On The Texas Border. Linda Warren

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On The Texas Border - Linda  Warren

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was wrong with her? She’d wanted to smack Earl earlier and now she wanted to hit Jonas. That wasn’t her. She didn’t like hitting. Even when Kyle had hit her, she hadn’t hit him back. Because she’d never hit anyone in her life. So why the sudden urges? Urges! That’s all they were. Urges brought on by the trauma of her father’s death and her divorce. Did that make sense? No, nothing made sense to her these days—especially her interest in Jonas.

      She favored men in tailored suits with manners and a sense of humor. Jonas was as far removed from that as one could get. He probably didn’t even own a suit, and his sense of humor was nonexistent. He did have good manners, though. Oh hell, she needed to get a grip.

      Without a word, she turned and hurried to the file room. She looked at the key ring. There had to be twenty keys on it. Which one?

      “It’s the third key,” said a familiar voice. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Jonas standing behind her with a chair in his hands. “You have to prop the door open with a chair. The lock is old, and if the door closes, you’ll lock yourself in.”

      “Thank you kindly for the information and the chair,” she quipped sarcastically.

      “No problem,” he snapped, and went into the warehouse.

      For the next three hours she searched cabinet after cabinet, looking for the name Alvarez. She had never realized how many people had worked at Brewster Farms over the years—thousands, all dependent on Mr. Brewster for a living. Some workers were permanent legal workers, some seasonal, some migrant. Most were Mexican, and she suspected a lot were illegals. Every name imaginable was in the files. She found several Alvarezes, but no Delores. She grew tired and hungry and decided to go home for a while.

      Jonas wasn’t in the office, so she locked the door and took the keys with her. She had a sandwich and iced tea, then wrote her mom a note saying not to wait up for her. Her mother was a schoolteacher and wouldn’t be home until later in the day.

      When Abby arrived back at Brewster Farms, she saw Edna’s car at the mansion. That was one woman Abby planned to avoid. When Edna, Jules and Darby found out what she was doing, they were going to be furious. A long-lost daughter could ruin their plans for the future.

      When she entered the office, Jonas wasn’t there. He must be working on the farm somewhere. Avoiding her, she decided, which she didn’t mind. She was sure he didn’t do the actual labor. He was the overseer who made sure all the vegetables and fruits were picked, packed and shipped on time. Again she wondered how he’d come to work for Mr. Brewster. He certainly didn’t want to talk about it. He’d made that painfully clear.

      She unlocked the door, propped it open and went back to her task, quickly losing track of time. Workers in the warehouse were hooting and hollering. They must have finished loading the trucks, she thought idly. Then her eyes were suddenly glued to the name she’d been searching for. She had finally found Delores Alvarez’s file. Thank God. Excitement darted through her as she sat on the concrete floor and read through its contents. Now she had the address. Delores’s parents lived across the border in Nuevo Hope, Mexico. If they still lived there, it should be easy to locate them or someone who knew Delores. She could do this without too much of a problem.

      She glanced at her watch and saw that it was almost seven o’clock. Time to go home. As she rose, she heard a click. She whirled in horror and stared at the closed door. She ran over and tried to open it. It was locked tight. No worry, she told herself, the keys were in her pocket. She withdrew them and noticed there was no keyhole on the inside. Damn! She beat on the door with her fist.

      “Hey, I’m still in here. Hey. Is anybody out there? Help.”

      Only silence met her frantic cry, and she sank to the floor. Don’t panic, she kept repeating to herself silently. Someone must have assumed she’d left. No one could see her sitting behind the cabinets. A simple mistake. That’s all. Someone would find her. She just had to wait. But she was so thirsty. She licked her dry lips as anger built inside her.

      Maybe it hadn’t been a mistake. Had Jonas done this to scare her? No, he wouldn’t use that kind of tactic. He told her to her face how he felt and didn’t mince words. So who had locked her in? Where was everybody? She began to beat on the door again.

      “Help. Help. Let me out of here.”

      JONAS SAT in Mick’s Tavern downing Coke. He’d spent most of the afternoon in the sheriff’s office getting two of his workers out of jail. Lupe and Miguel were two young hotheads after the same girl. They had gotten into a fight and someone had called the sheriff. Jonas would have left their sorry asses in jail, but he had a crop to pick and he needed them. Besides, they were good boys, who’d simply let their raging hormones get the better of them.

      They were eighteen and illegal. That’s why the sheriff had called Jonas instead of having them deported. The sheriff never interfered with anything that went on at Brewster Farms. A person working for Brewster only had to worry about Border Patrol and Immigration. Brewster didn’t have any control over those departments.

      At least the afternoon’s activities had kept Jonas busy and away from Abigail Duncan. That was one obstinate, intuitive woman, and he wasn’t sure how he was going to handle the next couple of days. He’d given Brewster his word, so there was no way out. But Jonas had a bad feeling about the whole thing, and her prying didn’t help. The woman never knew when to stop. And that wasn’t the worst of it. He didn’t like the way she made him feel. She threatened the control he had worked hard to master. As long as he could stay away from her, everything was fine. But now…

      “Drowning your sorrows in Coke, Jonas?” Mick asked as he took a seat.

      “Just drowning my thirst.”

      “You got a different kind of thirst.”

      Jonas stared at him over the rim of his can. “You think you know me?”

      “Sure do, my friend. I’ve known you since you were a kid, and I can tell you exactly what you’re thinking and feeling.”

      Mick was right. He’d been Jonas’s only friend for a long time. “So what am I thinking and feeling?” Jonas asked slowly.

      “Abigail Duncan has you all riled up. Ain’t seen you this troubled since—”

      “Leave it alone, Mick.”

      At the tone in Jonas’s voice, Mick shifted gears. “Brewster has a daughter? Ha.”

      Jonas’s eyes narrowed. “Where did you hear that?” he asked sharply, then answered his own question. “Oh, yeah, you have a daughter and a sister-in-law who work in the hospital. If Brewster finds out they’re spreading rumors, they could lose their jobs.”

      “But he won’t find out, will he, my friend?”

      Jonas leaned across the table. “Tell them to keep their mouths shut.” He settled back in his chair. “Besides, I’m not sure the story is true.”

      “You got doubts about Brewster?”

      “Yep, and there ain’t a thing I can do about it.”

      “What do you want to do?”

      “Nothing” was his quick answer. “I don’t want anything to do with the damn situation, but Brewster is insisting that I go with her.”

      “Ah.” Mick nodded, chewing thoughtfully on his cigar. “If Brewster is sending you, what does he need the Duncan woman for?”

      Jonas twisted the Coke can. “It has to do with the memoirs she’s writing. Finding the long-lost daughter is going to be the big ending, and he wants her there to witness all the little details.”

      “I see.” Mick nodded again. “And you’re going along as a bodyguard.”

      “Something like that, but Ms. Duncan doesn’t want my help.”

      “But you’ll go, anyway.”

      “Yeah.” He swallowed

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