Mistress Of Madderlea. Mary Nichols

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Mistress Of Madderlea - Mary  Nichols

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the dismals ever since you went home. You found no trouble there, I hope?’

      ‘Trouble?’ Richard roused himself from his contemplation of his horse’s ears to answer his friend. ‘No, not trouble exactly.’

      ‘Then what is wrong? Grandfather not in plump currant?’

      ‘He says he isn’t, but that’s only to make me toe the line.’

      ‘What line is that?’


      Martin shrugged. ‘Well, it comes to us all in the end.’

      ‘It’s all very well for you, you haven’t got a dukedom hanging on your choice. It would not be so bad if I had been born to inherit, but Emily was the only child my uncle had and the estate is entailed. My own father, who was the second son, died when I was still in leading strings and my uncle died of a fever while we were in Spain, so I came back to find myself the heir.’

      ‘You knew it might happen one day.’

      ‘Of course I did, but I thought I would have plenty of time to look about for a wife. The old man is holding my cousin Emily over my head like the sword of Damocles.’

      Martin grinned. ‘Quite a feat for an elderly gentleman. I believe she is quite a large girl.’

      Richard smiled in spite of himself. ‘You know what I mean.’

      ‘She is not to your taste?’

      ‘She was a child when I went away to war and it is as a child that I think of her, my little cousin to be petted and indulged, not as a wife.’

      ‘She is of marriageable age now, though.’

      ‘Seventeen, but her mother has spoiled her abominably and she is still immature, without a sensible thought in her head. I should be miserable leg-shackled to her and so would she.’

      ‘Has His Grace given you no choice?’

      ‘Oh, I have a choice. Find a wife of whom he will approve before the end of the Season, or it will have to be Emily.’

      ‘Why the haste? You have only just returned to civilian life, a year or so enjoying the fruits of peace would not come amiss.’

      ‘So I told him. I also pointed out that Emily should be allowed more time to grow up and make her own choice, but he says he has no time to waste, even if I think I have. He is an old man and likely to wind up his accounts at any time. He wants to see the next heir before he goes.’

      They had arrived at the mews where the horses were stabled and, leaving them in the charge of grooms, set out to walk to Bedford Row where the Duke of Rathbone had a town house.

      ‘Do you know, I begin to feel sorry for Emily.’

      ‘So do I. Choosing a wife is not something to do in five minutes at a Society ball. It needs careful consideration. After all, you have to live with your choice for the rest of your life.’

      ‘Some don’t,’ Martin said, as a footman opened the door of the mansion and they passed into a marble-tiled vestibule. A magnificent oak staircase rose from the middle of it and branched out at a half-landing to go right and left and up to a gallery which overlooked the hall. ‘They marry someone suitable to continue the line and then discreetly take a mistress. Look at the Prince Regent…’

      ‘I would rather not look at him, if you don’t mind,’ Richard said, before turning to the servant who had admitted them and ordering breakfast for them both before leading the way to the library, a large room lined with bookshelves and containing a reading table and a couple of deep leather armchairs either side of the fireplace. ‘I may be old-fashioned, but I would rather find a wife I could care for and who cared for me. Emily has no feeling for me at all but, with my uncle’s death, my aunt was deprived of her chance to be a duchess and so she is determined on her daughter fulfilling the role. She will hound me to death as soon as she hears of my grandfather’s edict.’

      Richard sprawled morosely in one of the chairs and Martin, always at ease in his friend’s company, sat opposite him. ‘Then there is no alternative, my friend—you must mix with Society as one of the eligibles and hope for the best.’

      ‘The best,’ Richard echoed. ‘Oh, that I could find such a one.’

      ‘A great deal depends on your expectations, Dick. Tell me, what attributes will you be looking for in a wife?’

      Richard gave a short bark of a laugh, as if considering such a thing had never crossed his mind, though he had been thinking of little else since the interview with his grandfather. ‘Let me see. It goes without saying she must come from a good family, or Grandfather will never sanction her. Beautiful? Not necessarily, but she must have a pleasing face, a certain style and presence, so that I can be proud to have her on my arm in public. She must be able to converse intelligently; I should hate anyone vacuous or missish.’

      ‘An educated wife…that might be asking for trouble.’

      ‘A little education does no harm, but I wouldn’t want a blue stocking; they are always trying to score points. She must want and like children because the whole object of the exercise is to beget an heir and I do not hold with women who have babies and then hand them over to nurses and governesses to rear.’

      ‘That’s quite a list.’

      ‘I haven’t done yet. I would expect her to be considerate towards those beneath her and tenderhearted when they are in trouble, but not soft, not easily gulled. She must enjoy country pursuits because I shall wish to spend much of my time in Hertfordshire on the estate. Not a hoyden, though. Don’t like hoydens above half.’

      Martin was smiling at this catalogue of virtues. ‘What about a dowry?’

      ‘Most important of all she must not be a fortune or a title hunter. In fact, it would be a decided advantage if she had her own fortune.’

      ‘Why? You are a pretty plump in the pocket already.’

      ‘I know, but if she has her own fortune, she will not be marrying me for mine, will she? I want someone accustomed to wealth so that she will fall easily into my way of living and not be overawed by it. Besides, I will not be truly wealthy until I inherit and, for all his protestations to the contrary, my grandfather is fit as a flea.

      ‘It would be better if my wife could afford all the extravagant fripperies she needs without my having to go to him for an increase in my allowance. If she is already independent, she would not fetter me with extravagant demands. She would be prepared to let me go my own way in return for being able to lead her own life, within certain decorous limits, of course.’

      ‘Do you know, I am sure I heard you say you were not interested in taking a mistress.’

      ‘I should like to keep the option open.’ He spoke so pompously that Martin burst into laughter. ‘You may laugh,’ Richard told him. ‘You aren’t constrained by other people’s expectations.’

      ‘It is your own expectations which are the more demanding, old fellow. Such a paragon of virtue does not exist.’

      ‘More’s the pity.’

      A footman came to tell them that breakfast was ready and they got up to go to the small dining room, where a repast of ham, eggs, pickled herrings, boiled tongue and fresh bread was laid out for them.

      ‘Then you do agree that you must be seen in Society?’ Martin queried, watching Richard fill his plate. His problem seemed to have had no effect on his appetite.

      ‘I have no choice.’

      ‘Well, do not sound so reluctant, you will never attract your paragon like that. You must be agreeable and well turned out and…’

      ‘I know, my friend, I do not need a lecture on how to conduct myself.’

      ‘Then we’ll start this evening. Mama has arranged a little gathering at home and I promised to attend. It

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