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N. Chaudhuri, “The Organisation and Structure of Textile Production in India,” in Roy, Cloth and Commerce, 59.


      Commercial Board Minute laid before the Board, Surat, 12 September 1795, in Surat Factory Diary No. 53, part 1, 1795–1796, Maharashtra State Archive, Mumbai.


      Копия письма Gamut Farmer, President, Surat, to Mr. John Griffith, Esq., Governor in Council Bombay, 12 December 1795, in Surat Factory Diary No. 53, part 1, 1795–1796, Maharashtra State Archive, Mumbai; Arasaratnam, “Weavers, Merchants and Company,” 86; Board of Trade, Report of Commercial Occurrences, 12 September 1787, in Reports to the Governor General from the Board of Trade, RG 172, Box 393, Home Miscellaneous, India Office Records, British Library, London; Letter from John Griffith, Bombay Castle to William [illegible], Esq., Chief President, 27 October 1795, in Surat Factory Diary No. 53, part 1, 1795–1796, Maharashtra State Archive; Hossain, “The Alienation of Weavers,” 121, 125; Mitra, The Cotton Weavers of Bengal, 9; Dispatch, London, 29 May 1799, in Bombay Dispatches, E/4, 1014, Oriental and India Office Collections, British Library, London.


      Parthasarathi, “Merchants and the Rise of Colonialism,” 99–100; Arasaratnam, “Weavers, Merchants and Company,” 107, 109; Chaudhuri, “The Organisation and Structure of Textile Production in India,” 58–59; Chaudhuri, The Trading World ofAsia and the English East India Company, 261.


      Arasaratnam, “Weavers, Merchants and Company,” 102, 107; Mitra, The Cotton Weavers of Bengal, 48; Hossain, “The Alienation of Weavers,” 124–25.


      Bowanny Sankar Mukherjee цит. по: Hossain, “The Alienation of Weavers,” 129; по этому пункту см.: Om Prakah, “Textile Manufacturing and Trade Without and with Coercion: The Indian Experience in the Eighteenth Century” (unpublished paper, Global Economic History Network Conference Osaka, December 2004), 26, http://www.lse.ac.uk/economicHistory/Rese-arch/GEHN/GEHNPDF/PrakashGEHN5.pdf; Hossain, The Company Weavers of Bengal, 52; Vijaya Ramaswamy, Textiles and Weavers in South India (New York: Oxford University Press, 2006), xiii, 170; Copy of Letter from Board of Directors, London, 20 April, 1795, to our President in Council at Bombay, in Surat Factory Diary No. 53, part 1, 1795–1796, in Maharashtra State Archive, Mumbai.


      Важность сопротивления также подчеркивал Mitra, The Cotton Weavers ofBengal, 7; важность мобильности подчеркивал Chaudhuri, The Trading World ofAsia and the English East India Company, 252; Arasaratnam, “Weavers, Merchants and Company,” 103; см.: Details Regarding Weaving in Bengal, Home Miscellaneous Series, 795, pp. 18–22, India Office Library, British Library, London.


      Commercial Board Minute laid before the Board, Surat, 12 September 1795, in Surat Factory Diary No. 53, part 1, 1795–1796, Maharashtra State Archive, Mumbai; Homes Miscellaneous Series, 795, pp. 18–22, Oriental and India Office Collections, British Library, London. См. также: Parthasarathi, “Merchants and the Rise of Colonialism,” 94.


      Amalendu Guha, “The Decline of India’s Cotton Handicrafts, 1800–1905: A Quantitative Macro-study,” Calcutta Historical Journal 17 (1989): 41–42; Chaudhuri, “The Organisation and Structure of Textile Production in India,” 60; Количество работающих ткачей в 1786–87 годах в Дакке и вокруг нее оценивалось в 16 403 человек. Homes Miscellaneous Series, 795, pp. 18–22, Oriental and India Office Collections, British Library, London; Diary, Consultation, 18 January 1796, in Surat Factory Diary No. 53, part 1, 1795–1796, Maharashtra State Archive, Mumbai.


      Dispatch from East India Company, London to Bombay, 22 March 1765, in Dispatches to Bombay, E/4, 997, Oriental and India Office Collections, British Library, London, p. 611.


      Report of the Select Committee of the Court of Directors of the East India Company, Upon the Subject of the Cotton Manufacture of this Country, 1793, Home Miscellaneous Series, 401, p. 1, Oriental and India Office Collections, British Library, London.


      Inikori, Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England, 430; Inalcik, “The Ottoman State,” 355.


      M. D. C. Crawford, The Heritage of Cotton: The Fibre of Two Worlds and Many Ages (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1924), xvii; парламентские дебаты цит. по: Cassels, Cotton, 1; памфлет процитирован в Baines, History of the Cotton Manufacture, 75; Defoe and McVeagh, A Review of the State of the British Nation, vol. 4, 605–6; Copy of Memorial of the Callicoe Printers to the Lords of the Treasury, Received, May 4, 1779, Treasury Department, T 1, 552, National Archives of the UK, Kew. См.: на ту же тему “The Memorial of the Several Persons whose Names are herunto subscribed on behalf of themselves and other Callico Printers of Great Britain,” received July 1, 1780, at the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty’s Treasury, Treasury Department, T1, 563/72–78, National Archives of the UK, Kew.


      Цит. по: S. V. Puntambekar and N. S. Varadachari, Hand-Spinning and Hand-Weaving: An Essay (Ahmedabad: All India Spinners’ Association, 1926), 49, 51ff., 58; Inikori, Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England, 431–32; Crawford, The Heritage of Cotton, xvii; Baines, History of the Cotton Manufacture, 79; Wadsworth and Mann, The Cotton Trade, 132; Crawford, The Heritage of Cotton, xvii; Lemire, Fashion’s Favourite, 42; Petition to the Treasury by Robert Gardiner, in Treasury Department, T1, 517/ 100–101, Public Records Office, London; Wadsworth and Mann, The Cotton Trade, 128; Letter of Vincent Mathias to the Treasury, 24 July 1767, Treasury Department, T 1, 457, National Archives of the UK, London.


      Cousquer, Nantes, 12, 23, 43; Arret du conseil d’etat du roi, 10 Juillet 1785 (Paris: L’Im-primerie Royale, 1785), Andre Zysberg, Les Galeriens: Vies et destiny de 60,000 porcats sur les galeres de France, 1680–1748 (Paris: Sevid, 1987); Marc Vigie, Les Galeriens du Roi, 1661–1715 (Paris: Fayard, 1985).


      Wadsworth and Mann, The Cotton Trade, 118–19; Examen des effets que doivent produire dans le commerce de France, l’usage et lafabrication des toiles peintes (Paris: Chez la Veuve Delaguette, 1759); Friedrich Wilhelm, King of Prussia, Edict dass von Dato an zu rechnen nach Ablaufacht Monathen in der Chur-Marck Magdeburgischen, Halberstadtschem und Pommern niemand einigen gedruckten oder gemahlten Zitz oder Cattun weiter tragen soll (Berlin: G. Schlechtiger, 1721); Yuksel Duman, Notables, Textiles and Copper in Ottoman Tokat, 1750–1840 (PhD dissertation, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1998), 144–45.


      Legoux de Flaix, Essai historique, geographique et politique sur l’Indoustan, avec le tableau de son commerce, vol. 2 (Paris: Pougin, 1807), 326; Lemire, Fashion’s Favourite, 3–42.

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