

      Tatum smiled at him, then Mrs. Ryan. “Thank you.”

      “Free today?” Lucy asked. “I’d love to spend some time with you.”

      “I’d love that too,” she agreed. “Up for shopping? I have no food.” She paused, looking at the huge goodie basket on the table. “Well, I do now. But I’m thinking a Christmas tree might brighten things up.”

      “You do decorate?” Mrs. Ryan asked. “I’m so glad. I know your mother... Well, I’m glad.”

      “I do,” she said. “And I want this Christmas to be extra special.”

      “You’ve got a great yard, Tatum,” Spencer said.

      “You had ideas for a theme, didn’t you?” Lucy asked.

      “Spencer, you’re going to have to find a place to stay now that Tatum is back. I’m sure the last thing she wants is a roommate. Especially in your line of work. I tell you, a police officer is never off duty. Constant interruptions. Calls in the middle of the night. Never a dull moment,” Mrs. Ryan said and wrinkled her nose for emphasis.

      Law enforcement. It made sense. Spencer’s father and grandfather had both been cops. Why shouldn’t Spencer? It also explained why he left for work in the middle of the night and why he’d been on assignment for so long. She’d been too lost in a lust-induced haze to find out what he did for a living—about his life now.

      Spencer sighed. “I’ll figure something out.”

      “I feel bad to cause problems, especially this close to the holidays,” Tatum jumped in. She did feel bad, which she didn’t like, for forcing him out of his home, even if it was her house. And if—if—she did decide to proposition Spencer, it would be a hell of a lot more convenient if he was here.

      Spencer’s gaze met hers. “There’s nothing to feel bad about.”

      Had his eyes always been so blue? So...unrelenting?

      “I love it when people put up trees outside.” Lucy steered the conversation back toward decorating. “Ooh, or those giant light-up nutcrackers?”

      “Nutcrackers?” Mrs. Ryan didn’t look pleased with the suggestion.

      “My car’s too small for that,” Tatum said, eyeing the space in front of the window and remembering her father’s pleasure in big, flocked trees that made a mess but looked bright and cheery glowing with colored lights.

      “I can take you,” Spencer offered. “To get a tree, I mean. Or two. One for inside, one for outside.”

      “He’s got the truck,” Lucy agreed. “It can fit all three of us, right?”

      She caught the arched eyebrow he turned on Lucy before he answered, “Yes.”

      “Can’t you shave before you go out in public?” Mrs. Ryan sighed heavily. “You’ll have to excuse his appearance. I can’t stand it when he’s undercover, putting himself in harm’s way. Not only is it dangerous, but he looks like a...a gang member.” She waved at her son.

      Tatum grinned. All she saw was a powerfully built man, a man with an amazing body and equally amazing hands. “He did surprise me last night.” She felt delightfully wicked as she added, “I was a little shell-shocked when he left.”

      Spencer looked at her, blue eyes narrowing. “Oh, it was mutual, believe me.”

      The look in his eyes made her tingle. She’d been more than satisfied, even if he hadn’t. But was he still interested? She hoped he was. She cleared her throat, her voice tight as she asked, “Next time, maybe we can finish our conversation?”

      She saw him swallow, the flare of his nostrils, the absolutely gorgeous ridge of his jaw locking. His nod was stiff—but it was enough to have her throbbing.

      “Oh, to be a fly on the wall for that conversation,” Lucy murmured.

      She and Spencer looked at Lucy in unison, making Lucy grin widely.

      “Well, I have to get those pies in the oven for the women’s auxiliary auction Saturday night.” Mrs. Ryan stood. “You’ll come, won’t you, Tatum?”

      “I’d like that, thank you,” Tatum agreed.

      “There are so many wonderful parties and events this time of year. And a wedding. A wedding you will be shaving for, Spencer?”

      Spencer sighed, then nodded.

      “Well, that’s something, I suppose. Have fun today. Now that you’re back, Tatum, I expect to see a lot more of you. You’ll feel at home again in no time.”

      “I will, thanks,” Tatum agreed.

      “Good.” Mrs. Ryan kissed her on the cheek. “Spencer, make sure you get the rest of Tatum’s lights done today, as well. The roof looks a little bare.”

      Tatum might want to strip Spencer down and explore every inch of him with her hands and mouth, but she could decorate her own house. “I can probably—”

      “I’ll do it,” Spencer assured her. “And we’ll have time to finish that conversation.”

      So many delicious images raced through her mind that every inch of her tightened with anticipation.

      “Sounds like that’s settled. You make sure the job is done right, Spencer,” Mrs. Ryan said, shooting her son a stern look.

      “I’ll make sure,” he said, staring into the fireplace, his jaw tight.

      “I’ll see you tomorrow, dear,” Mrs. Ryan called out, waving goodbye as she headed back across the street to her house.

      “She hasn’t changed a bit,” Tatum said, smiling at Lucy and Spencer. “You’re lucky to have her.”

      Lucy hugged her. “Oh, Tatum... I just realized... I’m sorry about your dad. And your mom. Well, that’s it. You’re going to be a Ryan this Christmas, no arguing. No way you’re going to spend it alone, you hear me?” She hugged her tighter. “This Christmas does need to be extra special.”

      Tatum blinked back her tears. She’d lost her mother and grandparents years ago. Her father had passed last year. And now, without Brent, she had no one to celebrate with. “Thanks, Lucy. But I don’t want to invade—”

      “Invade,” Spencer said. “You’ll appreciate coming home to a quiet house.” He smiled at her, his blue eyes so blue.

      “Off to the tree farm?” Lucy asked. “Or would you rather go shopping?”

      One look Spencer’s way told her exactly what she wanted, even if it wasn’t one of her choices. But she could wait. Anticipation was a good thing. Until then, she’d have to find a way to occupy herself. “Let’s start with a tree.”

      “I’ll get the truck,” Spencer said, heading out the front door.

      “What’s it been? One day?” Lucy asked as soon as they were alone. “How naked did you get last night? And don’t even try to deny it. You two—in the same room—wow. I need a fan and some ice water to cool down.”

      She should argue, but she’d never been good at lying. “I admit, he’s... I’m...overwhelmed.”

      Lucy laughed. “Yeah, well, you’re not alone. He almost poured orange juice in his coffee this morning.”


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