Texas Ransom. Amanda Stevens

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Texas Ransom - Amanda  Stevens

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off, and Graham could hear the tremble in her voice. “I can see why you’re worried about Kendall. I’m still so shaky I don’t want to let Terrence or the girls out of my sight. But you say…she left before the shooting? Why would she leave without telling you?”

      “I don’t know. I was hoping you could tell me. You said she seemed quiet at lunch today. Did she say or do anything that might give me a clue?”

      Ellie sighed. “I’m afraid I can’t help you, Graham. But I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. She’ll turn up. She may even be back at the hotel waiting for you now.”

      “I just tried the suite. She’s not there.”

      “Well, then, she may be on her way. You’ve called her cell?”

      “Of course, I have. It’s turned off.”

      “Do you want one of us to drive over to the Warwick and check the suite?”

      Their house in the Museum District was only a few blocks from the hotel, but Graham was already pulling onto the street. He was waylaid for a moment by a police officer at the garage exit who checked his ID, then waved him on.

      “I appreciate the offer, but I’m on my way over there now. I’ll check it out for myself.”

      “Let me know if you hear anything.”

      “I will. Thanks, Ellie. I’m sure you’re right. It’s probably nothing. We just got our wires crossed.”

      But if it was a misunderstanding, he would have heard from her by now. Besides, a simple mix-up wouldn’t explain her sudden departure from the reception or the phone call a few minutes later. I’ve done things, Graham

      He drew a breath and wondered why he hadn’t told Ellie about that phone call. Maybe because he didn’t want to attach too much importance to it, but how could he not? The ominous conversation had been playing in his head for hours, niggling at his peace of mind.

      Kendall was gone. And for all Graham knew, she might not be coming back.

      He slammed his palm against the steering wheel in frustration. The downtown traffic was still heavy even at that time of night, and he suddenly felt as if every minute that went by put him further away from Kendall. His first impulse was to drive straight home to Austin where she’d promised to meet him, but he wanted to check their room first.

      When he pulled up in front of the Warwick, he didn’t bother parking, but instead jumped out and tossed his keys to the valet, telling the young man that he would only be a minute.

      He called the room again on his cell phone as he hurried toward the elevator. Still no answer.

      As he let himself into their darkened suite, Graham could no longer deny that something was very wrong. He’d been trying for hours to convince himself there had to be a logical explanation for everything that had happened.

      But now, standing in the room with the scent of his wife’s perfume lingering in the air, he finally admitted to himself that she wasn’t just gone. She was very likely in trouble. And he didn’t know what in the hell to do about it.

      Even though he knew she wasn’t there, he went through the suite, calling her name, checking the bedroom, the bathroom and finally the closet. The clothes she’d brought for their overnight trip were still hanging from the rod, her shoes lined up neatly on the floor and her suitcase tucked away in a corner.

      She hadn’t been back to the room. All her things were exactly the way she’d left them, including the silk robe she’d tossed on the bed earlier as she dressed.

      Graham lifted the silk to his face. Her presence in the room was so palpable he expected her to come walking in at any second.

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