The Super Mum. Karen Smith Rose

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The Super Mum - Karen Smith Rose

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find you another mentor for Anthony, but I want you to remember something. Hard experiences can lead to change, and I’ve changed my life into something I like now. Give me a call if you want me to take Anthony to the movies on Friday.” Taking a business card from his pocket, he laid it on the table next to her coffee. “My cell phone number is on there if you need it.”

      Then he left the restaurant, leaving Angela feeling…empty.

      On Wednesday afternoon, David was explaining the benefits of the Alpina cross-country skis to a customer when the phone on the cashier’s desk rang and his manager picked it up.

      “It’s for you,” Edgar Pawalski said. “An emergency.”

      After excusing himself from the customer, letting Edgar take over, David picked up the receiver, trying not to panic. His dad lived alone at the farm and anything could happen.

      Instead, he heard a high-pitched woman’s voice. “Coach Moore? I understand you’re a Big Brother to Anthony Buffington?”

      Immediately David was taken back to his conversation with Angela the day before yesterday. He’d been unsettled by the fact that she couldn’t seem to put her faith in him, and he hadn’t completely analyzed why. He’d hoped he’d hear from Angela, but he hadn’t, though he hadn’t heard from the community center, either. He was sure he would have if Angela had told them she wanted another mentor.

      “Yes, I’m Anthony’s Big Brother.”

      “This is the principal of Rosewood Elementary School. I’m in a bit of a pickle. Anthony was playing basketball after school. He fell and injured his arm, but I can’t get hold of his mother or his father. He says he has an aunt, but she’s away on a business trip. He’s in a lot of pain. When I asked him who else he might want me to call, he mentioned you.”

      That surprised David. “You can’t reach Ms. Schumacher?” That seemed unbelievable to him because Angela would always be available for her kids. “Have you tried Felice’s Nieces?”

      “Anthony told us she works part-time there, and we’re wondering if her cell phone isn’t charged or if she might have turned it off in transit. He’s pretty miserable and upset. Maybe you could come talk to him until we can reach her? Nothing we say seems to help.”

      “How badly is he hurt?”

      “I’m no doctor, Coach, but I’ve seen lots of accidents with kids and I think his arm is broken.”

      “I’ll be right there.”

      “Come to the nurse’s office at the elementary school. You’ll have to stop in at the main office first to get clearance.”

      “Will do.”

      Ten minutes later David had stopped in the elementary school office, spoken to the secretary, and was walking down the corridor to the nurse’s office. He was familiar with the ins and outs of the high school since he coached there. He’d been to the elementary school gym on a few occasions, but had never entered the recesses of the school itself. Normally, the pictures hanging on the cork strips outside the classrooms would make him smile. With Christmas coming, craft projects seemed to abound—from Christmas trees decorated with popcorn balls to reindeer fashioned from paper plates. But he was too worried about Anthony to appreciate the whimsy of the art projects.

      When he entered the nurse’s office, he saw Anthony hunched up in a corner of the cot against the wall. The nurse was sitting at her desk at a computer.

      He rapped on the door. “I’m David Moore,” he told the nurse before she could get up.

      “Oh, Coach Moore. I just reached Ms. Schumacher. She’s on her way.”

      “Mom’s gonna be so mad,” Anthony mumbled, his eyes filling with tears. He was cradling his arm and David went over to sit beside him.

      “Why would she be mad? It’s not your fault you fell.”

      “She didn’t want me to stay tonight because she was working. She said it would be easier for Zooey if I just came home with Olivia and Michael. But I wanted to stay, and she let me, and now she can’t even work ’cause she has to come get me. She’s going to be mad.”

      Not knowing how much comfort Anthony would want, yet following his instincts, he capped the boy’s shoulder. “She’s not going to be mad. She’s going to be worried. All she’s going to care about is that you’re okay.”

      “But I’m not. I have to go to the hospital.”

      At that moment, Angela rushed into the nurse’s office and came up short when she saw David.

      “Anthony asked them to call me when they couldn’t get hold of you,” he said in quiet explanation.

      “I forgot to charge my phone last night. When I got to Felice’s Nieces, there was a message to call the school.”

      David moved away as she rushed over to Anthony and put her arm around him. “Oh, honey. How are you doing?”

      “It hurts, Mom.”

      David could see the boy was trying to keep a stiff upper lip for his mother, but it wasn’t working too well. He went on, “I’m sorry I fell. I shouldn’t have stayed. If I had listened to you—”

      “It’s okay,” she said soothingly. “The important thing now is to get you taken care of.”

      It was easy to see how upset Angela was, even though she was trying to hide it. Her hand was shaking a bit, and David didn’t think she should drive Anthony herself. “Would you like me to drive you to the emergency room?”

      Angela’s gaze met his and they both remembered the last conversation they had. “I can’t ask you to do that.”

      “You don’t have to ask. I’m offering. I think it would be safer for everyone if I drove.”

      She took a deep, calming breath. “I hate to admit it, but I think you’re right. The problem is, I won’t have my van when we’re all finished.”

      “I can drive your van and then get a ride back here.”

      Her blue eyes asked the question if he was trying to prove she was wrong about him…wrong to doubt him. But that wasn’t why he was doing this. Something about Angela more than interested him. She was trying to take on the world, all by herself, and take care of her kids at the same time. She deserved a little help.

      The nurse got up from her chair then. “We keep a wheelchair here just for these kinds of situations. I can wheel Anthony outside.”

      “If you give me your keys I’ll bring your van to the front door,” David said to Angela.

      After only a moment’s hesitation, she reached into her purse and took out her key ring. About ten keys were on a ring attached to a large rhinestone star. He had to smile.

      Fifteen minutes later they were at the hospital. Angela had called the pediatrician, and he’d advised her to take Anthony to the emergency room. An hour had passed until Angela filled out the paperwork and an orthopedic doctor had checked out Anthony, who had insisted David come to the examining room with them.

      The doctor told Angela, “I need X-rays. I’ll send someone for your son. Do you want to come along?”

      “Can Coach Moore come instead?” Anthony asked the doctor.

      Angela’s hurt was evident in the quick sheen that coated her eyes. “You don’t want me to come with you?”

      “Oh, Mom, you’ll just cry or somethin’. Coach Moore is probably used to this kind of thing, playing sports and all.” He looked up at David. “Did you have X-rays after your accident?”

      “I had all kinds of tests.”

      “See? I told you, Mom.”

      Her attention went from her son to David. “Do you mind?”


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