A Husband For Christmas. Gail Martin Gaymer

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A Husband For Christmas - Gail Martin Gaymer

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and it’s yours. Anything. Anything. But escorting her to a wedding certainly wasn’t what he had in mind. But...what had he meant? He said anything.

      Her mind spun, and she closed her eyes. Truth was, the more she thought of it, she disliked attending the reception alone. A wedding service, maybe, but the celebration? A party? Alone would be a downer. Still asking Doug...that would take gumption on her part and even a bit of faith.

      The idea settled in her mind. She’d already talked to God once today. Maybe, just maybe, another little chat might give her unexpected courage.

      The whole idea spread through her like puzzle pieces. She’d always been good with them except the puzzles of her life. That was one she hadn’t conquered yet. But maybe, just maybe...

       Chapter Four

      Doug leaned back in his office chair and eyed the stack of paperwork that he’d nearly conquered. He rubbed the back of his neck, kneading out the knots, and checked his watch with blurred vision. He’d stared at the computer too long, and though he still had portions of the documents, he couldn’t face another moment. He had to consider Kimmy’s needs.

      Nina slipped into his mind again, and his pulse snagged. He’d never met a woman so unselfish with her time. Not only had she spent hours with Kimmy already, she had volunteered to spend more. What kind of woman did that?

      A grin pranced to his lips. A woman who loved children. He nodded. That was it. He’d watched her with Kimmy, and she was a natural and very creative with her. He loved that. Again, his pulse stumbled as he faced the truth. He liked Nina. Liked her a lot. More than any other woman he’d known. But then she was easy to lov...like.

      And now Angie had offered him an opening. Her wedding. He’d never expected to receive an invitation with the stipulation he escort Nina. All he needed now was the nerve to ask her. The wedding would be a way to know her better and to see her in a social setting. The neighborhood outdoor party had been the only social situation where they’d been together, and she seemed somewhat withdrawn. He had so much to learn about her. Only then could he really let his thoughts take flight. He drew in a breath as he admitted his failure. They’d already taken flight without his permission. So unlike him.

      He shook his head to clear his thoughts and flicked through the documents, confident he could finish in the morning before his meeting. He riffled the pages and tapped them into a neat stack before slipping them into a folder and dropping them into his work tray. As he logged off the computer, his stomach rumbled, reminding him he’d rushed through a flavorless sandwich at noon, and now eating a good meal sounded great.

      Tonight cooking was out of the question, but take-home was perfect, and Kimmy loved Chinese food. Tasty food with no work hugged his thoughts. He grasped his cell phone and located Nina’s number. His heart lurched when she answered on the second ring.

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