The Kristallis Baby. Natalie Rivers

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The Kristallis Baby - Natalie  Rivers

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ridiculously skimpy outfit she was wearing to hide it. She’d made Lulu a promise, but now she wasn’t going to get away with it.

      She looked back at her uninvited companion. Would he give her away? Reveal that he’d caught her red-handed in the act of stealing the mobile phone?

      At that moment he started walking towards her. Her heart lurched and she clutched the phone tightly, staring at him. She was paralysed like a rabbit in the glare of an approaching juggernaut. What was he going to do? Take the phone from her and tell Darren exactly what he’d seen?

      His movements seemed quite unhurried, but there was a purposeful glint in his blue eyes that sent an icy tingle skittering down Carrie’s spine. Then suddenly she realised he was standing right in front of her, effectively shielding her from anyone who came into the room.

      Startled by his sudden proximity, she stared up at him with wide eyes. At five foot eight inches she was tall, but even with the added height of Lulu’s four-inch stiletto-heeled sandals she had to tip her head back to look at him.

      The expression on his face made her heart beat erratically. His glittering blue eyes darkened, and he looked so deeply into her eyes that it felt as if he could see right into her soul. Then he tipped his head slightly to one side, as if he was about to kiss her!

      ‘So lovely,’ he murmured, resting his hands gently on the bare skin of her upper arms.

      Carrie was transfixed. She simply couldn’t tear her gaze away from his face. He was absolutely gorgeous. Everything about his features seemed perfect, from the deep blue eyes fringed with sinfully long lashes to the wide, expressive mouth. And he was looking at her and seeing a desirable woman.

      Suddenly she became aware of the sensuous slide of his hand down her arm, skimming lightly over her skin in a way that made the hairs stand up and goosebumps prickle over her exposed flesh. His hand closed over the phone, taking it from her grasp, then in the next second his other arm moved around her, pulling her hard against his muscular frame.

      She gasped as her body bumped against his, the skimpy dress doing nothing to shield her from the hot-blooded strength of his powerful masculine form. Her heart was beating so loudly it blocked out all other sounds, and her stomach was turning somersaults. What was he going to do now? He couldn’t really mean to kiss her, could he? He didn’t even know her!

      Somewhere deep inside her mind a tiny rational thought told her to push him off, to back away and get out of there while she still could. But her body was ignoring the niggle of common sense, overriding her instinct for self-preservation. She simply didn’t want to do the sensible thing.

      She stared up at him, unable to speak or move. Then the moment of no return passed and his mouth came down on hers.

      The sensual movement of his lips against hers set her body trembling, and she clung to him, utterly lost in the moment.

      Her legs felt weak, and her arms seemed to slide around his broad shoulders of their own volition as she felt her body meld itself to his. He placed one strong hand between her shoulder blades to support her, and by leaning forward pushed her back over the desk. A moment later his other hand found her waist and tugged her tightly to him.

      Her hips were pressed against his, and her spine was arched back, pushing her breasts upwards. It was an undeniably erotic position, and a rush of sexual excitement stormed through her body, starting an insistent throbbing of desire deep within her. Then, with unexpected abruptness, he pulled back from the kiss.

      She stared at him in startled silence. All she could hear was the sound of her own breathing and the rapid beating of her heart. All she could see was his face, his expression intense but unreadable. He still held her close, but not so tightly as before.

      ‘Carrie?’ A man’s voice coming from behind the stranger broke through into her awareness. ‘I didn’t know you were coming this evening.’

      Darren! She’d forgotten all about him. Suddenly she remembered she’d taken his mobile phone—then an instant later realised it was no longer in her hand.

      ‘Lulu…Lulu asked me to stay for the party,’ she stammered distractedly, hardly able to tear her gaze away from the stranger’s face to glance at Darren.

      ‘What are you doing in here?’ There was a hint of suspicion colouring his voice as he looked down at his jacket. It was lying rather haphazardly on the chair where Carrie had dropped it. ‘Well, I can see what you’re doing—but why are you doing it in my study?’ he added.

      ‘I needed a moment alone with Carrie.’ The stranger suddenly spoke, turning his head to look at Darren. From the calm assurance and air of authority he exuded, anyone would think it was his study rather than Darren’s.

      Carrie’s eyes opened wide with shock. How did he know her name—was he simply repeating what he’d just heard Darren call her? And why had he said he wanted to be alone with her? An uncomfortable mixture of emotions rattled through her as she stared at his strong profile. Had he simply followed her into the room with the intention of making a pass at her?

      ‘Nik!’ Darren exclaimed. ‘Long time no see. You didn’t tell me you were coming.’

      Carrie frowned in confusion. For some reason she was surprised that Darren knew the stranger, but after all this was his party, and all the people here were his guests. And he’d called the stranger by name—Nik.

      ‘It was a last-minute decision,’ Nik said. ‘I’ve just come straight from the airport.’

      ‘I can see you didn’t waste any time getting straight down to business, you old dog!’ Darren laughed, slapping him soundly on the back. The action bumped Nik hard into Carrie, sending shockwaves of desire ricocheting through her sensitised body. ‘And, Carrie,’ he added approvingly, ‘you dark horse!’

      With another jolt she realised that she was still almost indecently entwined with the stranger. His muscled leg was pressing intimately between her thighs, pulling the fabric of her dress taut across her hips and causing it to ride up even higher.

      ‘Well, don’t let me interrupt you, mate.’ Darren spoke to Nik as leant past them to pick up his jacket. ‘I can see you’ve got things to do,’ he added with a knowing grin as he pulled the mobile phone out of the pocket. ‘I’ve got a phone call to make, so I’ll leave you to it. Lock the room if you want,’ he finished, closing the door behind him as he left the study.

      Carrie stared after him with her mind spinning, then turned back to look into Nik’s face, which was still only inches from her own. She was confused and embarrassed by her response to his kiss, but she was also angry with him for putting her in that position in the first place.

      ‘What on earth do you think you were doing?’ she demanded, pushing him away from her. She stood up straight, wobbling slightly on her high heels before she found her balance, but then she planted her hands firmly on her hips and stared at him indignantly.

      ‘I would have thought it was obvious,’ he drawled, looking completely unmoved as he straightened his tie and tugged at the cuffs of his shirt so that once again he looked immaculate. ‘I was replacing the stolen phone, of course.’

      ‘Oh!’ Carrie was completely thrown. How could he be so matter-of-fact about what had just happened between them? Had he really only kissed her to provide a distraction while he put the phone back?

      The kiss had lasted only moments, but it had had a profound impact on her both physically and mentally. For half a year her identity as an individual with hopes and desires had been locked away. She hadn’t thought of herself as a woman with natural needs and passions. Now she had suddenly let go, in a way that even shocked herself.

      She’d been so wrapped up in the kiss that she’d been totally oblivious to what was going on around her. Nik, on the other hand, seemed completely unaffected by the experience, and had even been able to concentrate on an entirely different agenda. He’d simply been creating a smokescreen so Darren wouldn’t notice him putting the phone back in his jacket pocket.


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