Norwyck's Lady. Margo Maguire

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Norwyck's Lady - Margo  Maguire

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      “There is naught more to do today, my lord. Why don’t you seek your bed now, and rest? Armstrong is not so much a fool as to attack two nights running.”

      “You wouldn’t think so,” Bart said as he got to his feet. “But his methods have been unconventional these last few years.”

      “To say the least, my lord,” Walter replied.

      Bart knew the man blamed himself for not seeing through Felicia’s deception. After all, Armstrong’s son, Dùghlas, had seduced and impregnated her while Walter had been in charge of the estate. But Bartholomew did not blame him. Felicia’s affair had been conducted in secret while Walter managed the estate and the children. It might even have begun before Bartholomew had left for Scotland.

      “Still, I cannot believe the scoundrel will come back tonight,” Walter added.

      “You may be right, but I do not trust the Armstrong to behave reasonably or predictably,” Bart said as he rubbed his hand across his jaw and his morning whiskers.

      Against all convention, Laird Armstrong had corrupted Felicia. He’d set his son, Dùghlas, to seduce her. Then he’d somehow convinced her to deliver William into his trap without so much as a sword being drawn. The man was as devious as a freebooter. “See that guards are posted at every gate,” Bart said. “I want sentries in the hills north of the village. If the Armstrongs come again, we’ll need ample warning.”

      “Aye, my lord,” Walter said, “I’ll see to it.”

      “I’m going to sleep for a couple of hours,” he said, then he stopped and turned back to Walter. “Send someone for Alice Hoget later. I’d like her to look in on the lady in the tower…while I am present.”

      Walter frowned. “Is aught amiss, my lord?”

      “I do not know,” Bart replied. “The woman says she cannot remember anything…naught of her past, not even her name.”

      When Walter did not respond, Bartholomew continued. “I want Alice’s opinion. I want to know whether such a thing is possible.”

      “Aye, my lord,” Walter replied. “’Tis passing strange, though not unheard of. Alice will be here when you awaken.”

      Unpleasant dreams plagued Marguerite’s afternoon nap, and she awoke unrefreshed. She supposed the images in her dream must mean something, but she could not imagine what. The faces, the places…all were unfamiliar to her.

      The worst parts of the dream had awakened her. She’d felt as if she were drowning, as if her very life was being squeezed out of her. She’d sat up in a panic, her heart pounding, her head aching. Yet still she could remember naught of her past.

      The door to her chamber opened suddenly, and a wizened old woman appeared. Gazing at her, Marguerite realized then that her vision had improved significantly. She could see the old lady almost clearly.

      “Well, yer looking better than ye did last time I saw ye.”

      “You know me, then?” Marguerite cried hopefully, placing a hand over her heart as if she could quiet its hopeful patter.

      “Nay, m’lady,” the woman replied. “The only time I’ve ever seen ye was when ye were lying here in this bed, insensible. I’m Alice Hoget. I’m the healer in these parts, but mind ye, I’m no surgeon.”

      “Oh.” Marguerite’s shoulders slumped and tears filled her eyes. She had hoped—perhaps unreasonably—for a ready answer to all her questions. But ’twas not to be. She blinked back the tears and sniffed before she noticed a tall, dark figure standing in the doorway behind Alice.

      Her heart sank when she realized ’twas Lord Norwyck.

      Now that she could see more clearly, she was struck by his handsome features, even though they were mitigated by a thoroughly bad-tempered expression.

      His eyes were dark, nearly black, and shadowed by thick, dark brows. He was possessed of a strong chin and jaw, the muscles of which even now clenched in disapproval of her. His lips were full, yet sculpted, his nose straight and aristocratic. His black hair brushed his shoulders.

      There was no softness to his features, yet Marguerite had experienced his kindness, no matter how gruffly it had been cloaked.

      “Lord Norwyck says ye’ve lost yer memory.”

      Unable to find her voice at the moment, Marguerite nodded.

      “Can ye remember aught?”

      “Only a few faces, bits of a storm,” she said. Her voice was shaky and she struggled to control it. “’Tis a strange sensation to…to feel that there is a memory there, but be unable to bring it out.”

      “Aye, it must be,” the old woman said. “But I’ve heard of it—this malady of memory loss.”

      “You have?” Marguerite cried, in spite of Lord Norwyck’s approach. “Will it pass? Will I soon remem—?”

      “Hold, lass,” Alice said. “I cannot tell ye. I know too little of it. Lie back, though, and let me look at the gash on yer poor skull.”

      Marguerite did as she was told, suddenly aware of her lack of proper dress. She slid down into the bed, quickly pulling the blanket up to her shoulders.

      “Lord Norwyck says yer eyes aren’t right, neither.”

      “That’s right, but my vision has improved since I awoke this afternoon,” Marguerite said, striving to ignore the lord’s looming presence. “’Tis still not entirely clear, but much better than ’twas.”

      “That’s a good sign, then,” the healer said. “I expect yer memory will return soon, too.”

      “Oh, Alice, do you think so?” Marguerite said, grasping the old woman’s hand in her own.

      “Well, I can’t be sure,” Alice replied, “but I’d say there’s hope, at least.”

      “That’s all I’ve prayed for,” Marguerite said quietly.

      Alice extricated her hand from Marguerite’s and patted her shoulder. She turned to Lord Norwyck, who stood just behind her. “Naught more can I do, m’lord,” she said. “I’ll be happy to come if there’s any change, but I expect these scrapes and gashes to be healed within the fortnight.”

      “And her memory?”

      “No promises there, m’lord,” Alice said with a smile. “’Tis up to the good Lord to restore it.”

      Bart followed the old healer to the door and partway down the stairs. “What do you make of her?”

      “In what way, m’lord?”

      “Do you think she speaks the truth?”

      “Ye mean, about her memory?” Alice asked. “Well, I wouldn’t know about that. She seems sincere enough, and I’d hate to think of one so fair as a liar….” She hesitated, and Bart knew she thought of Felicia. “But I have no way of knowing.”

      Bartholomew had to agree. The woman seemed ingenuous enough, but the most accomplished liars were capable of fooling anyone. He returned to the tower room and found the lady out of bed.

      “Oh!” she cried, whirling away from the long, narrow window that overlooked the beach and the sea beyond. “I did not realize…”

      “Realize what?” She was unbelievably beautiful, Bart mused, with her lush hair cascading around her shoulders and her lovely eyes focused upon him. Her body was covered in a filmy silk chemise, but it clung to her, somehow making her more alluring than if she’d been naked.

      “Realize th-that you would be coming back.”

      “Making it necessary to continue with your little sport?”

      “My s-sport, my lord?”


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