The Sheik's Arranged Marriage. Susan Mallery

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The Sheik's Arranged Marriage - Susan  Mallery

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out if that mouth of yours is good for anything but tossing around insults.”

      Her hazel eyes flashed with fire. He was afraid the heat just might melt the frames of her glasses.

      “Don’t even think about it,” she told him. “I’m not interested in you in that way. I don’t enjoy physical contact. I will only ask this once, sir. Unhand me.”

      “If you’re only going to ask once, then I’ll only have to answer once. No.”

      Chapter Three

      T his was not happening , Heidi thought in amazement. She and Jamal were in the middle of a serious conversation about why they could not possibly marry. He wasn’t actually going to stop talking to kiss her, was he?

      She swallowed as she realized he very well was. The man was looming again. Apparently he lived to loom. Then there was the matter of her being in his arms. No mistaking that one. She was pressed right up against his rather impressive body.

      She wanted to complain. She wanted to say that it was unpleasant or icky or that she really wanted him to stop. The problem was, it wasn’t unpleasant. For one thing, heat seemed to flow from him to her, settling in rather unusual places. Her stomach was not as calm as it could be, and where her breasts accidentally brushed against his chest…well, they were extremely hot and sensitive in the most peculiar way. She wasn’t even going to think about how her legs suddenly felt weak.

      She stood with her hands at her sides, but she had the strongest urge to raise her arms until she could touch his shoulders or maybe even his hair. But she didn’t. For one thing, she wasn’t interested in kissing or anything remotely physical. For another, she didn’t know what to do. Kissing had not been a big part of her life.

      “Relax,” Jamal told her, his voice filled with laughter. “I’m not going to eat you.”

      “I’m relaxed.”

      “Heidi, if you were any stiffer, we could iron clothes on your back.” He shook her gently. “Deep breaths.”

      “I do not need instructions from you, thank you very much. I know exactly what I’m doing.”

      “Liar. You need instructions from someone, and I’m the only one here.”

      Was her inexperience that obvious? More heat flared on her cheeks. Fine, so maybe she was blushing. But it wasn’t her fault. The situation was entirely intolerable. “If you would just release me, we could continue our conversation.”

      “I don’t want to talk. I want to kiss you. Now say my name.”

      She blinked. He’d said it. He’d actually said the “K” word. Kiss! She hadn’t misread the situation. And just a minute before, Jamal had said he found her attractive. No man ever had before. She knew she wasn’t really the attractive type. She didn’t know how to be. It was her clothes, her hair, or maybe her glasses. She looked at the magazines and wanted to make a change, but she didn’t know how to translate what they were doing on the page to something she would be comfortable in. It had always been easier not to try.

      The same with men. She’d held herself back because she’d felt so awkward. Now she was sorry she didn’t have more experience.

      “What are you thinking?” Jamal asked.

      Heidi looked at him. “Nothing.”

      “You’re lying again. I wonder if the king knows about this character flaw.”

      “Jamal! You’re not helping the situation.”

      “Actually, I am.” He drew her even closer, which she hadn’t thought possible. “Now say my name again.”


      “Because I like how it sounds.”

      She glared at him, trying to ignore the way his dark eyes seemed to reflect lights of the stars overhead. Or maybe it was the lamps lining the path.

      “Why does everything have to be about you?”

      He grinned, his white teeth flashing in contrast to the shadows on his face. “Because it’s more fun that way.”

      “I don’t want to do this with you.”

      “How do you know until you’ve tried it? I happen to be a spectacular kisser.”

      “I wouldn’t know about that, but I do know you’re a legend in your own mind.”

      “Don’t be critical until you’ve sampled my charms.”

      Her heart seemed to be tap dancing inside her chest. She was having trouble breathing. “I’m not interested in your charms.”

      Instead of responding, he touched her mouth with his thumb and forefinger. “Relax,” he told her. “Let these muscles go. Now say my name.”

      “Jamal.” She clipped the word at the end, making a tight, very unrelaxed sort of sound.

      “No. Slowly. Draw it out.”

      The man was insane. She was insane. She was also starting to enjoy being this close to him. He was strong and broad, and oddly enough, he actually made her feel safe.

      “Jamal,” she repeated, closing her eyes and speaking as he’d requested.

      She waited. But instead of hearing how she’d done, there was the lightest, sweetest pressure against her mouth.

      He was kissing her. Kissing her!

      Heidi’s eyes popped open. She couldn’t believe it. She’d never really had a kiss before. Not from an eligible man. Certainly never by someone with Jamal’s reputation. If the tabloids could be believed, he’d made love to more women than James Bond, and then some.

      But there he was, holding her close. She couldn’t see much of his face, but his right eye appeared to be closed. She closed hers again and concentrated on the feel of his lips against hers.

      He was warm and soft in a kind of firm way. It wasn’t unpleasant. In fact she felt a distinct increase in the heat between them.

      He cupped the back of her head. His fingers were strong, yet gentle. The arm around her waist held her firmly, but she didn’t feel trapped. Mostly, the kiss was very nice. She liked how he moved back and forth, as if he had to learn all about her mouth. Maybe she should put her hands on his shoulders or something.

      “Relax,” he murmured.

      “I am relaxed.”

      “No. Your mouth is puckered.”

      She concentrated and realized her lips were pursed together, like a child waiting for a kiss from a parent. This time the heat didn’t just flare on her face. It raced through her body and made her want to bolt for safety.

      “Don’t even think about it,” he told her, tightening his grip on her waist. “Just think about saying my name.”

      She was about to protest that this couldn’t all be about him, when his lips returned to hers. This time she tried to focus on relaxing. Mentally, she said his name over and over until her mouth formed the word. As she did so, something warm and damp and very exciting brushed across her lower lip.

      A shiver rippled through her. It started at the top of her head and worked its way down to her toes. In its wake, it left a very distinct kind of trembly weakness. Her breasts felt funny and there was heat between her thighs. Was this passion? Was this—

      He swept her lower lip again, then moved his tongue into her mouth. The combination of heat, pleasure and excitement caught her completely off guard. She didn’t remember raising her hands, but suddenly her fingers were pressing against his shoulders. She wanted to be closer to him. She wanted the hot jolts of fire to never stop zinging through her. She surged forward, circling her tongue around his, all the while wondering why no one had ever told her kissing was like this.


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