Rags-to-Riches Bride. Mary Nichols

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Rags-to-Riches Bride - Mary  Nichols

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would imply I had accepted you.’

      ‘But you are going to, aren’t you?’

      ‘I do not know. I cannot think of anything but my father at the moment.’

      ‘Of course. I understand. St Thomas’s, isn’t it?’


      ‘Why choose that hospital?’

      ‘It is the nearest to my home and Mr Harecroft said there was not a moment to lose.’

      ‘Good in a crisis, is my brother Richard.’

      She was not sure if it was said with irony or not, but decided to take his words at face value. ‘Yes, he was. I could not have managed without him.’

      ‘I did not know you were still at work when I left last evening or I would have been the one to take you home. In future when you work late, let me know and I will wait for you.’

      ‘Thank you, but I do not want to be treated any differently from the other clerks.’

      ‘They are men. And I am not going to marry them.’ It was meant to raise a laugh and she dutifully obliged.

      He paid the toll and took them over the river and they were soon at St Thomas’s. He helped her down and accompanied her into the hospital, following her as she made her way to her father’s room. He was awake and had a little more colour than when she had last seen him.

      ‘Papa, how are you today?’ She bent over to kiss his cheek, noting with relief that his face had lost some of the contortion that had accompanied the seizure. ‘I am sorry I did not come back sooner, but I overslept.’

      His smile was a little lopsided and he did not speak, but it seemed he had understood her.

      ‘Papa, I have brought Mr Stephen Harecroft to see you.’ She turned and indicated Stephen, who was standing behind her. He came forward and held out his hand but the patient could not take it. Instead of reaching for it, Stephen dropped his own hand back to his side, while Diana sat on a chair by the bed and told him everything that had happened since she left him.

      ‘Everyone has been so kind,’ she said.

      He struggled to speak, but his words seemed to be a muddle of incoherent sounds and his frustration was evident. ‘Hush,’ she said. ‘Do not distress yourself. You are being well looked after here and as soon as you are well enough I shall take you home and look after you myself.’ He tried to speak again and this time she understood the word ‘Toby’. ‘Mr Harecroft took Toby home last night, Papa. Mrs Beales is looking after him.’ This was followed by more mumbling on his part.

      ‘Oh, dear,’ she said, addressing Stephen. ‘He is worried about his dog. Mrs Beales, our housekeeper, is not always kind to him.’ She turned back to her father. ‘I shall go home as soon as I leave here. Do not worry about him.’

      She chatted to him a little longer while Stephen stood at the foot of the bed looking uncomfortable, when the nurse came to tell her that it was time to go, he seemed relieved.

      ‘What a dreadful place!’ he said as they made their way back to the gig. ‘The smell!’

      ‘I do not suppose they can help that and they are doing their best for my father.’

      ‘Could your papa not be nursed at home?’

      ‘He will be as soon as he is well enough to be moved.’ They had reached the gig. ‘Thank you for bringing me, I am most grateful.’

      ‘I am glad I did. I had no idea your father was in such straits. We must have him moved to a private hospital and employ some decent nurses. I am appalled that Richard took him there.’

      ‘Your brother did what was best at the time and I cannot afford private nursing, Mr Harecroft.’

      ‘Stephen,’ he corrected her. ‘I thought we agreed on that. And your father’s well-being is my concern. I told you that before.’

      ‘I have not yet agreed to marry you and until I do—’

      ‘Oh, Diana, do not be so stubborn. You know it will be best for everyone concerned.’

      ‘You mean my job at Harecroft’s is dependent on my saying yes?’

      ‘I did not say that, did I?’ He stood by the trap and held out his hand. ‘Now, you go and direct me to your house.’

      He might not have said so, but the implication was there. She gave a huge sigh. He was like his brother in one thing: he would not take no for an answer. What did it matter anyway? It was too late for secrets; if he wanted to marry her, he ought to know the background from which she came. If it was going to put him off, the sooner the better. She took his hand and allowed him to help her up.

      He did not trouble to hide his distaste when they drew up on the corner of her street and she suggested walking the rest of the way, and he frowned in annoyance when the two urchins appeared as if from nowhere and grinned at Stephen with hands outstretched.

      ‘Your brother gave them money to buy a dinner,’ she said. ‘No doubt they think you will do the same.’

      ‘Giving to beggars only encourages them and the fact that they are here again proves it.’

      ‘They are half-starved and it is not their fault.’

      ‘People should not have children if they cannot feed and clothe them adequately.’

      ‘That is a rather harsh judgement, sir.’

      He did not comment, but looked about him at the row of dingy tenements, the soot-begrimed walls, the dusty windows, some of which were broken, the filthy steps. ‘I had no idea you lived like this. I am surprised at your father. You told me he was a sea captain…’

      ‘So he was, but he has been unable to work for some time. As soon as I have saved a little more, we shall move to somewhere better.’

      ‘Whatever my father will say about it, I cannot imagine.’

      She did not reply but entered her house, where she was greeted by Toby rushing forward and jumping up at her, barking in delight. ‘Hello, old fellow. Pleased to see me, are you? Well I am home now.’

      The door to the back regions opened and Mrs Beales came out. ‘There you are. That dog was whining all night, no one got a wink of sleep.’ She looked Stephen up and down. ‘Another man, miss? How many more? You ain’t no better than you should be for all your haughty ways.’

      ‘Mrs Beales, that is unfair. This is my employer and the brother of the man who helped my father when he had his seizure.’

      ‘For goodness’ sake, Diana, do not try to justify yourself to her. She is disgusting.’ Stephen’s lip curled.

      ‘I’ll have you know I keep a respectable house,’ the woman told him angrily. ‘And I do not allow gentleman callers for my single ladies. I only let the other one in when he said he had come to see the captain.’

      ‘Mrs Beales, please. Mr Harecroft is leaving. He has only escorted me from the hospital.’

      ‘Fine story!’

      ‘I have heard enough,’ Stephen said. ‘Diana, collect your belongings. You are leaving here now. At once.’

      ‘Don’t be silly. I have nowhere to go and I cannot pack everything up just like that.’

      ‘Yes, you can!’ This from Mrs Beales. ‘I’ve had enough of your coming in at all hours. Working late, my eye!’

      ‘Mrs Beales!’ she cried in dismay, expecting Stephen to turn on his heel and leave her to her fate. She turned on him angrily. ‘Now, see what you have done. You have made me homeless. And where am I going to find somewhere else at this time of night? Mrs Beales, you will allow me to stay tonight, won’t you?’

      ‘No,’ Stephen said. ‘You are coming home with me.’

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