Navy SEAL Surrender. Angi Morgan

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Navy SEAL Surrender - Angi  Morgan

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I can’t ask you to help more than just buying the car. Your dad needs you.”

      “Don’t bother, Alicia. You need my help. More important, the only way to clear Brian is to find your daughter. And I need you to make that happen.”

      “Thanks isn’t enough.” She launched herself and hugged him. “What should I do?”

      John awkwardly set her away, not trusting himself to hold her close. The next few days were going to be hard enough. “We’ll put your car in the shed, and if they look, I’ll tell them you sold it to me.”

      “What’s next?” She removed the key ring from her pocket, clutching it like a lifeline.

      “Do you have a smartphone?”


      “Book yourself on the next flight to San Antonio. Don’t browse anything out of state. If the FBI’s not involved yet, we want to keep the search for you in Texas. When you’re done, take the battery out and leave it in Dad’s things. Someplace you’d normally have access when you check on him.”

      “You want them to think I’m running. They won’t believe it. They know I wouldn’t go anywhere without Lauren.”

      “Did you think you’d be set up for her kidnapping?” He could see she was terrified. Her daughter had been abducted. Even if she was certain of who took her, there was still a deep fear of making a mistake. Doubt that she could be wrong.

      It happened to him on every mission. Especially the ones that cost a man’s life. Questioning your decisions would drive you insane. So you couldn’t question. Someone like Alicia needed someone to help make those decisions. As long as he was around to take the blame, she wouldn’t have to question if she did the right thing.

      “And what if they release Brian or if asking me questions would help them find where Lauren is?”

      “I don’t know if they have enough evidence to hold Brian. They might release him, watch who he contacts, hoping they’re right and that he’ll lead them to the person holding your daughter. But more important, I need you with me to find Lauren.”

      “You really think this is the best way? Running?”

      “Hiding. Staying under wraps until we gather all the facts and know who’s involved. There are a lot of places to disappear on the ranch tonight. I’ll get you somewhere safer tomorrow.”

      “Where?” The word was muffled in defeat as she covered her mouth with slim fingers.

      “Adams’s property tonight. Brian and I played there all the time. They won’t think you’re arrogant enough to hide right under their noses.”

      “Johnny.” She gently took his arm before he could walk past her. “What happens if they find me?”

      He sank into the bluest eyes he could remember. A face that he’d tried his best to let go. She’d never lied to him, always had faith in him. He was the one who’d turned his back on her, not trusting.

      “Believe me, they won’t. I know what I’m doing. I’ve hidden in a lot places worse than Aubrey, Texas. No one finds me when I dig in.”

      He reached for his cell, dialing the number Mabel had written on the notepad stuck to the fridge. “It’s John. Change of plans—can you pack a bag and come stay with Dad overnight? Thanks.”

      “Brian called to warn me. Did he keep you out of the loop on purpose? No one knows you’re here, do they?” Alicia asked once he’d hung up.

      “That’s our ace in the hole. They’ll all be watching Brian and they think you’re alone. I won’t lie to you, Alicia. It’s going to get rough, and plenty of people are going to say worse things than the accusations on television.”

      He glanced over his shoulder into the living room. His dad looked straight at him, smiling, and gave him a thumbs-up. If there had been doubts about leaving his dad to help Alicia before, there weren’t any longer.

      “I want my daughter back and I’m willing to do anything to make that happen. I trust you, Johnny.”


      The real question was if he could trust himself.

      Chapter Six

      “Where’s my mommy?” the kid asked for the hundredth time since she’d been hauled here kicking and screaming.

      Tory had been sure they’d be caught before leaving Aubrey. But the dark windows and loud speakers of her ex’s car had covered their escape and the kid’s screaming. Then country back roads had hidden them again.

      Lauren had cried until they’d convinced her of the lie. Part of the cover-up. Part of Patrick’s brilliant plan. Part of their attempt to never be caught. Tell the kid her mother was testing her and would “rescue” her after they finished the game. It was no big deal. She could pretend she was on an adventure.

      “Can’t you make that kid shut up?” Her ex-boyfriend charged toward the little girl, but Tory stepped between them to calm him down. He turned and threw himself on the tattered cushions of the broken-down couch.

      “What do you want me to do? You know if we hurt her we don’t get paid.” She should never have told Patrick that she’d help. And should have never have gone back to her ex to assist her pulling off this stupid plan. The bum always thought he was the boss, and he had the muscles to convince you. “Go back in the bedroom, honey, and play with your new toys.”

      “But can’t I have a drink?” the kid asked. “When’s this game going to be over?”

      “Later, sweetheart.” Tory scooted her inside the room and flipped the newly installed bolt to keep her there.

      She passed too close and her ex’s thick hand wrapped around her wrist. The same one he’d fractured last spring. It still hurt if she twisted it the wrong way and especially hurt when she tried to pull free. The bastard knew that. She’d yelped loud enough the first couple of times he’d grabbed her like this.

      “The news thinks that kid’s mother snatched her for the money.”

      “It’s working just like I said it would,” she agreed, hoping he’d let go before she cried from his tight grip.

      “So I’ve been rethinkin’ our arrangement. We can get more money. That idiot Weber is loaded.”

      “I’m not so sure. Seems kinda dicey.” How would she explain this to Patrick?

      “What can he do to us if we demand more? It’s not like he can waltz to the police or his wife and tell them everything. This is a sure bet. We’re in charge and he has to do what we say.”

      “I don’t know if we should. My way seems like it’s safer. We take the money and the mom takes the blame.” She had to convince him to stay with the original agreement. She wasn’t risking everything for half the pittance he thought they’d agreed to last week. She’d follow the plan, take all the money, leave this blustering jackass hanging and run off with Patrick.

      “My way, we get lots more dough. I’ve seen them do this on TV lots of times.”

      He wanted to be in charge. How could she make it his plan? Her wrist was aching but she didn’t pull away. She cozied up to the slime bucket, giving him full view of the extra cleavage in the tight shirt Patrick couldn’t resist. “Don’t they always get caught on TV?”

      “Only if they leave DNA or somethin’, and we’re in the clear. That stupid Weber left his prints and gave us the bear to plant. We used gloves.”

      “But, honey.” She tried to sound sweet in spite of the shooting pain in her arm. “You know I already took the ransom note you worked so hard on.”

      “We can make another.”

      Patrick had instructed them to

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