Emily's Daughter. Linda Warren

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Emily's Daughter - Linda  Warren

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parents and knew she deserved everything that was happening to her.

      Her mother had a heart murmur and the birth had further weakened her heart. The months of June and July were rough for Emily because she didn’t know what was going on at home, but her father said not to worry. Everything would be fine.

      Emily’s baby was due at the end of August, but due to stress the baby came early. She lay in a hospital bed in excruciating pain, giving birth—alone. They told her she’d had a girl and Emily begged to hold her, just to see her, but the nurse said it was best if she didn’t. The baby was given to a couple who was waiting to love her and to raise her as their own. The nurse told her she’d done the right thing and in time she would see that, but she never did. Not a day had gone by that she hadn’t thought about her daughter in some way or other.

      When her father arrived, he found her in a fetal position, crying. He, too, told her she’d done the right thing. All she could think about was going home—to forget and to be with her family. Again her father refused, saying her mother wasn’t well and she had her hands full caring for the new baby. Emily said she could help, but her father said she needed to regain her strength and make plans for college. That was what her mother wanted for her. She felt as if her parents had washed their hands of her and she cried and cried…for herself…for her baby…for so many things.

      In September, her father took her to the University of Texas, where she was enrolled. Again there was no talk of going home. Her mother had sent her some pictures of her new sister and she clung to those like a lifeline. During Thanksgiving break, she was finally able to go home and see her sister for the first time. She was tiny and precious and Emily spent most of the week just holding her, talking to her, trying not to think about her own baby. Those memories came at night when sleep would elude her and she’d ache for a glimpse of her daughter’s face. Would she look anything like her? Or would she favor Jackson? On and on it went over the years and still she had no answers. But she prayed her daughter was healthy and happy and with people who loved her.

      She hadn’t known, when she left to have her child, that she’d never be home for any length of time again. She only went home to see her sister, and she was grateful they had a good relationship. Her mother said she spoiled Rebecca and that was another bone of contention between them, but if she could afford to give Rebecca the things she wanted, then she intended to. The arguments with her mother that followed were never pleasant.

      Emily slid lower in her chair, sighing deeply. Memories seemed to be weighing her down, smothering her. After all this time, she should be past the pain, but she wasn’t—that was why seeing Jackson so unexpectedly had thrown her. God, she’d made a fool of herself. Now what? Forget about him, she told herself. She was good at forgetting Jackson. She’d spent years doing it.

      IT TOOK JACKSON TALBERT about ten seconds to recover, then he made an excuse about getting something from his briefcase and turned away. Emily Ann Cooper. He couldn’t believe it. She was half woman, half child when he’d known her, but today he could see she was all woman and there was not a glimmer of recognition on her pretty face. Could she have forgotten him? Or did she just prefer not to acknowledge him?

      He didn’t like either of those possibilities. He had felt they’d shared something out of the ordinary once and he’d always regretted not going back to the coast to see her, but his world had been turned upside down with an aspect of life he was ill-equipped to deal with. And later his life had gone in so many different directions that Emily Cooper became merely a pleasant memory.

      She looked great, he thought, and she’d become a doctor just as she’d wished. He was glad for her and he wondered if she was married. Her name was still Cooper, but that didn’t mean anything. It might just be her professional name. Anyone as intelligent and beautiful as Emily had to have someone in her life.

      He kept thinking of the young Emily with her warm, bubbly laugh and seductive dark eyes. She’d been a breath of fresh air after the experienced college girls he had dated. He grew warm just remembering their nights on the beach that long-ago winter….

      He closed his briefcase and tried to recall what she’d said. Something about busy, patients, had to go. He didn’t catch much else because he was in a state of shock and too preoccupied with staring into her eyes, which were somber and professional. There was no laughter or mischief in their depths. They were serious—maybe a little too serious.

      What did he expect? he asked himself. A giggling teenager? He was sure he had changed, too. There was gray in his hair, lines around his eyes and a whole lot of living on his face. But still, she should’ve recognized him. Why hadn’t she said something or, for that matter, why hadn’t he? Well, he planned to rectify that. She worked here, so it should be no problem finding her. And this time they would talk.

      THE RINGING OF THE TELEPHONE startled Emily back to reality. It was her private line, so it had to be family.

      She picked up the receiver. “Hello.”

      “Em, she’s driving me crazy!” The frantic words of her sister resounded in her ear.

      Emily took a deep breath, not certain she was in any shape to handle another argument between Becca and their mother. “What is it, Becca? What’s Mother done now?”

      “She said I have to be home by ten o’clock from the prom and I have to wear one of my old dresses. Tommy and I had been nominated for prom king and queen, and I have to have something nice and I’m not leaving at ten o’clock. Everyone’ll laugh at me. I can’t take it anymore! If you don’t come home, I’ll run away.”

      Emily took another breath. “I told you I’d buy you a dress for the prom, and I’ll talk to Mom about the ten o’clock business.”

      “Mom said you can’t buy me anything else.”

      “I’ll talk to her.”

      “In person, okay? She always lightens up when you’re here.”

      “I can’t. I’m too busy.”

      “Yeah, yeah, I get the message. You’re always too busy for your own family.”

      “Becca, that’s not fair.”

      “You haven’t been home for ages. Admit it, you can’t get along with her any better than I can, but I’m stuck here.”

      “It’s not that bad, and you know it. You can’t get your way so you’re angry right now, but I’ll talk to Mom and we’ll work this out.”

      “You promise?”

      “Yes, I promise.”

      “Please come home. Just for a little while,” her sister begged.

      Emily closed her eyes, Becca’s plea was getting to her. She didn’t go home much; it was too stressful. She and her mother couldn’t get through a visit without Rose making some reference to the past. Becca had never been told about any of it, so she didn’t understand. But Emily knew that her mother was making Becca pay for Emily’s mistake. Becca didn’t deserve that.

      “Okay, I will, and we’ll go buy you a dress for the prom.” Emily heard herself giving in.

      “Great, Em! I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”

      “Just let me handle Mom.”

      “Don’t worry.” Becca laughed, then more solemnly she added, “She hasn’t been feeling well lately. Maybe that’s why she’s so grouchy. Dad even leased the cottages to the Hudsons next door for the season because Mom can’t take care of them anymore.”

      Emily straightened. “What’s wrong?” she asked, knowing that if her mother had given up the cottages, it had something to do with her health.

      “She gets out of breath so easily, and last night she had trouble breathing. Dad was up with her most of the night.”

      “Did she have her oxygen?”

      “Of course. She says it was my fault because I upset her so much.”

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